
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

11-21-2017 All about name confusions

11-21-2017 All about name confusions

Heard this morning's broadcasting reflected confusion of David Petrovis and David Petraeus,
My Response: David Petraeus is the U.S. Army General who I met at a Hyatt Regional's lobby in Washington area in 2003.

David Petrovis is the person with a family name I respect hugely. There are more than several young Davids from this respectful Petrovis name in the U.S. currently, and I heard this one is currently dating a Chinese female whose disputes with me about the one I met was featured on the radio program a couple of months ago.

I have to make my response like what was featured this morning. I am not willing to be the subject of constant challenges, insults, and demands of financial providing* out of jealousy, competitiveness from this name confusion. This has been my complaints regarding Ford name.

* I do not know how Chinese communities have this weird illusion that a sexual relationship between a female and a male should mean provided by me, like the psycho-like requests "I told you I never wanted her, Why can't I spend her money" as you heard from their National leaders on the radio program. I just kept saying "I refuse."

----Nov. 21st, 2017

Heard sayings reflected from this morning's broadcasting about my investment in a respectful company.
My response: That is still my money still investing in the same respectful company, but as an investor is addressed. This may be the reason for these rumors.

----Nov. 21st, 2017

About my complaints regarding Ford name confusions.
My response: I reacted because these name confusions, if intended to produce a show, has not been well-managed to ensure my life would not be impacted. I have concerned my children have been exposed to hatred alike reactions from this intentional name confusions.

I did inform the law enforcement about possible hate crime and sexual harassment intended in producing as well as promoting this radio program this way.

----Nov. 21st, 2017

About my being the heir of my own family.
My response: Entertainment college graduated females often have opportunities to be invited into luxury life by a business person or a rich prominent person they associate with from work. The wonderful feeling of growing into luxury may have contributed the saying of "hang on to breast & butt attraction".

I am the major featured person in this radio program but I am not an entertainment professional. I met these attractive great prominent males, but I was not into their luxury life by my sexual activities. I am having the same financial comfortableness as those great prominent males that provided by my own maiden birth grandfathers' blessing so that I do not need to practice sexual attraction to have a wonderful luxury life.

I was brought up by the expectation of being an heir to run a house as the head of the house, not the expectation of running a house as a housewife. There were doubts why my current financial situation is so thrift, but that is my decision for some good reasons out of my characters of "not willing to see my money not spent on myself as I wish". No matter what doubts might be there, I know my money is mine to spend as I wish after this "hard time".

I am not the person willing to be competed by breast & butts attractions for luxury, and I am not the person interested in housewives' talks of everybody's romances. I have been fed up all this time with all these name confusions and insist-on accusing me being a stuck-on to this or that prominent male.

I won't be the person a bit afraid of this or that prominent name to hold my tongue when I am insulted by their associated females, and I won't hesitate to take legal actions when I see intolerable.

----Nov. 21st, 2017