
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, July 28, 2017

07-28-2017 All these "sexual harassment" is for my money?

07-28-2017 All these "sexual harassment" is for my money?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the fund I call Lion King Fund that which is the same fund that has "so confusing O'Connors letter".
My response: That fund is setup by the money entrusted by one of my own birth grandfathers. The money(or valuables like gold, etc) carried out from China was entrusted 600-800 years ago. This fund was set up in Britain for investing America (Colony time) purpose about 400 years ago. The first Mr. O'Connor from O'Connors family who was also the first Attorney O'Connor from O'Connors family started to represent this fund about 200 years ago.

I inherited it in 2004 according to this grandfather's written will. I was referred in this written will as "female palms". I am the only girl has family birthmark palms in my family's known recorded history of "birthmark palms" for almost 2500 years. This family birthmark became heir birthmark for about 2000 years now. I am the only female heir in this 2000 years long birthmark heir line.

----July 28th, 2017

Please refer related articles and links:

O'Connors Rail Road Confusion

O'Connors Confusion and My Headach

Not a Joke but a Reason

To O'Connors

"Write Off" and "OK Spending"

Ownership of this Fund and Others

Origin of my Family Wealth:
My family wealth originated from Emperors' Private Wealth which was generated by a 1% Imperial tax or 3% Imperial tax collecting. A 1% Imperial rate was recorded in history for my ancient grandfathers, but the rate can be vary depends on dynasty and Emperor. The tax collecting is similar to modern tax laws 1% tax incentive to reward patron's great contribution to regional economic growth. There is no special collecting for this modern 1% incentive tax but reward by government from already collected tax, the same no special collecting for Emperors' 3% tax but 3% of all collected tax transferred into Emperors' private wealth (saving account) . As modern tax laws to condition tax incentive by evaluating contribution to regional economic growth, being an Emperor to earn this 3% tax as income was not easy at all. Being the head of an Empire, an Emperor need to perform the tasks as to keep the Empire in peace, to stimulate economic growth and culture prosperous, to make subjects in Empire happy being Emperor's subjects, to make neighbor countries have no complain  but admiration of Empire prosperous., etc. It is never an easy job for a CEO of any company to ensure company keep growing in fierce competition, it was not easy to achieve these things on a large scale like a big country as China. "Golden Years" and “Keiyuan Spirit" are the performance evaluation given to my ancestor grandfathers by Chinese history. My family wealth origins are, like nowadays government employees paychecks and benefits, well deserved hard earned private wealth. *Note: 3% is an example tax rate. Emperor tax rate was not a fixed value rate but vary by Dynasty and/or by Emperor.

One of the entrusted abroad inheritances(entrusted abroad before 1949, an investor fund of JANUS Mutual Fund), that I was informed in 2004 and inherited as female heir "Female Palms", was willed/co-signed by Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor 唐玄宗李隆基(Li, Longji  685AD) and his famous beauty wife Empress 杨玉环(Yang, Yuhuan  756 AD). The original co-signed will has verification certificate of  years it carries. As customary in order to track the beneficiary of the entrusted wealth, entrusted attorneys and accountants have kept in file the record of each generation heir name list since Tang Dynasty Emperor 唐玄宗李隆基(Li, Longji).

It is said one of  the reason my money should be Chinese people's money is because my grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) had promised to donate his wealth to Chinese Communism Party. My grandfather was crazy about Communism when he was a teenage in 1920s. He was in Shanghai where Chinese Communism party was founded. His father(my great-grand-father) did not think Communism realistic but truly understand the beauty of Utopia and really value young Communism party members and their devotions to improve people's life greatly. So the situation was like my grandfather kept announcing his donation plan of anything his eyes set upon and my great-grand-father kept transferring those announced out to the future "female palms"(that is me). My great-grand-father's sudden death caused my grandfather's split with Chinese Communism Party. My grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) refused to donate anything he promised to Chinese Communism Party.

My great-grand-father's sudden death was a big case in Shanghai around 1930 when my grandfather was only 18. My family was known as "Ningbo Fang House" and famous for huge family wealth as well as family influence. It was said there was communism party member(s) possible involvement. Possible reasons might include to stop my great-grand-father from keep transferring wealth out of my grandfather's inheritable. The case is still unresolved.
My grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) decided to stay in P. R. China after 1949 but transferred some of his wealth abroad and willed to me (Female Palms). I inherited some my grandfather's wealth by his will handwritten around 1950. It is my grandfather's own decision not to keep his donation promise. I do not know if  Chinese Communism Party has any issue with my grandfather's decision, but my father and I never been troubled at all when we were in P. R. China.

My grandfather 方智仁 (Fang, Zhiren) allocated his wealth to all his children  (total four children including my father) by his will before he passed away in 1965.
My father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai) was being young and did not open the handwriting letter (will) that my grandfathe 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) gave to him are the reasons my father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai) got his share after almost 50 years (*Note: this mean around 2016., 50 years from 1965). (*Note: there was family stories I heard recently heard that I posted on July 21st , 2017)

Entrusted wealth(entrusted abroad before 1949) I inherited as female heir "Female Palms" from my grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) is by my grandfather's handwriting will(s) written around 1950.

-----Original published on somebodyinma.blogspot.com in July, 2016

O'Connors Rail Road Confusion

O'Connors Confusion and My Headach

Not a Joke but a Reason

To O'Connors

"Write Off" and "OK Spending"

Ownership of this Fund and Others