
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, November 24, 2017

11-24-2017 Why I was recruited a 3-Stars General's rank with commanding power

11-24-2017 Why I was recruited a 3-Stars General's rank with commanding power

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying I am the one David Petraeus willing to spend money for.
My response: That is maybe an accurate expression of saying "willing" because it is practically "willing only".

He had paid for a month or so of my medical expense ($500,000 or so) and that amount has been taken from my pre-paid $400 million per year medical expense by his wife Holly Knowlton. And some other incidents are similar to this.

My current pre-paid medical expenses are paid by a check clearly with "investor" printed on it.

I currently only have security and medical big expenses which are all provided by my own money. I appreciate his willingness expression but I have to clarify it is practically a "willingness" only.

What annoyed me is Holly Knowlton's cousins may have taken more of my money from my intellectual incomes. I did call laws help on this annoying matter.

----Nov. 24th, 2017

Heard yesterday's broadcasting about a U.S. Military General's scandalous comment about me.
My response: That comment was from a U.S. Military General who did not know why I could be a combat officer having a 3-Stars Military General's rank at recruiting.

It normally takes a military's combat division personnel 20 years in-service to be promoted to a Military 3-Stars. That is the reason I explained that I was recruited in research division, same as a researcher in Technology Corp or Medical Corp, that always recruited with the Military ranks associated with the level of knowledge in research specialty.

I was recruited as Military Strategist makes me a combat officer because my acknowledged research achievements are on the martial strategy that seeks to answer the question, "How will we win this war?"(Batman, 2015) and studies the specifics of planning for, and engaging in combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle. (Wikipedia, 2017).

A Military Strategist from research division does have commanding power when on assignment.

----Nov. 24th, 2017

Please refer my explanation on this.
Japanese Military in WWII and U.S. Military in Vietnam War

Military Science and Military Strategy

Batman(2015).Understanding Military Strategy and the Four Levels of War. retrieved from http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a39985/four-levels-of-war/

Wikipedia (2017)/ Military Strategy. retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_science