
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, July 1, 2017

07-01-2017 What this morning's announcements impress you? 今天早上的宣布你听着是些什么?

Heard this morning's featured announcement " There is no private number I can call."(中文附后)
My response: Not sure who this is address to, heard this was announced by Nanjing government officials.  Heard this past Wednesday there was a similar announcement was made on the radio by Shanghai government officials. Did alert FBI about "Next Kin" rumor I heard a couple of months ago. Do not know who this next kin might be this time. Last time this was how I lost contact with my father. I was not informed about anything. I just called Nanjing and it was picked up by my younger brother. Sounds like he can't hear me is the reason he hung up the phone.
----July 1st of 2017

Background of Nanjing and Shanghai.
Shanghai, China
My great grandfather died of unexpected death in Shanghai in 1930.
My grandfather and his siblings were all born in Shanghai, also my father and all my father's siblings.
My grandmother's side families are also in Shanghai.
My grandfather past away in Shanghai in 1965.
My father left Shanghai to join Chinese military in 1949 when he was 18 and assigned a job in Nanjing after graduated from Nanjing University.
I attained Shanghai First Medical College (1985-1990).
I met a guy (Mr. He) once in College in 1988.

Nanjing, China
My mother moved to Nanjing from her Shandong province hometown in 1950 or so.
My parents got married in Nanjing in 1965 or 1966.
My mother's eldest sister's family are in Nanjing. She and her husband both past away. A grandchild (mothered by adopted from her youngest brother) is in Nanjing.

I attained Nanjing Fourth Middle School for Junior High (1979-1982) and Nanjing Teachers' College Affiliated Middle School for high school education(1982-1985.
I had a job in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control (1990-1996) and left China in 1996.
I met a guy (Chinese Premiere Li) only once at a dinner in Nanjing in 1991.
Heard this guy's ex is in Nanjing. Heard she works for a military singing & dancing group in Nanjing.
Heard several alumni from Nanjing Fourth Middle School also work or had worked for the same singing & dancing group.
----July 1st, 2017

我的回应:不确定这个“你”是指谁。听说这是由南京市政府官员宣布的。听说这个星期三上海市政府官员也在广播上做了类似宣布。我是赶紧通知警方一两个月前我所听说的“(不给钱就)至亲继承”传言。不知道这次的“至亲”是谁。上次我就是这样和我父亲失去联系的, 我从未没有收到过任何信息。我刚打了电话给南京,我弟弟接的。他好像听不到“喂喂”两声就收线了。


