
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, November 25, 2017

11-25-2017 What really confused these wives in this morning's broadcasting?

11-25-2017 What really confused these wives in this morning's broadcasting?

Heard this morning's confusion about who is who's real husband.
My response: To be accurate, this is "my response"not "my echo". Let me explain why.

I have been harassed for several years that I should "not be allowed" to say I had met this person because the person I met should be another one. I had to clarify every time that I was told what his name is by himself in front of his colleges in Military uniforms.

I had not got certain who is who on this morning's broadcasting yet, but my ears picked up the confusion that one female's husband was the one who got the inheritance, and The Inheritance mentioned is not another one's husband's inheritable. Whose money is this that causes this argument if the two do not share the same father? Why I got this anxious feeling that it sounds like I am in the picture because my inheritance being the confused money in these arguments?

I must emphasize that I got all my inheritances because who my birth lawful father is, my valid lawful inheriting in 2004 got nothing to do with my romance experiences.

I appreciate the announcement from a female saying I have nothing to do with a David Petroves. It is a true statement.

I heard the Tokyo airport charter terminal's romance story in 1975 or so from the Chinese female featured in this morning's broadcasting was with a David Petroves name.

----Nov. 25th, 2017

Heard some questioned what was my assignment on July 1st of 2004 that made me having commanding power.
My response: I do not remember, but I do remember all U.S. Military 5-Stars were there when I made all those requests to Military Supply Corp in a very commanding manner.

----Nov. 25th, 2017