
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, November 9, 2017

11-09-2017 Interests Conflicts and Intellectual Contribution Opportunities

11-09-2017 Interests Conflicts and Intellectual Contribution Opportunities

Heard this morning's broadcasting of talk about who should be my primary care surgeon and my primary care hospital for my glass house cancer treatment.
My response: I am all for my current primary care surgeon on who should be my primary care surgeon, And I am all for my current primary care hospital to be my primary care hospital.

I was enrolled to my medical treatment through O'Connors which I appreciated very much. But the problem is they all love Tina O'Connor very much (not a sarcasm statement). She just can't get over her 20 years ago experience, and whenever there are any conflicts between me and her out of that "can't get over", they all listen to her side stories only as you can certainly imagine. I choose to let my medical treatment stay clear from O'Connors.

I had a great primary care surgeon who was this morning's partner in discussion. It was started my idea on July 1st of 2004 to let Holly Knowlton keep an eye on if I spent her husband David Petraeus' money. My previous primary care surgeon is a cousin to this name Knowlton.  All my medical expenses have been paid by myself with some "episodes of investment opportunities stories", but with my own steady capability to pay for myself, this was never an issue.

The interest conflicts are from this surgeon become in-laws to a great O'Connor and some other names later. Because this or that reason, my patient interests has been comprised. That is the reason I have my current primary care surgeon.

My current primary care surgeon is a surgery nurse practitioner. In surgery, it is not easy for a surgery nurse practitioner to be promoted to a surgeon because surgery hours are needed for a surgery nurse practitioner to be eligible but a surgery nurse practitioner is not eligible to have surgery hours without a surgeon license. My current primary care surgeon was an assistant to my previous primary care surgeon for several years, and he got this opportunity to be in-place primary care surgeon because of the interest conflicts situation. He is the in-place primary care surgeon I trust and he got surgery practicing hours with special permission. He is now a great surgeon and my primary care surgeon.

----Nov. 9th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument of intellectual contribution opportunities.
My response: It is out of the frustration by knowing the handsome income I made from my intellectual contribution.

The argument is those in need of intellectual contribution should give their names some confidence that they can contribute great intelligence because they are willing to contribute. The concerned part is how long those in need of commercial intellectual contributions need to wait, and arguably part is the graceful period of time is expected to be till valid contributions arrive.

I understood the matter as A lot of talented people's screams maybe because of this not-intended blocking effort from some big names. I did bring my understanding of the matter to those big names' attention. I also have my own complains about some efforts regarding my health to ensure I cannot contribute intellectually.

This is similar to those efforts about my romance life. The male party should be accessible willingly or unwillingly by those "better-match from whoever's truly felt" till a child can be born or till a wedding can be achieved before the male party can have a word with me about children we share. I am being especially "designed" to have "disgusting looks and disgusting reputations" to ensure I can't have a word with the person who fathers my children, not to mention share life together with our children. I am determined to bring everyone who has participated this in the laws, for myself and for my children's sake.

----Nov. 9th, 2017