
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

11-04-2017 Radio Program's some producing efforts of "Announcing on a Public Channel means to Take Over as Wish"

11-04-2017 Radio Program's some producing efforts of "Announcing on a Public Channel means to Take Over as Wish"

Heard this morning's talk about College donation's in Republic of China in early 1900.
My response: I heard it was said twice.

The first time it was said "It was my family's donation (那是我家里)”.
The second time it was said: “It was my family's donation representation only.(那是我家里代表捐赠的”

I heard the reason of saying it twice emotionally is because that is a Banker Mr. Rong from the direct line of Mr. Rong who signed the donation checks, he was repeating what he said the first time to correct the wrongful impression caused by editing off the ending of the line.

----Nov. 4th, 2017

Heard the curiosity why radio program produced this way?
My response: To cause confusions and to create angers, I declare. I also assume there is indeed a sick pathetic psycho who is having some dirtiness polluting this radio program. I even assume there may be more than one.

Some even caused fights from those who cared about this or that person's own well-being.When you heard on the radio that my children deserved to be shitted because this radio program insisted on to accuse me lied about a "birth-child" born before I left China which was impossible that I can hide a 10-months-pregnancy from those live-in-one-college-dormroom-with-me-daily or work-with-me daily, will you angry if you know this has been an organized promotion to make it a reality real just in order to"shit me to destroy and take over my money"?

Tons of this efforts including insist on me doing a DNA test with whoever they name should be my "own birth". The reason this should-be-nothing-wrong is "what are you afraid if you are still having your virgin belly and that is not your own born"? To the rumored Mrs. Famous-Names who “agree" this should be nothing wrong, I say why don't you let your child or children do a DNA test with any homeless man on any streets anywhere. What are you afraid of if you are confident your proud child or children is or are from your own husband?

Angrier version:

Tons of this efforts including insist on me doing a DNA test with whoever they name should be my "own birth". The reason this should-be-nothing-wrong is "what are you afraid if you are still having your virgin belly and that is not your own born"? My response back is "Why can't you be F***ed by a biological pig whole naked publicly knowing that won't change the fact or public understanding who seeded your adult child(ren) or infant child you already gave birth to? What are you afraid of?"

Heard rumor that this is from a Mrs. Rockefeller. So, I respond to this rumored Mrs. Rockefeller: 

"I do not live on your money, I do not live on your charity, I do not live on your name. 

I am famous for my own achievements from my brain department that you can never claim to take over.

I carry my own glorious maiden Emperors grandfathers' name that you can never claim your maiden.

I do have very much handsomer my own money from my own maiden Emperors grandfathers that you can never claim to own. 

You enjoy being the proud brave pig-fuck-able is as you wish. I refuse to be insulted by you or the name you try to shame."

I have some similar experiences now from this competition of "who can lie" to make me to look like a fool when I write these "I heard". I may stop anytime if this gets serious. I am being treated for glass house cancer that I am harassed from.

I can't hear the radio program's broadcasting is due to "some special arrangement" that I did call law enforcement's help for. Not sure if this is from my anxiety history concern or intentionally to block me from free information. My radio just do not have this radio program and I kept hearing some people saying "no such radio program" or "never had such radio program." This radio program's producing effort seems to have some illusion that as long as they can producing this radio program this way and broadcast their desired ownership of anything, they can achieve this public robbery of taking over everything by just announcing on the public channel their desired "should-ownership of everything".

----Nov. 4th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument of "Legal Documentation".
My response: According to legal documentations, that regulate this radio program's eligibility to be broadcasted on a public channel, has specified this radio program is a Reality Show, not an entertainment purposed scripted show.

It was confused in the past why there was a equivalent appended to Reality Show. I explained it was because the audio material and stories it featured about my life stories have been "not at the time radio program was produced."

Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) has been emphasis her great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's letter is a "legal documentation" to own my entrust that I inherited in 2004.

I have to clarify that was a only letter that her grandfather wrote as head of legal of that fund with a valid attorney's license. It was "illegal", "invalid" and "irresponsible" when it comes to the ownership of my entrust.

My entrust (that Fund) had been historically a foreigner's entrust till I became a U.S. citizen in 2015. Her great grandfather's letter written about 200 years ago was written when her great grandfather was one of the 400 employees of the Fund. That Fund has been in America since its colony time about 400 years ago.

Nobody called law enforcement's help to correct that letter because her great grandfather need that letter to serve the country as he was asked. Her great grandfather was supported to serve the country that this fund had been investing by agreed-upon-providing from the Fund. But this did not-call-law-enforcement-to-correct-that-letter's-claims never means "OKed ownership changing".

Tina O'Connor has no reason to keep "proving ownership by insist-on this fund to spend on promoting this radio program's announcements". She just need to call Law's help if that is really her family's lawful money.

My $400 Million medical expense was paid from this Fund to medical providers with a General Attorney's signature because I called Law's help.

----Nov. 4th, 2017