
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

11-26-2017 I filed discrimination complaint about "impossible can have any money because of sexually inactive"

11-26-2017 I filed discrimination complaint about "impossible can have any money because of sexually inactive"

Heard Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) is still lingering in the radio program's producing.
My response: I filed complain to BBB about this radio program's sever sexual harassment. I heard FCC is like "O'Connors' family FCC" currently, and I can tell they all love this Tina O'Connor, cousin of theirs, very much. So I decided to file my complaint with BBB* before I find out which government agency to file this complaint yet. *Better Business Bureau, a non-government organization.

Heard she is privileged this round is because she is someone's younger illegitimate child. But I also heard she carries O'Connors' family look and the "rumored real biological father" is not a British.

I do not feel bad, at least not strongly, for this Tina O'Connor's confusion about her personal life and her confusion of my inheritance fund. But I do appreciate O'Connors' honesty about their family confusion is their grandfather's letter, not denying it is my grandfather's entrusted money and I am the sole beneficiary of my grandfather's will.

I met him early than her which was confirmed in January of 2004 already. She had been his roommate for 7 years only from her own willingness to move-in and her own refusal to move out. This was complained by him in January of 2004. And this adds to the fact she is the mother of her own attorney husband's children. (She is a wife to an attorney, not a Business person.)

My anger is: My inheritance fund has supported O'Connors families to contribute to the United States is not the reason she can be privileged to shit me all over on a public channel radio. That is no matter how confused she is about her great-grandfather's letter, She knows that fund is my grandfather's entrusted fund and I am the heir in this grandfather's will.

-----Nov. 26th, 2017

About my cash providing has been stopped.
My response: Per my side story, I had three inheriting related meetings in 2004, January's was to validate my Identity, June 30th was the inheriting day. And July 1st of 2004 was the one that a lot of arrangements had made regarding my decision to move up to Boston, MA from New York City area.

These arrangements include: Invested a clinic(Whittier Street Clinic) across the street in case of medical emergency. Arranged this apartment I am currently living with some cash/Foodstamp assistances, etc. All these were with payment discussion.

I was supposed to move to another spacious lodging at a better location provided by Boston Housing Authority, and having better cash providing from Boston Transition Department or Social Security till my entrust finish. And my entrust suppose to finish when my health is better.

I have been shited by this radio program and its promotion as "beggar with no money because of unwanted status with inactive sexual activities".

And my precious $300 cash providing stopped on 25th is the trigger that I filed complaints to General Attorney of Massachusetts. I need cash. I have been screaming I need to have more cash and now this precious $300/month was stopped. So I file an official complaint last night saying this is sexually related discrimination against me being sexually inactive since I moved up to Boston, MA in 2004.

*I may need to check this cash providing again today. I was confused about the date on 24th but I did receive a letter saying it would stop on 24th of this month.

I complain BHA legal department refuse to check if I have money "because I was never a Mistress like their friends". As you heard on the radio, there are too many Hispanic women fighting to be the real one who has a child with the person who may father my two children. And if you ever go into Boston Housing Authority building, you will be impressed that is a Hispanic majority department, a real majority. Its Legal Department is the only department, possibly, that has all white employees (Two only).

To be honestly, I do not know if there is anyone of those Hispanic females who featured on the radio program that has any association with the person who fathers my children. Maybe not even one is the serious complaint I have about this radio program.

It is not a white female, other than Tina O'Connor, I am complaining about this upgrading. My complaint is: After I provided references to BHA, my argument has been why don't they check the meeting record if the decided amount has paid to the BHA account as decided in July 1st of 2004's meeting, and they just kept ignoring it. And by rumors I hear, it is because I am unwanted and that is paid by somebody who never wanted me or doesn't want me anymore.

I do not know which fund suppose to pay for this. I have more than one inheritance funds that invested in some very respectful companies. The paying check is from this or that respectful company's investor accounts which is from my own money invested in the company, not this or that prominent man's money.

When I kept saying that is my own money, the rumor I heard is BHA is not certain who ultimate owns the paying account and they cannot let me use that paid amount because of this uncertainty, or that has to be understood as a donation that should pay for either whoever in need or some females screaming in-bed now. And all these left me in a situation constantly facing threats to be evicted from my current apartment.

My anger is: Why not check if that paid amount is valid lawful payment for my exclusive usage? They cannot verify who ultimately owns the paying account but they can verify if the paid amount is lawful valid payment which is for my exclusive usage, with law enforcement's help if necessary.This is the same complaint about Boston Transition Department.

----Nov. 26th, 2017