
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

11/02/2017 All about some secret "Mission" associated with SEX or MONEY

11/02/2017 All about some secret "Mission" associated with SEX or MONEY

Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned about either child or children.
My response: Yes, I agree and that is my point too.

No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help for the man who does not want them.

No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help just to insult the female who already mother a young child from the him after 2004.

I have great entrusting groups who have been looking after me ever since I was born. Their decency already presented by the fact I have my wealth inherited without me knowing a clue about it in 2004. They are the groups also know I am not this cheap to be insulted by mothering a man's children knowing they are never wanted.

----Nov. 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting a Abraham's David group.
My response: That is not the Abraham from Old Testament. That is the Abraham associated with the famous last name Lincoln.

Rumored President Lincoln freed slaves in United States with the help of a secret David's team which was grouped by some first named David.

This morning's episode was saying this David's team has a similar "great" mission that is to "free" every male or female from covering his or her between legs which caused great inconvenience from free accessing.

----Nov. 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's implied I am ancient Abraham associated.
My response: I heard similar rumor too.

Rumored LORD Jehovah from Old Testament is originated from an ancient Chinese name Ji Hou Fa(姬侯发)

Rumored Mediterranean God Zeus is originated from an ancient Chinese name Zhou Si (周斯)

This is how I was rumored to have association with the Abraham from Old Testament.

Both these ancient Chinese names are referring to one person from ancient Chinese Zhou dynasty Emperors or ancestor of Zhou dynasty Emperors.

Zhou dynasty was a dynasty from 1046 BC -771 BC (West Zhou) and 770 BC - 256 BC (East Zhou).

I have an Empress grandmother Wu had announced herself the child from Emperors this Zhou dynasty around 700 AD time. In Chinese ancient books including books from Tang dynasty, her same last name nephews from her maiden cousins were recorded to imply it is unlikely she could be the heir of Zhou dynasty Emperors.

Rumored my Empress grandmother left me an entrust as well. Rumored she wrote in her will that I am this 姬侯发's child. I am not surprised at all because this was how she "declared" herself around 1400 years ago. I am her biological child is true.

Other than this, I do not know why all these rumors.

*By the way: In Chinese, Zhou Si only means a Mister who is last named Zhou or from Zhou dynasty unless that Si is used as a name.

---- Nov. 2nd, 2017