
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, November 17, 2017

11-17-2017 About some frustrations expressed in this morning's broadcasting

11-17-2017 About some frustrations expressed in this morning's broadcasting

Heard this morning's confrontation from O'Connors.
My response: Heard O'Connors decided to leave it as it is. Let me explain what this is about here.

It was about what I published yesterday. The reason I published so yesterday is that some O'Connors declared either I am not allowed to say that I own the fund or they need to validate how I own the fund. I understood it as they either try to block me from spending my own money or try to dig out all bank accounts information. So, as you heard this morning, O'Connors were fighting that I can't include all O'Connors which is about 200 and I was explaining "there are more than one O'Connor to make it necessary to append an 's' there". And as you heard this morning, O'Connors decided to leave the following as it is:

What I published yesterday:

O'Connors never own that fund, it is not O'Connors' to say, and it is not O"Connors' to validate, and it is not O'Connors' to confront regarding anything about that fund.
This is the same to all my inheritances.

O'Connors' never own that fund, their family wealth confusion is not the reason to demand any paying checks or providing from that fund, and no one should use O'Connors' family wealth confusion to demand any paying checks or providing through O'Connors' family wealth confusion. This is the same to all my inheritances.

----Published on Nov. 16th, 2017

----Nov. 17th, 2017

Heard this morning's frustration about why I am not willing to give her my money knowing she is his wife.
My response: I am a female resident of Massachusetts, U.S and I am an heir of a long history polygamists' family, but I am not a gay or a lesbian and I am not interested in her. That is not to mention a polygamist never share a marriage partner.

It is her beloved and devoted husband that she should ask everything she deserved, she should never ask anything desirable to herself from a female she publicly shitted as "unwanted, disgusted to her husband". 

Any request from herself that is to request me to shit herself all over freely in all possible ways, which has to be my shared understanding of "shit herself all over freely",  will be my pleasure to cooperate. This is the only request that I am willing to hear from her.

*Massachusetts of United States is the first state in the whole world has lawfully same-sex marriage.

----Nov. 17th, 2017

Heard this morning's arguments, about above points I expressed, from those wives who are certain I have nothing to do with their wives.
My response: That is my frustrated curiosity why it is their business to be so agitated about some romance issues of some man else? Why it is their business to participate in this fight for an underwear of some man else? Even this or that person is associated with these wives, but that person is not supposed to be a man to these wives for them to fight for that person's underwear.

And that did spark a lot of rumors of who they are to this or that man on romance. And that did cause me express my anger loudly "Who the XXXX do you think you are?"

----Nov. 17th, 2017