
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, July 15, 2017

07-15-217 It‘s my money; it’s not my penis (那基金是我的钱。我没有男性性具))

07-15-217 It‘s my money; it’s not my penis (那基金是我的钱。我没有男性性具))

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the saying of the "private lawsuit winning".(中文附后)
My response: I am the party that no private lawsuit can exclude on the matter if that fund is my money or not. Please check this following link for reference of that fund's ownership: 

That fund is seriously my money, never a joke

No money from this fund or any fund I own can be put on any table in format for any show performance excuses, or giving out as any per demand purposes, or "telling you not a joke but will take to spend" but understood as jokes in name for reasons. I call these effort public racketeering crimes. I did call law enforcement's help regarding organizing or arranging this giving out my entrusted money or my making against my own wish activities that I call insiders participated stealing or robbery crimes. I am not willing to pay to let my own money to be given out to prove "not my money at all". I did keep calling law enforcement's help to fight against this abusive entrusting attorneys' power. I have been constantly expressing my wish to finish entrusting of my inherited wealth since January of 2015 when I sent out my first letter asking verification of my inheritances.
----July 15th, 2017

My reasoning: "No Judge practicing US laws can rule this fund not my money. No private letter can rule over US Laws. "
My explanation: The letter first Senate O'Connor wrote was before he was elected lawmakers. The letter was written to eligible him, as asked, to serve United States. This letter has no legal validation power of taking over client's wealth. This letter was signed as mentioned Fund's representing attorney O'Connor almost two hundred years ago. (Signature used in singing letter was: "Representing Attorney his-first-name O'Connor ").

If there were similar letters written after this first letter,  all will be understood as criminal evidences of representing entrusting attorney's effort of taking over client's wealth.
----July 15th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying about small child fund's ownership.
My response: Using fund's money to setup child fund won't change the ownership of the money. Child fund owned by legally owned by the parent fund.

It is the same like a bank employee using banker customer's saving to buy a house won't make that bank employee the owner of that house.

Representing entrusting attorney using entrusted fund to setup child fund won't make that attorney's family to own this child fund.
----July 15th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying of a born in 1971 uncle of Tina O'Connor's.
My response: I had some near death experience in 1997 when I was a cashier in "China Fun" Chinese restaurant located at corner of 65th street and 2nd Ave in Manhattan, NYC. It was in a afternoon easy hour between 1 PM to 3 PM or so when I dozed off in China Fun's downstairs' nobody-could-hear-me bathroom. This incident was reported on the radio program, as my story version then, that I thought I was too tired. It broadcast-ed what I recalled that how I had all my joints went so loose that unable hold my body and how I had to lie on the ground before I could move. I tipped law enforcement's about this incident after I heard about glass house cancer a couple of years ago. Heard the rumor that that sayings about an uncle of Tina O'Connor's who was born in 1971 was related to this, and if so I won't appreciate for the reason this near death experience.
----July 15th, 2017

Please refer following related articles regarding who owns that fund:

The fund is seriously my money, never a joke

Heard this morning's broadcasting about hookers' children ("brothel tribe") radio program producing team.
My response: This "(Brothel Tribe) producing team" is the saying about Chinese producing team, The sayings of British and US producing team, since Nov. 2015 to present, have been "everybody's time sensitive matters ex-girlfriends assembly team" or mostly so team.

It is imaginable that around 1949, 1950 time there were special permitted hookers to serve those Chinese Liberation Army officers when China was in transition to peace time. Heard the speculation that those locked up hookers or labor camped hookers during that time were those who failed to fight for this special permissions. Those factories' cleaning personnel hookers were unpopular ones.

My complain: why I am demanded to pay breast & butts fee knowing I do not have a penis?
Why Chinese government officials have been supporting their male friends or male colleagues to demand me paying for their male friends' (colleagues') own women's breasts & butts fee knowing I have nothing to do with their male friends or colleagues. I have no such willingness to pay such breasts & butts fee or to have anything to do with these males at all.

My shock: how this can be such a phenomena in China if you heard how I was shitted in China?
How this can be such Chinese nationwide effort to demand me to pay breasts & butts fee?

----July 15th, 2017




我的解释:第一位O'Connor参议员写的那封信是在他当选为立法参议员之前所写。那信是O'Connor先生当时作为应邀参选参议员服务美国时,所自己书写来作为参选资格证明的。这封信没有对客户任何财产拥有权的法律效应。大约两百年前的O'Connor先生当时是用基金代表律师身份签署的这封信。(签名栏所使用签名为:"代表律师 他的名 O'Connor")





听说了今天早上也提到Tina O'Connor 有一个1971年出生的叔叔的事情。
我的回应:我在1997年在纽约曼哈屯65街及2大道街口的中餐馆“China Fun"打工做收银员时有过一次差点死掉的经历。那时是下午1-3点餐厅不忙的时间,我是在楼下厕所里打盹后发现全身松软无法站立。广播剧对此有过报道谈的是我当时对此的理解:就是打餐馆实在太累了整个人的瘫掉了一样关节松软根本没法动,我得在地上躺一会才行。前一两年我听说了脑控癌生物技术后就写信报警。听说今天早上提到的Tina O'Connor 叔叔的事情(1997)就和我当年(1997)这经历有关,如果真是如此,我绝不会对造成让我差点死掉的经历表达感激。





