
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

11-16-2017 Proud to be My Father's Daughter carry My Father's Blood

11-16-2017 Proud to be My Father's Daughter carry My Father's Blood

Heard this morning's arguments about confusion why I still say that is my money.
My response: That is my money because I inherited it and because it is validated according to U.S. laws that my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 is legally valid.

I am a U.S. citizen since June of 2015. All my inherited were entrusted before the People's Republic of China was born in 1949.

It is not People's Republic of China's saying or confrontation of anything regarding my inheritances.

It is not People's Republic of China's current administration's saying or confrontation of anything regarding my inheritances.

O'Connors never own that fund, it is not O'Connors' to say, and it is not O"Connors' to validate, and it is not O'Connors' to confront regarding anything about that fund.
This is the same to all my inheritances.

O'Connors' never own that fund, their family wealth confusion is not the reason to demand any paying checks or providing from that fund, and no one should use O'Connors' family wealth confusion to demand any paying checks or providing through O'Connors' family wealth confusion. This is the same to all my inheritances.

----Nov. 16th, 2017

Heard the saying why I have problems with Chinese Chairman Xi's announced family plan.
My response: I do not care a bit how he is going to have his family.

I am not willing to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with. I refused to be threatened to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with, and I refused to be shit all over because I refused to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with.

*Rumored, according to Chinese Chairman Xi's announced family plan on the radio program, Chinese Premier's wife (Cheng, Hong 程虹) who is also the mother of Chinese Chairman Xi's only child (an adult son) is the person that Chinese Chairman Xi intends to share his life with.

*Both Chinese Chairman Xi and Chinese Premier have very high income and privileges in the People's Republic of China, both are¥100,000/month.

* Rumored the same female they both devoted to love also have been devotedly loved by several other Chinese senior government officials who also have very high incomes and privileges in the People's Republic of China. Rumored it is verified she has mothered 4 adult children from them, one each. Rumored this administration is the administration that "should be blessed by her fertility capability". Rumored she has two more adult children have not been verified fathered by whom yet.

*Rumored 程虹(Cheng, Hong) was graduated from a foreign language college (University) and had been a faculty of the same college (University).

----Nov. 16th, 2017

Heard the confrontation of Scientists from Chinese Science Academy.
My response: That has been my screams towards Chinese diplomats who are graduated from foreign language colleges (universities) or a foreign language majored in some colleges (universities). Those Chinese diplomats have insisted on to judge the level of my Computer Science knowledge by their foreign language knowledge.

This morning, as you heard on the radio, these Scientists from Chinese Science Academy who majored in Astrophysics (天体物理) or Geophysics (地球物理). This is my father's major and Chinese Science Academy had been the place my father had worked for over 30 years till he retired.

I assume the points from China, as you heard this morning, is to say that these people know for sure my father never had any professional achievements at all to express that this is how this administration of Chinese government know that it is impossible I can have any achievements in Computer Science just being his daughter.

I assumed my father is not feeling great at this hour. Heard he is also a U.S. citizen now. Heard this is not the first time. My father was enrolled in surveying and mapping school of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (原中国人民解放军测绘学校, currently named PLA Academy of Surveying and Mapping. 中国人民解放军测绘学院when he was enlisted in 1950. I heard somebody from this current Academy made a similar comment last year in the same radio program. 

My father got his bachelor's degree in Astrophysics major from Nanjing University(南京大学数天系) where he enrolled after he was no longer enlisted. 

I do not know how huge they are without any borrowing some intellectual properties efforts.

* Rumored they are the people knew if I have an adult child by birth. I say U.S. law enforcement can do a verification check on U.S. satellite's records to see if it is possible I could hide 10-months-pregnancy when I was a college student lived in an 8-person dorm or when I was having a full-time job.

* Rumored they are the people knew if my father has a pre-marriage daughter who is mothered by one of them. I say U.S. law enforcement can do a verification check on U.S. satellite's records to see if it was possible a female could be seeded without any physical contacts in People's Republic of China before 1967. I was born in 1967.

----Nov. 16th, 2017