
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, November 20, 2017

11-20-2017 Some more confusions about agreed-upon-providing

11-20-2017 Some more confusions about agreed-upon-providing

Heard this morning's talk of an Ambassador.
My response: Heard the rumor that her personal life plan is the reason she was promoted to be an Ambassador. I was surprised because an Ambassador is a public post to represent the government even without a paycheck.

Heard her personal life plan is to be wanted by a U.S. citizen rich man. Heard her personal life plan can only be achieved by let my children without their father. Heard her personal life plan was helped by those pathetic-s who are so proud all they can do and all they good at is to mix-and-match human beings' sexual activities.

I won't be the person can hold my tongue on this matter, and I won't be the person would be confused who should be called the trouble maker on this matter, and I won't be the person so afraid of facing these insults.

I did informed law enforcement about possible prostitution business involvement on this matter.

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Heard some confusion about agreed-upon-providing.
My response: Agreed-upon-providing is not attorney fee. It was the agreed-upon-support that provided to those devoted to serve the countries that also having a family to support at the time when serving the countries means no personal income. This agreed-upon-providing(agreed-upon-support) is in process of stopping.

My inheritance that has been providing this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support) was not a client to those being-provided-for because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

My inheritance that has been providing this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support) is not a client to those being-provided-for's family-owned-attorney-business because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

This explanation is to all my inheritances.

I, Min Fang, was not a client to those being-provided-for because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

I, Min Fang, is not a client to those being-provided-for's family-owned-attorney-business because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Heard saying why side lines are also provided(supported) for by this agreed-upon-providing(agreed-upon-support).
My response: My inheritance fund only responsible for transferring agreed-upon amount of support one-installment per year as agreed-upon to the one-and-only bank account number owned by the provided(supported)-for-family as agreed-upon. It is purely their own family financial matters beyond this.

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Reference Link:  11-15-2017 I own my claimed wealth lawfully is Validated (“我和中国政府的矛盾”附后)

My inherited wealth are all entrusted before the People's Republic of China even exists.
My investments outside the People's Republic of China are never any charities or donations from the People's Republic of China.
My investments in the People's Republic of China are all lawful investments that conduct lawful business and pay required taxes according to U.S. laws and People's Republic of China's laws.
----Published on Nov. 19th, 2017