
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, November 13, 2017

11-13-2017 New Treatment Technology to Completely Cure Cancer --Proudly being the first person suggested How to Completely Cure Cancers

11-13-2017 New Treatment Technology to Completely Cure Cancer --Proudly being the first person suggested How to Completely Cure Cancers

Heard this morning's talk about new Cancer Treatment.
My response: This is the technology that uses laser power to 100% completely Cure Cancer, not some 5 years survival rate that needs to be collected through this treatment program promotion, but the rate of Complete Cured Cancers.

As broadcast by the radio program this morning, Eligibility for a cancer patient to participate depends on an oncologist's diagnose, no matter what the stage is but what the type of cancer is, and special Abbreviation of the treatment technology.

I had published this special Abbreviation on my school Blackboard this semester and last semester, with the surgery rate that is so impressively affordable (not covered by insurance). I am currently enrolled in an MBA program offered by a west coast University.

No matter what current cancer stage is or locations are, be original or spread, the patient can be cured 100% completely.

----Nov. 13th, 2017

The difference between new treatment technology and chemo.
My Response: Following are the reasons a special Abbreviation code is needed to enroll in this treatment.

----Nov. 13th, 2017

The difference between an Oncologist, a cancer researcher, a bio-medical engineer and me.
My response:
An Oncologist is a medical doctor (diagnose), a surgical doctor (scalpel surgery or this new technology surgery), or a radiant doctor (chemo or this new technology surgery) who can diagnose if a patient has cancer and what type of cancer, can remove cancer from patient through scalpel surgery or chemosurgery or this new technology surgery, and can help cancer patient to recover.

A Cancer Researcher is a researcher specialized on how to target cancer infected cells accurately to be used by Hemodialysis ( Adsorbing Carbon rod blood filtering technology).

A biomedical engineer is an engineer to design and to develop those medical diagnostic or treatment equipment and devices, such as artificial internal organs, replacements for body parts, and those machines for diagnosing medical problems or for providing medical treatments.

I am the person having a Master degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor degree in Pharmacology major that came with education on Basic Medical System.

I contributed to this new Cancer treatment technology by I am being the first person suggested using Hemodialysis ( Adsorbing Carbon rod blood filtering technology) for several times to prevent spreading. It is my from Basic Medical System knowledge.

I also contributed to this new Cancer treatment technology on how to improve research-oriented laser treatment technology (instruments and devices ) to clinic-usage treatment technology. It is from my Computer Science knowledge.

----Nov. 13th, 2017