
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, July 9, 2017

07-09-2017 Who else has a screwed-up mind? (还有谁脑子坏掉了?)

07-09-2017 Who else has a screwed-up mind? (还有谁脑子坏掉了?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about a 45 years old deserve to be provided and an British in her mid 30's have the same deservness.(中文附后)
Mt response: Now I got those screams from NYC were the same like I made.

I probably never even met this 45 years old, but he is so privileged to demand providing ( rumored $40,000/month) because some China big person assume he is so privileged only because he is an old, unwanted and soured leftover bachelor in China. I totally disagree with this big Chinese who assume so, so I say "Let this old unwanted soured leftover fxxx your own wife and fxxx your own birth mother to express Chinese citizens' true love to you following People's Republic China's tradition of  " Chinese Communism sharing wives" and as "Mother Fxxx-er Nations announced" as (both) announced on the radio by Chinese producing team. " I also add with a loud steady voice: "WHO THE FXXX DO YOU THINK YOU ARE".
----July 9th, 2017

Now I would express my understanding of what I heard about this morning's theme broadcasting.
The theme of this morning's broadcasting is : Since I have my own inherited wealth and I have my own handsome making, so I do not deserve to have a marriage as I wish but should pimped with a leftover disgusting who what money. Even if I stay with the person who father my children, I only eligible to be understood as a whore hooker because there is a female soured leftover deserved to be provided by his wealth as a wife. This is British Royal's Value deserve to be understood worldwide publicly.

So I ask my question: If this is to say that "British Royals are a group who only have sexual-function-values but demanding too much providing" is the common understanding why British Royals are advocates of this whole radio program broadcasting since 2015?

This is precisely the reason I no longer fancy British young and handsome Prince romantically. The British Prince is the one who has title, inheritable and everything, but by the rumor I hear his marriage partner is the one himself acknowledged deserve to have a open marriage, he is only a son-equivalent public image as a adult male in his marriage, he only deserve a little money called allowance but it is his responsibility to ensure his marriage partner to have all his making plus his providing from his wealth, also it his own effort to ensure everybody understand he himself can be shitted allover and belittled publicly by his marriage partner as her love expression.

I was shocked this British Prince was called a screwed-up when I first heard rumors that some engineers are so agitated. Later I figured out it was referring to "Why would he do this to himself" and I said same thing to explain why I no longer fancy him romantically -- I am an engineer myself and I would be the similar none-stop-agitated if I am privileged to know a lot more about what he is(will be) doing --purely for the logically complete ridiculousness.

----July 9th, 2017


我可能从来就没见过或听说过这么一个45岁左右的人物,他却是已经够资格要钱要东西(听说价格是4万美金/每月)。某些中国的大人物认为就凭他是个老的没人要的变馊了的中国光棍他就够资格。我坚决不同意这些“如此认为”的中国人,所以我说:“按照广播剧中国制作团队向全世界所宣布的中华人民共和国的传统,‘中华人民共和国是共妻共产主义的中国’, ‘是操自己亲妈学做男人的人民’,应该是让这个没人要的馊剩货‘很操你们自己的老婆, 很操你们自己亲妈’来表达中国公民们对你们这些中国重要人物的热爱”。我会用很平缓的口气加上一句:“你他妈的你以为你自己是谁啊?”




我第一次听说有些工程师一类的又急又气痛斥英国王子是个“已经坏掉了的”的时候很吃惊。后来我意识到那是说“他只有脑子坏掉了才会这么对待他自己”, 我自己也是这么解释我对他不再有浪漫想法的--我自己也是工程师啊,我要是有优越条件知道多点他在做什么或他会做什么,我恐怕是不停的又急又气“真是脑子坏掉了”--就为逻辑上的岂有此理。
