
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

11-14-2017 All About DNA test

11-14-2017 All About DNA test

Heard this morning's talk about DNA test result resemblance of 97%, 99% and etc.
My response: DNA resemblance is like following, same if do a mother side DNA test.

Father and son (daughter) > 99%
Siblings from same both parents  > 98%
Half Siblings >97%

Father's siblings (from same both parents) and son(daughter) > 97%
Father's half-siblings and son(daughter) > 96%

Grandfather and grandson (granddaughter) > 98%
Grandfather's siblings (from same both parents) and grandson(granddaughter) > 96%
Grandfather's half-siblings and grandson(granddaughter) > 95%

First cousin > 96%
Second cousin > 95%
Third cousin > 94%

Heard this morning said the girl of the published video in 2012 is DNA test resemblance > 99% with me. That is my biological daughter who resembles my appearance. I am after my ancient grandfather and ancient beauty grandmother in appearance, I do not really resemble my parents or my younger brother in appearance, and I do not resemble any of my cousins in appearance.

----Nov 14th, 2017

Heard the girl lives with a "British Nanny" is DNA test resemblance > 97% with me. This is a puzzle.
My response: Heard the girl lives with a "British Nanny" is DNA test > 99% resemble of her birth mother.

Heard her birth mother is, at least, a couple of years younger than me (born in 1967), my grandfather past away in 1965 who certainly was not the person fathered her birth mother.

Heard her birth mother's DNA test result shows,  that her birth mother is not my half-sibling or first cousin. This means her birth mother is not my father's or my father's siblings' child.

Her DNA test result is a puzzle. Her rumored resemblance to me is not nature resemblance.

----Nov 14th, 2017

How a child only carry 10% Chinese Gene can be mothered by a Chinese through DNA test verification?
My response: DNA test uses DNA Gene codes located in some certain regions on DNA twist to do the DNA test comparison. This is for parents’ DNA comparison, and for regional Gene comparison.

There are some customary parents’ comparison testing regions, but not necessarily the only comparable regions.

The customary parents' comparison DNA test regions are, just like Chinese Gene regions, regions that very characteristic enough to do the meaningful comparison. Those regions are not necessarily the only available regions can do the meaningful comparison, but these customary regions are universal comparable regions to almost all DNA test. Other regions that also comparable are case by case located on DNA twists individually.

A child mothered by a 100% Chinese can have only 10% Chinese gene may because of nature DNA fission in characteristic Chinese Gene comparable regions on DNA twists, or because of some DNA testing related reason. The DNA test puzzled 97% resemblance that mentioned above may also out of similar reasons.

----Nov 14th, 2017