
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

11-28-2017 Why this radio program is a public scandal

11-28-2017 Why this radio program is a public scandal

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why this radio program is produced like such a public scandal.
My response: I contribute what else I complained about:

Since 2007 or 2010, whenever there was a discussion about some deserves, there was an announcement stating who should have this being discussed money at the end of the discussion, and the real money transferred to that being announced person's bank account after broadcasting.

The reason for on-radio discussion was because the discussing group did not know how I earned this being discussed intellectual income, and this on-radio discussion proved their intelligence, which was good enough to have my intellectual income that being discussed to be transferred into their bank account.

And all these were, by rumor, organized and announced by Albert Gore, because he had led the United States for 8 years.

I have announced I have nothing to do with this Albert Gore, and I did file complaints about this Albert Gore's murder attempt for money. I did call laws help to get back my hard earned intellectual income.

Also, all these were backed up, by rumor, by Mr. O'Connor who complained that making an announcement was how his wealth being owned by me.

I have clarified that the wealth Mr. O'Connor complained about is my grandfather's entrust that I inherited according to my grandfather's will on June 30th, 2004. My inheriting has been valid according to U.S. laws. Mr. O'Connor was aware I am the sole beneficiary person of my grandfather's will and that Fund was set up by my grandfather's entrust. Mr. O'Connor was confused because of a letter his great-grandfather wrote almost 200 years ago.

Mr. Petroves, an American, had complained about the same issue as Mr. O'Connor. I have to clarify here that I had inherited more than one grandfathers' entrusts according to my grandfathers' wills together with Funds that setup by those entrusts. All my inheriting have been valid according to U.S. laws.

----Nov. 28th, 2017

Why there is no radio company's management in producing managing?
My response: Being the victim impacted by this radio program's broadcasting, I can see the efforts of radio company management trying to find out what happened.

I also heard, radio company's CEO's wife is a Hispanic. Rumored she has a cousin was rapped-like in front of the male's relatives. And the male that Mrs. Pittman was told and verified, by rumor, was the person publicly acknowledged that her cousin is a wife-like to him. Rumored he is currently providing for Mrs. Pittman's cousin's 6-month old child in Jamaica.

Mrs. Pittman, by rumor, understood that is the same person who fathers my children. I was wondering why would he do that public declaration of his sexual desire to his relatives in his 40s, and I really hope he is indeed strong as a 20s. He is almost 50 years old now. And I heard that 6 months old child is not seeded by the person who fathers my children.

----Nov. 28th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "I thank you for let me have the money, bla bla."
My response: I need some advice on this. I have been harassed like so for several years through my glass house cancer.

I did write tons of letters to FBI because I figured it is more appropriate to let FBI officers identify if they are criminals first instead of assuming they are psychos directly.

What else I heard of, there are tons of people willing to represent me voluntarily and to make decisions on my lawful interests without me even heard of these decisions.

What else should I do? Clarify these on the radio? I need to be advised on how? Why? Listen:

Radio program has been kept on very busy: Radio Producers are busy on fighting to get the microphone, Chinese Government is busy on announcing I am unwanted fake on the radio,  British Royals are busy on acclaiming British deserves a rich American husband, American Riches are busy on yelling "I said so", Hispanics Females are busy on confusing everybody who father their children, Prominent Wives are busy on proving they are intelligent enough to manage everybody else' matters, Big Names are busy on expressing their confusion,  money-wanters like Albert Gore, by rumor, are busy on sneak-in to announce the ownership of some money, All above shared choir of "Why can't I have her money"....

All I can do and I have done is kept on calling law enforcement's help and kept on speaking up for myself. What else should I do?

-----Nov. 28th, 2017