
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

11-08-2017 Confidence In Names and An Engineer's Analyzing

11-08-2017 Confidence In Names and An Engineer's Analyzing

Heard this morning's "why can't you have confidence in my name..." etc.
My response: I am a scientific person that believe in matter of fact evidences. Now I am in school for MBA education, so, I try to use MBA language to explain what I mean by this.

If some you can be illustrated as a blue or red stocks. I can do illustration of standard analyzing as:
1: Analyze the trend of your past performance first to see if you have a solid history that I can have some reason to be confident with that is from my expectation of fitting my best interests from my perspective for me to consider buy in.

2: What is your current "financial position" which means who are you, to me of course, or what are you on over-all any matters currently? And it also implies if there is any possibility for gaining in my favor or if there is only comprised benefits equivalent in my perspective.

3: What will be the expectation out of your potential that is not too stretchy? And of course to analyze if there is any potential for future growth that benefits me from my understanding or at least from my perspective.

All these has to rely on analyzing from solid data which certainly is what evidences are. This is the reason I believe in matter of fact evidences instead of some superstitious "confidence in names".
----Nov. 8th, 2017

Heard tone of "asserted not beneficial" is from my understanding of securities & police officers.
My response: My understanding of what all these announcements on the radio is all about reading a as complete as possible list of situations that is guaranteed "no benefits" as the condition of "do as I said". I call this the tone of "asserted not beneficial" that I do not even need to count my fingers to check if there is any situation has been left out from this "asserted not beneficial" list.

Here is the possible origin why you hear this confidence of "asserted not beneficial with the confidence that you certainly will do as I said." on the radio: On July 1st of 2004, I expressed my understanding about police officers.

Police officers can station in any business or organization for enhance security purposes, and they can be as responsive as possible to calls of help from where they are stationed, and their funding can be supported by the business or organizations that they are stationed, but they are not part of being managed by the business or organizations that they are stationed because they are not securities but police officers.

----Nov. 8th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument of stars.
My response: Heard it is confirmed, by U.S. military speaks person on the radio this morning, that there is no such 5-stars General in U.S. military currently who is a female in her 40s.

----Nov. 8th, 2017

Heard the saying about I can only keep my 3-stars if I was retired from U.S. military.
My response: That is the reason my life time achievement was mentioned the other day. It means I have kept my 3-stars General's privilege as no-longer enlisted since July 1st of 2004 when my stars were taken back.

----Nov. 8th, 2017