
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

11-29-2017 All about clarifications on Family & Inheriting

11-29-2017 All about clarifications on Family & Inheriting

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "mutual agreement" of his family wealth.
My response: Who are the two parties to this "mutual agreement" to announce a "car accident" to promote the younger child to the necessity of inheriting the family wealth? And such a family in general, not the direct father-son line by blood? And how generic is this family?

*In 2012, only the girl was published. At least, the girl is "acknowledged his child".

----Nov. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about the "cancellation of providing from China".
My response: I have accused People's Republic of China's government may have spent money cause me infected heavily, is this spending the "providing" need to be canceled?

Other than this virus infection accusation I made from some rumors I heard, I have never been provided for by People's Republic of China's money. I had received the free education including college education as People's Republic of China's citizen.

I have to mention that the majority of People's Republic of China's colleges, in 1985 when I went to college, was established from my birth great-great-grandfather's, my birth great-grandfather's, my birth grandfather's (方智仁) and my own entrust' donation in early 1900 ( the Republic of China ruling time's Ningbo Fang's House 民国时期的宁波方家). The college I graduated from and the college my father graduated from were both established by those donations.

This is plus the contributions I made to the People's Republic of China that were acknowledged by the People's Republic of China's government before 2012, some of which were featured on this same radio program before 2014.

*Too bad, other than my father's, I only know my grandfather's name: Fang, Zhiren (方智仁). 😈

** I have never spent any Rockefeller's money, I have never been provided for by any Rockefeller's money, nor by any Walton's money, nor by any Ford's money. I have been raised by my own birth legal parents, and I have been provided for by my own money, either by my hard earned own making or by my own birth grandfathers' blessing I inherited.

*** My providing for my biological & legal parents was decided on July 1st of 2004. I am providing for my own biological & legal parents.

----Nov. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's mention of a Mr. Fang.
My response: The knee down is from the group who respect this Mr. Fang is the heir of Zu's family. And I heard there is one person mentioned, in this morning's broadcasting, that this Mr. Fang has no financial inheritance reserved from Zu's family.

This Mr. Fang has nothing to do with my family and my inherited wealth.

Zu's family's original family name is Zu (Zhu, 朱) which was originated from Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368AD– 1644AD).

My family's original family name is Leu (Liu, 刘) which was originated from Chinese East Han dynasty (25 AD - 220 AD). Later my family's name changed to Lee (Li, 李) sometime before my ancestors were Chinese Tang dynasty Emperors ( 618AD - 907AD). I do not know when my family name changed to current Fang (方), but I heard that was after my ancestors moved to Zhejiang province.

*My grandfathers, Southern Tang Emperors(南唐, 937 AD–976 AD), were still having Lee(Li) as the family name when they were in Nanjing area. My father attained Nanjing University in the 1960s and stayed in Nanjing after graduation,  I was born in Nanjing in 1967, almost 1000 years after my ancestors left Nanjing area.

----Nov. 29, 2017