
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, November 10, 2017

11-10-2017 This morning's August Born Child is a Sneak-In Illegitimate Cheap Born

11-10-2017 This morning's August Born Child is a Sneak-In Illegitimate Cheap Born

Heard about this morning's August born Child.
My response: This sneak-in illegitimate child is from a relative to an investor of Macy's. I did not know a daughter from that house can be this cheap. I am just being honest about what I heard and how I feel.

Like I made myself very clear if this is indeed from the person I do mind very much, I have no problem to tell that I also heard his birth mother already divorced, and his father already has a younger child. And I have no problem to say if it is his father is that Senior being arrested, I have no problem since I have no obligation, no responsibility and no need to mention that person at all. And I have no problem to be happy the person that I minded very much actually ended up with a sneak-in child and possibly no-inheritable but a shit like his birth mother.

Some say this is so insulting, I say "Great after all they have done to support all these insults to me. I will let my children know everything that happened made them shit-like to the public who know them, by factual evidence. And I am determined to return all these insults back to everyone that laws can't apply justice appropriately, and I have no problem to return these insults forever till I feel I have made myself feel justified".

By the way, I probably sued them "Murder for Money" already if all these are true stories. I figured that either daughter from this family are this cheap need to sneak-in a child to have some money or it is their Murder Attempt to kill me for my money.

----Nov. 10th, 2017

About Macy's Investor.
My response: I was treated nicely and respectfully in that broadcasted Macy's Thanksgiving parade when my parents were in New York City with me in 2000.

Heard Macy's is from the same investment of Lehman Brother's that I am currently provided for, a 400 years' old or so French Fund.

Boston downtown crossing location Macy's store's recent renovation that removed its Bathrooms and its kitchenware department sparked a lot of sayings.

Almost everyone in Boston, MA knows that I like to visit its kitchenware department and use its bathroom if I am in Boston Downtown area.

If there are no such stories on the radio, I would defend that is irrelevant because I already seldom go there since March of this year. But with this story of August born child, I am being very honest about what happened and what I heard.

----Nov. 10th, 2017

About Lehman Brother's Investor's family.
My response: Heard the investor has daughters who already married in 2004 and still in same marriages.

Heard their marriage have some situations because of 2004's meeting which has nothing to do with romance nature that I may need to do my sincere apology.

----Nov. 10th, 2017

Heard Chinese government is working on to have a saying over the ownership of this French Fund.
My response: This fund has been out of China at least for 400 years already. This 400 is over 5 times age of 68 years' old of People's Republic of China. It is Chinese culture to tell them "Shut the fuck up, who the Fuck do you think you are. You must be the whore-born that don't have parents to provide family education to teach you to shut the fuck up." This is totally 100% according to Chinese culture that only whore-borns don't learn shut-up from parents.

By the way, this French Fund has a parent fund as well, the same as the fund cause O'Connors confusion has a British Fund.

----Nov. 10th, 2017

A post I published somewhere regarding this "I came from China, I know".
My response: Not meant to insult anyone, but I have to let everyone to understand my frustration and curiosity a bit regarding this "I am a Chinese" knowledge of my private wealth. Can you ask your Chinese colleague or your Chinese friend why being Chinese from the People's Republic of China can be so authority on my achievements during my 20 years in U.S. time, and how a People's Republic of China's citizen can be so authority on American Fund's ownership? My family had to entrust all family wealth abroad before China became Communism country in 1949 that Communism certainly means seize all private wealth. Why is it so hard to understand for everyone having a Chinese passport? Everyone having or had a Chinese Passport knows that's what happened to everyone's private wealth in the 1950s in the People's Republic of China.  What knowledge can a Chinese passport grant on if I have my private wealth inherited outside China? 

* Only my grandfather may have entrusted every penny abroad. My great-grandfather, one of the donors who supported Chinese colleges, passed away in 1930 that he may not have expected China could be a communist country.

----Nov. 10th, 2017