
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

11-07-2017 Chinese Communities' Weird Sense of Duty to Prove "Such a Fake"

11-07-2017 Chinese Communities' Weird Sense of Duty to Prove "Such a Fake" 

Heard some talks from some Chinese communities about working for a Chinese investor is too shabby.

My response: It is not rare to hear that from Chinese community. Some even said it is their duty to find out if I am the investor as I announced, and if so, they need to request transfer.

Not many Chinese investors can be called big investors to offer formal permanent jobs in big decent companies that respect same equal employment opportunities is possibly the major reason.

In Chinese communities, Chinese investors' owned companies are known for it means these business provide cash-pay jobs to serve Chinese communities only.

My investments that I claimed have been invested abroad, other than Hong Kong, are all over at least 100 years already. All have been well managed according to local laws by the locals. I am an investor who have no intention to get involved with these investments daily operation.

I say to those who take it a duty to harass me to find out if I am an investor as I claimed, why don't you ask your own company about what your concerns are regarding my declaration of being investor of this or that companies. If you indeed really want to request to be transferred is the only reason you need to find out if I am an investor to the company you work for, I suggest you to be honest to state that being a Chinese yourself, you think a Chinese means low-cast, disgusting cheap like yourself  is the one and only reason you deserve to request a transfer.

I am aware that no one ever from People's Republic of China, or Taiwan, Singapore or Hong Kong is this rich as I claimed. But I have to address to you here that please guided by your local laws to satisfy your curiosities out of your disbelieves or  your over confidence of who you are.

----Nov 7th, 2017

This is the edited post I published somewhere about my family background in China before People's Republic of China time that started in 1949:

I have been living in United States since 1996, and I only went back to China to visit my father only briefly in 2006 (2 weeks) and in 2007 (2-3 months). I do not know much about China other than my personal experiences. I did constantly call U.S. law enforcement's help since Dec. of 2014 after I started to hear my inheritances were never mine or my inheriting never happened, or I do not deserve any of my intellectual incomes. I was even in the situation that I was understood a burden to MA tax payers if I did not find a low wage job.

My apartment, by rumor,  was understood as the radio program's extended recording studio that anyone should feel comfortable to come in as long as that entering was with a valid key. I have to block my apartment entrance at night because, by rumor, it was announced by the radio program that anyone should feel comfortable to come into my locked door apartment to rape me as long as that entering was with a valid key. All these were with real on-ground promotions organized by Local Radio Station Magic 106.7 FM. I am lucky I entrusted my wealth in 2004 already, and I only have some cheap clothes and cheap everything for my daily usage, this saved me from anxieties of going out to have errands. *This apartment was never paid by the radio program producing expense. This apartment paying has been from my entrusts as decided at the same time when this apartment was reserved on  July 1st of 2004.
I attended three inheriting related meetings in my green card application attorney's office. One in January in 2004 that I was asked who is my father and who is my mother, and my verification documentation. The second was on June 30th of 2004 that I was told I have inheritances, I also expressed that day my willingness to entrust my wealth to original entrusting groups due to my health reason. The third one was July 1st of 2004 which was arranged to entrust my wealth per my request. All these meetings turned to chat rooms after main functions were finished had sparked a lot of confusions about what these meetings are. All my grandfathers' entrusts were foreigners' entrusts which were not eligible for estate taxes in U.S. or in Britain, etc, I was a Connecticut's resident that was free from inheritance tax in 2004 because of Connecticut's free AA(grandparent-grandchild) inheritance Tax policy which started since 2000.
All three meetings were having representatives from People's Republic of China, but they were not in the sub meeting when my wealth was discussed. No matter what may be their confusion, all these funds that I inherited are not from People's Republic of China, these funds were all entrusted abroad before 1949 when China was liberated by Communism to have People's Republic of China. No matter what their confusion might be, People's Republic of China's government should know these funds are not theirs' to say who should own.
I came from known rich family in China, "Ningbo Fang's House(宁波方家)" which was famous because of massive donations (covered almost entire funding that was needed) to Republic of China's central government to support funding to establish colleges in China (中央大学教育系统及部分其他)in early 1900.  I am the heir of this "Ningbo Fang's House(宁波方家)" . My wealth I inherited according to my grandfathers' wills are all lawful money. Republic of China is now Taiwan government. My father's name Fang, Wenhai (方文海),my grandfather's name Fang, Zhiren (方智仁)。I am my father's only daughter and my grandfather's only granddaughter. I do have a younger brother but my family's inheritance rule is heir birthmark, not firstborn or first son.
This is the reason I applied U.S. citizenship in February of 2015 which was 10 years after I became U.S. resident.
*The college, now called Fudan University Shanghai Medical College(复旦大学上海医学院), that I graduated from and the university my father graduated from, Nanjing University(南京大学), are both originated from that donation.

11-03-2017 My Personal Experiences Regarding this administration of People's Republic of China's government

WWII and Vietnam War

Computer Technology and CDSA

PhD in Computer Science & Reforming QA in JP Morgan Chase

New Cancer Treatment Technology
----Nov. 7th, 2017

Confusions I heard about what July 1st of 2004's meeting were: DNA Research Seminar, Musical Seminar, Psychiatry Seminar, etc.
No. 1: I was criticized being a fake DNA researcher because I was never one 
  • It is true that I was never a DNA researcher. 
  • But I have to clarify here that I was talking about my concerns over my biological children through pregnancy mothers.

No. 2: I was yelled at how dare I can say I am a musician 
  • It is true that I was never a musician. 
  • But I have to clarify here that it was known in the meeting that I cannot sing professionally, or play any instruments, or write a song or being a theoretical music professor.
No. 3: I was despised because I just kept analyzing everybody without a psychologist license.
  • It is true that "Psychiatry" for one semester together with Medicine major in Fall of 1989 was the education I received when I was a pharmacology major student in Shanghai Medical University. 
  • But I have to clarify here that it was at the time when I just finished my research on BioGate project and analyzing was all I had done in the past 4 years time doing that project.  

No. 4: I am still trying to find out what else I am not but insisted on sitting in their "professional seminars" and just kept on talking. 
  • It is true that I was very talkative at the meeting.
  • But I have to clarify here that I was having some chat room chatting and that was all.

----Nov 7th, 2017