
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

11-19-2017 Child Trafficking is a Huge Crime in the United States and In the People's Republic of China(贩卖儿童在美国及在中华人民共和国都是严重犯罪行为)

11-19-2017 Child Trafficking is a Huge Crime in the United States and In the People's Republic of China(贩卖儿童在美国及在中华人民共和国都是严重犯罪行为)

Heard this morning's shocking proud of abusing 4500 children to get money.
My response: What I heard is these children are "organized to be imported into" United States just to help somebody fulfilled the ambition "to let me pay for it". They are now, by rumor, in the United States without their parents' accompany and intended to stay on "regular business donations".

I did inform law enforcement about this shocking child trafficking announcement from what I heard what was broadcasted this morning on the radio program.

I did express myself that I refuse to be the victim of this organized larceny crimes through business spending.

I did express myself that I refuse to let my money into any criminal business like so.

I did express myself that I refuse to let anyone who is determined to abuse managerial power or work-power to have the opportunities to let my money involved in crimes including these crimes to make myself a victim as well.

I did express myself that I refuse to pay for these children and I refuse to provide for these children.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard these children are trafficked from the People's Republic of China with this Chinese government's help.
My response: My inherited wealth are all entrusted before the People's Republic of China even exists.

My investments outside the People's Republic of China are never any charities or donations from the People's Republic of China.

My investments in the People's Republic of China are all lawful investments that conduct lawful business and pay required taxes according to U.S. laws and People's Republic of China's laws.

According to the People's Republic of China's laws, Chinese citizens' children are those children's own parents' obligations to raise or the People's Republic of China's government's obligation to help to raise.

I, Min Fang, refuse to be the victim of this organized crime that intends to spend or use my money without my willingness.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard these children are "imported" with some special help.
My response: I did inform law enforcement about this.

I also informed law enforcement about rumors that this radio program's producing effort is to get my money without my own willingness and rumors about my medical treatment that you heard on the radio.
And I did express myself to the law enforcement that I refuse to be the victim.

I did clarify some reasons that caused confusion of ownership regarding my inherited wealth. I do not know what else is so confusing other than some financial desires that I consider inappropriate.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard some said that if I intend to be cured of my glass house cancer, I best to keep quiet no matter what I hear.
My response: That is very and very hard for me. I am already staying very, very calm so that I have not shoot like a rocket every time.

And I won't request special arrangement to help me hear these because I already called laws help.

----Nov. 19th, 2017