
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, November 30, 2017

11-30-2017 I did not recognize People's magazine's published Photos is a True Statement

11-30-2017 I did not recognize People's magazine's published Photos is a True Statement

Heard this morning's announcement that David Petraeus never even met me.
My response: I met a person in Hyatt Regional in Virginia, Washington area in 2003. I was told his name is David Petraeus. I did not recognize the David Petraeus published in the People's magazine or Chinese newspaper World Journal is a true statement.

I never had any heartbroken feeling about all these "David Petraeus never wanted you" promotion on the radio and in Boston, Massachusetts.

I never spent David Petraeus' money, or his family's, or relatives' money. I was never provided for by David Petraeus' money, or his family's money, or his relatives' money. I could not even associate People's magazine's or World Journal's  David Petraeus with the person I met.

I was never heartbroken by all these hostilities expressed by David Petraeus on the radio.

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting caused confusion about who father the 4 children.
My response: I would say the radio program once broadcasted Jessica Pejoves(Petroves?) mothers 4 children. This morning's is Jessica R mothers 4 children from James R (David Petraeus).

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a Chinese female who mother a CHILD from Chines Premiere's.
My response: She is one of the patrons that I decided to call law enforcement's help before I call her a psycho.

By rumor I hear, she had stalked me in my glass house cancer treatment. She kept contact treatment providers' staff to bill me but not to provide treatment for me and transfer money to her. She requested all these very seriously because she mothers a child from the Chinese Premiere and I was never wanted by the Chinese Premiere. And she confirms the Chinese Premiere has nothing to do with me is a true statement.

I heard she did succeed sometimes because of her maiden last name (Fong or Fang), so I called law enforcement's help to find out if she is a criminal.

*If her maiden name is Fang is the reason she thinks that is her lawful money as well, she should go to an attorney to ask for help to find out.

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard those frustrated voices about "Why not interested in Albert Gore".
My response: I heard those frustrated voices are from Albert Gore's romance partners. I heard the frustrations were caused by my refusal to provide for Albert Gore and his associated, and the questions were asked out of disbelieves because he has been very popular among Chinese females sexually.

I did not know anything about Albert Gore other than the name printed in the newspapers before July 1st of 2004. I do not his romances at all and I am not interested to know either.

On July 1st of 2004, I was aware he is a grandfather already. This already impressed me that the grandfather should be an Old and Dry on romance-related matters that I should call a Mr. Senior.

I must say I am a Chinese U.S. female citizen, but I am really not interested in anyone who was already a Mr. Senior that stands for Old and Dry in 2004 already. I am really not interested at all about a Mr. Senior in 2004 who is 13 years more senior now.

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

11-29-2017 All about clarifications on Family & Inheriting

11-29-2017 All about clarifications on Family & Inheriting

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "mutual agreement" of his family wealth.
My response: Who are the two parties to this "mutual agreement" to announce a "car accident" to promote the younger child to the necessity of inheriting the family wealth? And such a family in general, not the direct father-son line by blood? And how generic is this family?

*In 2012, only the girl was published. At least, the girl is "acknowledged his child".

----Nov. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about the "cancellation of providing from China".
My response: I have accused People's Republic of China's government may have spent money cause me infected heavily, is this spending the "providing" need to be canceled?

Other than this virus infection accusation I made from some rumors I heard, I have never been provided for by People's Republic of China's money. I had received the free education including college education as People's Republic of China's citizen.

I have to mention that the majority of People's Republic of China's colleges, in 1985 when I went to college, was established from my birth great-great-grandfather's, my birth great-grandfather's, my birth grandfather's (方智仁) and my own entrust' donation in early 1900 ( the Republic of China ruling time's Ningbo Fang's House 民国时期的宁波方家). The college I graduated from and the college my father graduated from were both established by those donations.

This is plus the contributions I made to the People's Republic of China that were acknowledged by the People's Republic of China's government before 2012, some of which were featured on this same radio program before 2014.

*Too bad, other than my father's, I only know my grandfather's name: Fang, Zhiren (方智仁). 😈

** I have never spent any Rockefeller's money, I have never been provided for by any Rockefeller's money, nor by any Walton's money, nor by any Ford's money. I have been raised by my own birth legal parents, and I have been provided for by my own money, either by my hard earned own making or by my own birth grandfathers' blessing I inherited.

*** My providing for my biological & legal parents was decided on July 1st of 2004. I am providing for my own biological & legal parents.

----Nov. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's mention of a Mr. Fang.
My response: The knee down is from the group who respect this Mr. Fang is the heir of Zu's family. And I heard there is one person mentioned, in this morning's broadcasting, that this Mr. Fang has no financial inheritance reserved from Zu's family.

This Mr. Fang has nothing to do with my family and my inherited wealth.

Zu's family's original family name is Zu (Zhu, 朱) which was originated from Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368AD– 1644AD).

My family's original family name is Leu (Liu, 刘) which was originated from Chinese East Han dynasty (25 AD - 220 AD). Later my family's name changed to Lee (Li, 李) sometime before my ancestors were Chinese Tang dynasty Emperors ( 618AD - 907AD). I do not know when my family name changed to current Fang (方), but I heard that was after my ancestors moved to Zhejiang province.

*My grandfathers, Southern Tang Emperors(南唐, 937 AD–976 AD), were still having Lee(Li) as the family name when they were in Nanjing area. My father attained Nanjing University in the 1960s and stayed in Nanjing after graduation,  I was born in Nanjing in 1967, almost 1000 years after my ancestors left Nanjing area.

----Nov. 29, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

11-28-2017 Why this radio program is a public scandal

11-28-2017 Why this radio program is a public scandal

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why this radio program is produced like such a public scandal.
My response: I contribute what else I complained about:

Since 2007 or 2010, whenever there was a discussion about some deserves, there was an announcement stating who should have this being discussed money at the end of the discussion, and the real money transferred to that being announced person's bank account after broadcasting.

The reason for on-radio discussion was because the discussing group did not know how I earned this being discussed intellectual income, and this on-radio discussion proved their intelligence, which was good enough to have my intellectual income that being discussed to be transferred into their bank account.

And all these were, by rumor, organized and announced by Albert Gore, because he had led the United States for 8 years.

I have announced I have nothing to do with this Albert Gore, and I did file complaints about this Albert Gore's murder attempt for money. I did call laws help to get back my hard earned intellectual income.

Also, all these were backed up, by rumor, by Mr. O'Connor who complained that making an announcement was how his wealth being owned by me.

I have clarified that the wealth Mr. O'Connor complained about is my grandfather's entrust that I inherited according to my grandfather's will on June 30th, 2004. My inheriting has been valid according to U.S. laws. Mr. O'Connor was aware I am the sole beneficiary person of my grandfather's will and that Fund was set up by my grandfather's entrust. Mr. O'Connor was confused because of a letter his great-grandfather wrote almost 200 years ago.

Mr. Petroves, an American, had complained about the same issue as Mr. O'Connor. I have to clarify here that I had inherited more than one grandfathers' entrusts according to my grandfathers' wills together with Funds that setup by those entrusts. All my inheriting have been valid according to U.S. laws.

----Nov. 28th, 2017

Why there is no radio company's management in producing managing?
My response: Being the victim impacted by this radio program's broadcasting, I can see the efforts of radio company management trying to find out what happened.

I also heard, radio company's CEO's wife is a Hispanic. Rumored she has a cousin was rapped-like in front of the male's relatives. And the male that Mrs. Pittman was told and verified, by rumor, was the person publicly acknowledged that her cousin is a wife-like to him. Rumored he is currently providing for Mrs. Pittman's cousin's 6-month old child in Jamaica.

Mrs. Pittman, by rumor, understood that is the same person who fathers my children. I was wondering why would he do that public declaration of his sexual desire to his relatives in his 40s, and I really hope he is indeed strong as a 20s. He is almost 50 years old now. And I heard that 6 months old child is not seeded by the person who fathers my children.

----Nov. 28th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "I thank you for let me have the money, bla bla."
My response: I need some advice on this. I have been harassed like so for several years through my glass house cancer.

I did write tons of letters to FBI because I figured it is more appropriate to let FBI officers identify if they are criminals first instead of assuming they are psychos directly.

What else I heard of, there are tons of people willing to represent me voluntarily and to make decisions on my lawful interests without me even heard of these decisions.

What else should I do? Clarify these on the radio? I need to be advised on how? Why? Listen:

Radio program has been kept on very busy: Radio Producers are busy on fighting to get the microphone, Chinese Government is busy on announcing I am unwanted fake on the radio,  British Royals are busy on acclaiming British deserves a rich American husband, American Riches are busy on yelling "I said so", Hispanics Females are busy on confusing everybody who father their children, Prominent Wives are busy on proving they are intelligent enough to manage everybody else' matters, Big Names are busy on expressing their confusion,  money-wanters like Albert Gore, by rumor, are busy on sneak-in to announce the ownership of some money, All above shared choir of "Why can't I have her money"....

All I can do and I have done is kept on calling law enforcement's help and kept on speaking up for myself. What else should I do?

-----Nov. 28th, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution.

11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution.

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the tears on July 1st of 2004 when Viagra (Blue) was announced.
My response: A lot of people can not relate to this emotional moments, especially a lot of intelligent ladies who married to great men and gave up their profession for the family they love.

So I use this love story that is common for a movie theater to illustrate what that emotion is like.
A boy and girl has grown up in the same neighborhood and became sweethearts in high school. They were each other's first time. They went to different colleges and became best friends.

They both got a job in the same city and stayed close whenever they need each other's comforts. They both thought they may end up getting married. After some looking around, she stopped fancy a marriage without him and started to plan her life with him in every big or small of her dreams.

 But he is still looking around. She was there share his excitement when he met a girl with the comfortableness that he will come back to her like he usually does. A year later, he told her the wedding date is set and invitations have mailed out. She looked at him, and all she knows is no matter how close they are, no matter how she means to him, that girl is going to be his bride on that wedding day. No matter how many dreams she had that has sweet him in there, she just has to move on.

That is the emotion those researchers from other pharmaceutical companies felt on that day. Some started their careers right after their college graduation, and research has been right there in their reach. With all those devoted work for decades, unless they can find something completely different with what Viagra(Blue) team got, they just won't be able to have THE PATENT.

----Nov. 27th, 20117

Why was I crying if I was not a research?
My Response: My major in college is pharmacology that come with 3-years Basic Medical System education. I was in the industry after graduation and I was aware of there have been tons of research from Basic Medical System side and from the Pharmaceutical side. Pharmacology is a profession between Pharmacist and Medical Doctor.

On Basic Medical system side, research is focused on some unknowns, such as erect-able issue after almost perfect clean prostate surgery, to find out how human bodies naturally functioned to better understand the root cause of such health issues. It has been a known issue that a male's member cannot erect after a prostate surgery, even it is clear that surgery did not damage any known erecting related biological parts or related nerve system. Basic Medical System researchers are focusing on what else, be it hormone generating related or neurotransmitter mechanism related, that can be erecting related that may be affected by the surgery. Those researchers are normally rewarded for Noble Prize for their big findings.

On pharmaceutical side, researchers are focused on what can be done to those health issues that are generated from the known root cause, such as find out what compound that can simulate erecting related hormone or can stimulate generating erecting related hormones, etc. The compound would latter become medication, etc. These researchers are rewarded for PATENTS of the compounds that can provide treatments or improvements of the known health issues.

What I figured out is there is no need to fully resolve the human reproduction issue caused by unable to erect. The common knowledge about human reproduction is "Sperms generating first, male member erecting follows". Help to generate sperms to enable erecting is the common route for both Basic Medical System research and Pharmaceutical research on this matter*.

My contribution that recorded on a June Sunday in 2004 was "Let the man can enjoy his sex life first by helping his member erect through some local stimulating mechanism to enlarge sponge area only instead of stimulating through hormone generating, then worry about how to help this man to have a child carry his blood.".

I started to cry because I heard that Mister said: "enlarge".  I knew for certain that not many people figured out what I got. I thought I had missed it this close.

I was asked if I can assume why those researchers haven't thought of "enlarge" themselves.
My response: I was never a researcher on this and I cannot assume, but I heard that Viagra (Blue) research lab stopped further research on the same Sunday after they heard my contribution.

The known knowledge about a male's member erecting was "No Sperm, No Erecting". And I heard the sponge area does not react well to common blood circulation enhancer.

My contribution was to "find out the mechanism component (in original Chinese)* how some known male-enhancer herbs, etc. can help to let sponge area being helped with blood circulation (Congestion) to enlarge."

Viagra (Blue) team may have scanned all possible herbs, animal pieces,etc. that known for having male-enhancing effects as part of standard research practicing. Viagra (Blue) research lab can stop further research on the same Sunday they heard my contribution is because they already knew which components have this increase blood circulation in sponge area effects .

My contribution is saving of budget for further research and profiting from going to market early than expected.

* I graduated in Pharmacology from P.R.China, and pharmaceutical research on Chinese herbs was very popular when I was in School.

* When I lived in NYC before 1997, I knew that Dr. Cai has a male-enhancer Chinese herbs formula that he encapsulated to give to some of his acupuncture patients. I never spied on what his formula was and I never mentioned any possible better enhancer herb's name in my contribution on that June Sunday in 2004.

*Mechanism is more Basic Medical System side research that is to find why this herb can enhance sponge area's blood circulation. Pharmaceutical side research is to find out if there is any component or extracts from those herbs can increase blood circulation in sponge area.

----Nov. 27th, 2017

Background knowledge of my Basic Medical System knowledge:
The mechanism between Sperms generating and male member erecting is the unknown that related to Prostate Surgery's known impacts.

Male Sperms are fresh generated (matured) every time a male is excited. No stored sperms in a male's body.
A female's eggs matured by "batches" ever since her maturity and stored in her body.

A male cannot erect won't be able to have a child if no medical technology helped preserved sperms. A female in her 70s or 80s can still be a mother through pregnancy mother.

Without male's sperms being matured (generated), a hormone that can erect male member will not be generated, and a male's member can not erect without this hormone,.

Without sperm being matured (generated), even inject the hormone/hormone simulates or stimulate the gland to generate the hormone that is responsible to erect the male member, the male member just can not erect.

**Heard Viagra(Blue) can help result in a couple of active sperms in each outcome. The mechanism is unknown.

----Nov. 27, 2017

*Please pardon my current English level, it is hard for me to formulate longer English expressions because of my current glass house cancer treatment.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

11-26-2017 I filed discrimination complaint about "impossible can have any money because of sexually inactive"

11-26-2017 I filed discrimination complaint about "impossible can have any money because of sexually inactive"

Heard Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) is still lingering in the radio program's producing.
My response: I filed complain to BBB about this radio program's sever sexual harassment. I heard FCC is like "O'Connors' family FCC" currently, and I can tell they all love this Tina O'Connor, cousin of theirs, very much. So I decided to file my complaint with BBB* before I find out which government agency to file this complaint yet. *Better Business Bureau, a non-government organization.

Heard she is privileged this round is because she is someone's younger illegitimate child. But I also heard she carries O'Connors' family look and the "rumored real biological father" is not a British.

I do not feel bad, at least not strongly, for this Tina O'Connor's confusion about her personal life and her confusion of my inheritance fund. But I do appreciate O'Connors' honesty about their family confusion is their grandfather's letter, not denying it is my grandfather's entrusted money and I am the sole beneficiary of my grandfather's will.

I met him early than her which was confirmed in January of 2004 already. She had been his roommate for 7 years only from her own willingness to move-in and her own refusal to move out. This was complained by him in January of 2004. And this adds to the fact she is the mother of her own attorney husband's children. (She is a wife to an attorney, not a Business person.)

My anger is: My inheritance fund has supported O'Connors families to contribute to the United States is not the reason she can be privileged to shit me all over on a public channel radio. That is no matter how confused she is about her great-grandfather's letter, She knows that fund is my grandfather's entrusted fund and I am the heir in this grandfather's will.

-----Nov. 26th, 2017

About my cash providing has been stopped.
My response: Per my side story, I had three inheriting related meetings in 2004, January's was to validate my Identity, June 30th was the inheriting day. And July 1st of 2004 was the one that a lot of arrangements had made regarding my decision to move up to Boston, MA from New York City area.

These arrangements include: Invested a clinic(Whittier Street Clinic) across the street in case of medical emergency. Arranged this apartment I am currently living with some cash/Foodstamp assistances, etc. All these were with payment discussion.

I was supposed to move to another spacious lodging at a better location provided by Boston Housing Authority, and having better cash providing from Boston Transition Department or Social Security till my entrust finish. And my entrust suppose to finish when my health is better.

I have been shited by this radio program and its promotion as "beggar with no money because of unwanted status with inactive sexual activities".

And my precious $300 cash providing stopped on 25th is the trigger that I filed complaints to General Attorney of Massachusetts. I need cash. I have been screaming I need to have more cash and now this precious $300/month was stopped. So I file an official complaint last night saying this is sexually related discrimination against me being sexually inactive since I moved up to Boston, MA in 2004.

*I may need to check this cash providing again today. I was confused about the date on 24th but I did receive a letter saying it would stop on 24th of this month.

I complain BHA legal department refuse to check if I have money "because I was never a Mistress like their friends". As you heard on the radio, there are too many Hispanic women fighting to be the real one who has a child with the person who may father my two children. And if you ever go into Boston Housing Authority building, you will be impressed that is a Hispanic majority department, a real majority. Its Legal Department is the only department, possibly, that has all white employees (Two only).

To be honestly, I do not know if there is anyone of those Hispanic females who featured on the radio program that has any association with the person who fathers my children. Maybe not even one is the serious complaint I have about this radio program.

It is not a white female, other than Tina O'Connor, I am complaining about this upgrading. My complaint is: After I provided references to BHA, my argument has been why don't they check the meeting record if the decided amount has paid to the BHA account as decided in July 1st of 2004's meeting, and they just kept ignoring it. And by rumors I hear, it is because I am unwanted and that is paid by somebody who never wanted me or doesn't want me anymore.

I do not know which fund suppose to pay for this. I have more than one inheritance funds that invested in some very respectful companies. The paying check is from this or that respectful company's investor accounts which is from my own money invested in the company, not this or that prominent man's money.

When I kept saying that is my own money, the rumor I heard is BHA is not certain who ultimate owns the paying account and they cannot let me use that paid amount because of this uncertainty, or that has to be understood as a donation that should pay for either whoever in need or some females screaming in-bed now. And all these left me in a situation constantly facing threats to be evicted from my current apartment.

My anger is: Why not check if that paid amount is valid lawful payment for my exclusive usage? They cannot verify who ultimately owns the paying account but they can verify if the paid amount is lawful valid payment which is for my exclusive usage, with law enforcement's help if necessary.This is the same complaint about Boston Transition Department.

----Nov. 26th, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

11-25-2017 What really confused these wives in this morning's broadcasting?

11-25-2017 What really confused these wives in this morning's broadcasting?

Heard this morning's confusion about who is who's real husband.
My response: To be accurate, this is "my response"not "my echo". Let me explain why.

I have been harassed for several years that I should "not be allowed" to say I had met this person because the person I met should be another one. I had to clarify every time that I was told what his name is by himself in front of his colleges in Military uniforms.

I had not got certain who is who on this morning's broadcasting yet, but my ears picked up the confusion that one female's husband was the one who got the inheritance, and The Inheritance mentioned is not another one's husband's inheritable. Whose money is this that causes this argument if the two do not share the same father? Why I got this anxious feeling that it sounds like I am in the picture because my inheritance being the confused money in these arguments?

I must emphasize that I got all my inheritances because who my birth lawful father is, my valid lawful inheriting in 2004 got nothing to do with my romance experiences.

I appreciate the announcement from a female saying I have nothing to do with a David Petroves. It is a true statement.

I heard the Tokyo airport charter terminal's romance story in 1975 or so from the Chinese female featured in this morning's broadcasting was with a David Petroves name.

----Nov. 25th, 2017

Heard some questioned what was my assignment on July 1st of 2004 that made me having commanding power.
My response: I do not remember, but I do remember all U.S. Military 5-Stars were there when I made all those requests to Military Supply Corp in a very commanding manner.

----Nov. 25th, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

11-24-2017 Why I was recruited a 3-Stars General's rank with commanding power

11-24-2017 Why I was recruited a 3-Stars General's rank with commanding power

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying I am the one David Petraeus willing to spend money for.
My response: That is maybe an accurate expression of saying "willing" because it is practically "willing only".

He had paid for a month or so of my medical expense ($500,000 or so) and that amount has been taken from my pre-paid $400 million per year medical expense by his wife Holly Knowlton. And some other incidents are similar to this.

My current pre-paid medical expenses are paid by a check clearly with "investor" printed on it.

I currently only have security and medical big expenses which are all provided by my own money. I appreciate his willingness expression but I have to clarify it is practically a "willingness" only.

What annoyed me is Holly Knowlton's cousins may have taken more of my money from my intellectual incomes. I did call laws help on this annoying matter.

----Nov. 24th, 2017

Heard yesterday's broadcasting about a U.S. Military General's scandalous comment about me.
My response: That comment was from a U.S. Military General who did not know why I could be a combat officer having a 3-Stars Military General's rank at recruiting.

It normally takes a military's combat division personnel 20 years in-service to be promoted to a Military 3-Stars. That is the reason I explained that I was recruited in research division, same as a researcher in Technology Corp or Medical Corp, that always recruited with the Military ranks associated with the level of knowledge in research specialty.

I was recruited as Military Strategist makes me a combat officer because my acknowledged research achievements are on the martial strategy that seeks to answer the question, "How will we win this war?"(Batman, 2015) and studies the specifics of planning for, and engaging in combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle. (Wikipedia, 2017).

A Military Strategist from research division does have commanding power when on assignment.

----Nov. 24th, 2017

Please refer my explanation on this.
Japanese Military in WWII and U.S. Military in Vietnam War

Military Science and Military Strategy

Batman(2015).Understanding Military Strategy and the Four Levels of War. retrieved from http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a39985/four-levels-of-war/

Wikipedia (2017)/ Military Strategy. retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_science

Thursday, November 23, 2017

11-23-2017 All about Military Science and Military Strategist

11-23-2017 All about Military Science and Military Strategist

Heard this morning's argument between two possible real wives who both refused to authorize me a U.S. Military 3-Stars General rank.
My response: I am a not-enlisted U.S. Military 3-Stars General is authorized by U.S. Military, not by any wife to any enlisted U.S. Military personnel, authentic or not.

I am proud I am a U.S. Military 3-Stars General Strategist.

Before I was recruited in January of 2004, the "in-argument authentic real marriage's" possible partner was asked by the recruiter, his colleague, if I was qualified. This may be the reason for this morning's argument about who was sitting there with whom at that moment.

----Nov. 23rd, 2017

Heard the saying of how could it possible that I can have a 3-Stars General's rank by half an hour speech.
My response: It is real that I became a U.S. Military 3-Star General after a half hour speech by being the first person making the point that "Japanese Military was the best-performed military in WWII" at the Strategic level of wars where decisions occur.

 I was recruited as a 3-Stars U.S. Military General Strategist in January of 2004. Tons of requests I made to U.S. Military Supply Corps on July 1st of 2004 were made as a U.S. Military 3-Stars General Strategist, a combat officer, to enhance combat effectiveness, not as a technology researcher officer or medical researcher officer.

Military Strategists are mainly practitioners, some are mainly scholars. I think I was recruited as a scholar Military Strategist that "framing the battle space" of Japanese Military in WWII in January of 2004, and I was a practitioner Military Strategist that "evaluating theories, models and perspectives for the artful future application of military and strategic power." on July 1st of 2004.

----Nov. 23rd, 2017

"A major in Military & Strategic Studies prepares you to lead and operate across the spectrum of conflict throughout the world.

MSS majors learn to think as strategists, framing the battle space, and evaluating theories, models and perspectives for the artful future application of military and strategic power."

----retrieved from United Air Force Academy website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from https://www.usafa.edu/academic/military-strategic-studies/

"There are four levels of warfare. These are the Political, Strategic, Operational, and Tactical levels of war. " (ROBERT BATEMAN, 2015)

----retrieved on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from

"Military science is the study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force.[1] It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy. Military science serves to identify the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, technological, and tactical elements necessary to sustain relative advantage of military force; and to increase the likelihood and favorable outcomes of victory in peace or during a war. Military scientists include theorists, researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, designers, engineers, test technicians, and other military personnel."

"Military strategy is in many ways the centerpiece of military science. It studies the specifics of planning for, and engaging in combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle."

----retrieved from Wikipedia website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from the website:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_science

"A Supply Corps is a branch of a country's military which is in charge of logistics and supply procurement to the armed forces. The term is also used by private corporations but on a much rarer basis.

In the United States armed forces, each branch of service has its own supply corps. The United States Army refers to the organization as the Quartermaster Corps while the U.S. Navy operates a group known as the Navy Supply Corps.

In most militaries, the Supply Corps are considered staff officers meaning that they have no command authority over troops in the field or ships at sea. "

----retrieved from Wikipedia website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from the website:

Combat effectiveness measures the ability of a military force to accomplish its objective and is one component of overall military effectiveness.

The effectiveness of a military unit in performing its mission depends on its capabilities (including equipment and personnel) and its ability to use those capabilities.

----retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/combat-effectiveness

Combat Effectiveness composes of Personnel, Equipment, and Training. 
Personnel resources include Strength (Number of Soldiers), Job Qualification(Ability to Perform), Psychological Readiness, Cohesion, and Leadership.

---by T. Owen Jacobs, Joyce L. Shields (1983) "OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF COMBAT UNIT EFFECTIVENESS AND INTEGRITY." U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavior and Social Science. retrieved from http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a136757.pdf. 

Improve Combat Effectiveness on Equipment resource has 4 major goals:
  •  Higher equipment availability to sustain the combat power of small units and networked systems; 
  •  Reduced maintenance “footprint” in maneuver units to improve deployability and operational mobility; 
  • Reduced equipment maintenance costs to increase investment in future capabilities; and 
  •  Maneuver unit self-sufficiency during combat pulses to enable them to leverage information dominance through enhanced mobility. 
----by U.S. Army Research Division: Rand Arroyo Center (2003). "Improved Equipment Sustainment Is Critical to Army Transformation". retrieved from https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_briefs/2005/RB3039.pdf

----Nov. 23rd, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

11-22-2017 The U.S. military is the Authority on U.S. Military matters, not a house wife.

11-22-2017 The U.S. military is the Authority on U.S. Military matters, not a housewife.

Heard this morning's "impossible a 3-stars General" angry confrontation from a housewife.
My response: I am a 3-stars U.S. Military General, a Strategist not enlisted. This was validated by a U.S. military spokesperson on the radio program on Oct. 11th or Nov. 8th, 2017 or so when my lifetime achievements were acknowledged. That is the reason I am authorized by U.S. Molitary to wear U.S. Military 3-stars General's Service Dress Uniforms.

I advise this housewife, who may be very prominent in the People's Republic of China, to hold her tongue on who should be the authority on U.S. military matters.

*3-stars U.S. Military General, a Strategist not enlisted.

*A Strategist is a combat research position, not a technology or medical research position.

*A Strategist is a combat officer, not a supply officer.

----Nov. 22nd, 2017

About "Lined-up" marriage and its bow loop.
My response: A lined-up marriage is a term referring to some married couples that grouped by father another man's wife's child or mother another woman's husband's child. No child shared between married husband and wife.

It has weird bow rule that father of the child bow to the husband of the child's mother; and the mother of the child bow to the wife of the child's father.

And any husband or wife in any sequential number of marriage in this "lined-up marriage" can be a doggie bottom if the marriage partner is the need-to-bow-to and two adjacent marriage are coping willingly or not willing to make this husband or wife a bow only.

The Father of the Child -------->

                  Husband 1 -> Husband2 -> Husband 3->Husband4->Husband5
                        Wife1<------ Wife 2<-----Wife 3<-----Wife 4<-------Wife 5

                                      Above: Illustrating that the Doggie Bottom is Wife 3

                                                                                                           <-------The Mother of the Child

In this loop, wife 3 need t bow to her own husband in her marriage, father of her child (husband 2) cannot help her because he needs to bow, for some reason, to his wife in his own marriage as well, and mother of her husband's child is not willing to bow to her because father of her child (husband 3) is this wife 3 bows to and willing to spoil her (wife 4).

The Father of the Child -------->

                  Husband 1 -> Husband2 -> Husband 3->Husband4->Husband5
                         Wife1<------ Wife 2<-----Wife 3<-----Wife 4<-------Wife 5

                                  Above: Illustrating that the Doggie Bottom is Husband 3

                                                                                                              <-------The Mother of the Child

In this loop, Husband3 need t bow to his own wife in his marriage, mother of his child (wife 4) cannot help him because she needs to bow to her husband, for some reason, in her own marriage as well, and father of his wife's child is not willing to bow to him because mother of his child (wife 3) is this husband3 bows to and willing to support him (husband2).

I screamed out loud in 2015 that I was a doggie bottom because of this "line-up marriage" just by rumors. I refused to be that wife 3 in this illustration loop just by rumors. I refuse.

I just wonder why any financial well-being male or female would willing to be in this doggie bottom?

----Nov. 22nd, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

11-21-2017 All about name confusions

11-21-2017 All about name confusions

Heard this morning's broadcasting reflected confusion of David Petrovis and David Petraeus,
My Response: David Petraeus is the U.S. Army General who I met at a Hyatt Regional's lobby in Washington area in 2003.

David Petrovis is the person with a family name I respect hugely. There are more than several young Davids from this respectful Petrovis name in the U.S. currently, and I heard this one is currently dating a Chinese female whose disputes with me about the one I met was featured on the radio program a couple of months ago.

I have to make my response like what was featured this morning. I am not willing to be the subject of constant challenges, insults, and demands of financial providing* out of jealousy, competitiveness from this name confusion. This has been my complaints regarding Ford name.

* I do not know how Chinese communities have this weird illusion that a sexual relationship between a female and a male should mean provided by me, like the psycho-like requests "I told you I never wanted her, Why can't I spend her money" as you heard from their National leaders on the radio program. I just kept saying "I refuse."

----Nov. 21st, 2017

Heard sayings reflected from this morning's broadcasting about my investment in a respectful company.
My response: That is still my money still investing in the same respectful company, but as an investor is addressed. This may be the reason for these rumors.

----Nov. 21st, 2017

About my complaints regarding Ford name confusions.
My response: I reacted because these name confusions, if intended to produce a show, has not been well-managed to ensure my life would not be impacted. I have concerned my children have been exposed to hatred alike reactions from this intentional name confusions.

I did inform the law enforcement about possible hate crime and sexual harassment intended in producing as well as promoting this radio program this way.

----Nov. 21st, 2017

About my being the heir of my own family.
My response: Entertainment college graduated females often have opportunities to be invited into luxury life by a business person or a rich prominent person they associate with from work. The wonderful feeling of growing into luxury may have contributed the saying of "hang on to breast & butt attraction".

I am the major featured person in this radio program but I am not an entertainment professional. I met these attractive great prominent males, but I was not into their luxury life by my sexual activities. I am having the same financial comfortableness as those great prominent males that provided by my own maiden birth grandfathers' blessing so that I do not need to practice sexual attraction to have a wonderful luxury life.

I was brought up by the expectation of being an heir to run a house as the head of the house, not the expectation of running a house as a housewife. There were doubts why my current financial situation is so thrift, but that is my decision for some good reasons out of my characters of "not willing to see my money not spent on myself as I wish". No matter what doubts might be there, I know my money is mine to spend as I wish after this "hard time".

I am not the person willing to be competed by breast & butts attractions for luxury, and I am not the person interested in housewives' talks of everybody's romances. I have been fed up all this time with all these name confusions and insist-on accusing me being a stuck-on to this or that prominent male.

I won't be the person a bit afraid of this or that prominent name to hold my tongue when I am insulted by their associated females, and I won't hesitate to take legal actions when I see intolerable.

----Nov. 21st, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

11-20-2017 Some more confusions about agreed-upon-providing

11-20-2017 Some more confusions about agreed-upon-providing

Heard this morning's talk of an Ambassador.
My response: Heard the rumor that her personal life plan is the reason she was promoted to be an Ambassador. I was surprised because an Ambassador is a public post to represent the government even without a paycheck.

Heard her personal life plan is to be wanted by a U.S. citizen rich man. Heard her personal life plan can only be achieved by let my children without their father. Heard her personal life plan was helped by those pathetic-s who are so proud all they can do and all they good at is to mix-and-match human beings' sexual activities.

I won't be the person can hold my tongue on this matter, and I won't be the person would be confused who should be called the trouble maker on this matter, and I won't be the person so afraid of facing these insults.

I did informed law enforcement about possible prostitution business involvement on this matter.

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Heard some confusion about agreed-upon-providing.
My response: Agreed-upon-providing is not attorney fee. It was the agreed-upon-support that provided to those devoted to serve the countries that also having a family to support at the time when serving the countries means no personal income. This agreed-upon-providing(agreed-upon-support) is in process of stopping.

My inheritance that has been providing this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support) was not a client to those being-provided-for because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

My inheritance that has been providing this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support) is not a client to those being-provided-for's family-owned-attorney-business because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

This explanation is to all my inheritances.

I, Min Fang, was not a client to those being-provided-for because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

I, Min Fang, is not a client to those being-provided-for's family-owned-attorney-business because of this agreed-upon-providing (agreed-upon-support).

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Heard saying why side lines are also provided(supported) for by this agreed-upon-providing(agreed-upon-support).
My response: My inheritance fund only responsible for transferring agreed-upon amount of support one-installment per year as agreed-upon to the one-and-only bank account number owned by the provided(supported)-for-family as agreed-upon. It is purely their own family financial matters beyond this.

----Nov. 20th, 2017

Reference Link:  11-15-2017 I own my claimed wealth lawfully is Validated (“我和中国政府的矛盾”附后)

My inherited wealth are all entrusted before the People's Republic of China even exists.
My investments outside the People's Republic of China are never any charities or donations from the People's Republic of China.
My investments in the People's Republic of China are all lawful investments that conduct lawful business and pay required taxes according to U.S. laws and People's Republic of China's laws.
----Published on Nov. 19th, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

11-19-2017 Child Trafficking is a Huge Crime in the United States and In the People's Republic of China(贩卖儿童在美国及在中华人民共和国都是严重犯罪行为)

11-19-2017 Child Trafficking is a Huge Crime in the United States and In the People's Republic of China(贩卖儿童在美国及在中华人民共和国都是严重犯罪行为)

Heard this morning's shocking proud of abusing 4500 children to get money.
My response: What I heard is these children are "organized to be imported into" United States just to help somebody fulfilled the ambition "to let me pay for it". They are now, by rumor, in the United States without their parents' accompany and intended to stay on "regular business donations".

I did inform law enforcement about this shocking child trafficking announcement from what I heard what was broadcasted this morning on the radio program.

I did express myself that I refuse to be the victim of this organized larceny crimes through business spending.

I did express myself that I refuse to let my money into any criminal business like so.

I did express myself that I refuse to let anyone who is determined to abuse managerial power or work-power to have the opportunities to let my money involved in crimes including these crimes to make myself a victim as well.

I did express myself that I refuse to pay for these children and I refuse to provide for these children.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard these children are trafficked from the People's Republic of China with this Chinese government's help.
My response: My inherited wealth are all entrusted before the People's Republic of China even exists.

My investments outside the People's Republic of China are never any charities or donations from the People's Republic of China.

My investments in the People's Republic of China are all lawful investments that conduct lawful business and pay required taxes according to U.S. laws and People's Republic of China's laws.

According to the People's Republic of China's laws, Chinese citizens' children are those children's own parents' obligations to raise or the People's Republic of China's government's obligation to help to raise.

I, Min Fang, refuse to be the victim of this organized crime that intends to spend or use my money without my willingness.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard these children are "imported" with some special help.
My response: I did inform law enforcement about this.

I also informed law enforcement about rumors that this radio program's producing effort is to get my money without my own willingness and rumors about my medical treatment that you heard on the radio.
And I did express myself to the law enforcement that I refuse to be the victim.

I did clarify some reasons that caused confusion of ownership regarding my inherited wealth. I do not know what else is so confusing other than some financial desires that I consider inappropriate.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Heard some said that if I intend to be cured of my glass house cancer, I best to keep quiet no matter what I hear.
My response: That is very and very hard for me. I am already staying very, very calm so that I have not shoot like a rocket every time.

And I won't request special arrangement to help me hear these because I already called laws help.

----Nov. 19th, 2017

Saturday, November 18, 2017

11-18-2017 2007 July Stadium Event

11-18-2017 2007 July Stadium Event

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "July Stadium Wedding" event.
My response: As explained this morning, event participants (Bride and Groom) or wedding organizer were all never associate with me romantically. Heard there was over 1000 in-person attendee. I was a name-attendee of the event that was introduced by over 400 voice-attendee of the event. Heard there was over 1000 take-part-in-person-attendee that celebrated the event that day at the stadium. This morning's broadcasting was not a replay of that 2007's event. This morning's broadcasting was a 10-years celebration of the 2007 event with about 500 voice-attendee that includes 100 new choir members.

----Nov. 18th, 2017

Heard this morning's explanation of why producing this radio program using editing techniques that used in Oscar movie "crash".
My response: I agree that this radio program had been this popular and phenomena in U.S. and in the entire world as reflected by this morning's explanation. This radio program has been a great achievement that presented producers' great talents. Hope this morning's explanation can bring out more explanations with positive intentions.

----Nov. 18th, 2017

Heard there was some confusion when I was born.
My response: I was born in 1967 as broadcasted in 2006 or so. The confusion is from Chinese version that broadcasted 1971. It was Chinese version only and I do not know who is this 1971-born. No such person associated with me as far as I know. Heard it was concluded a producing mistake in 2006 in China.

----Nov. 18th, 2017

Heard some confusion if I provide for my parents and why same equally
My response: I do provide for them same equally as decided on July 1st of 2004.
My inherited wealth was from my father side grandfathers' blessing. But I am a biological daughter to both of my parents, not an in-law. And I was raised by both of my parents. Of course, I provide for my parents same equally if that is my money, and I do consider my inheritance is my money.

I do not think I have any money-anchor child who has parents that do not include me deserve to be provided for same equally by my money. And I do my best never put any child carries my blood to be in that situation.

----Nov. 18th, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

11-17-2017 About some frustrations expressed in this morning's broadcasting

11-17-2017 About some frustrations expressed in this morning's broadcasting

Heard this morning's confrontation from O'Connors.
My response: Heard O'Connors decided to leave it as it is. Let me explain what this is about here.

It was about what I published yesterday. The reason I published so yesterday is that some O'Connors declared either I am not allowed to say that I own the fund or they need to validate how I own the fund. I understood it as they either try to block me from spending my own money or try to dig out all bank accounts information. So, as you heard this morning, O'Connors were fighting that I can't include all O'Connors which is about 200 and I was explaining "there are more than one O'Connor to make it necessary to append an 's' there". And as you heard this morning, O'Connors decided to leave the following as it is:

What I published yesterday:

O'Connors never own that fund, it is not O'Connors' to say, and it is not O"Connors' to validate, and it is not O'Connors' to confront regarding anything about that fund.
This is the same to all my inheritances.

O'Connors' never own that fund, their family wealth confusion is not the reason to demand any paying checks or providing from that fund, and no one should use O'Connors' family wealth confusion to demand any paying checks or providing through O'Connors' family wealth confusion. This is the same to all my inheritances.

----Published on Nov. 16th, 2017

----Nov. 17th, 2017

Heard this morning's frustration about why I am not willing to give her my money knowing she is his wife.
My response: I am a female resident of Massachusetts, U.S and I am an heir of a long history polygamists' family, but I am not a gay or a lesbian and I am not interested in her. That is not to mention a polygamist never share a marriage partner.

It is her beloved and devoted husband that she should ask everything she deserved, she should never ask anything desirable to herself from a female she publicly shitted as "unwanted, disgusted to her husband". 

Any request from herself that is to request me to shit herself all over freely in all possible ways, which has to be my shared understanding of "shit herself all over freely",  will be my pleasure to cooperate. This is the only request that I am willing to hear from her.

*Massachusetts of United States is the first state in the whole world has lawfully same-sex marriage.

----Nov. 17th, 2017

Heard this morning's arguments, about above points I expressed, from those wives who are certain I have nothing to do with their wives.
My response: That is my frustrated curiosity why it is their business to be so agitated about some romance issues of some man else? Why it is their business to participate in this fight for an underwear of some man else? Even this or that person is associated with these wives, but that person is not supposed to be a man to these wives for them to fight for that person's underwear.

And that did spark a lot of rumors of who they are to this or that man on romance. And that did cause me express my anger loudly "Who the XXXX do you think you are?"

----Nov. 17th, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

11-16-2017 Proud to be My Father's Daughter carry My Father's Blood

11-16-2017 Proud to be My Father's Daughter carry My Father's Blood

Heard this morning's arguments about confusion why I still say that is my money.
My response: That is my money because I inherited it and because it is validated according to U.S. laws that my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 is legally valid.

I am a U.S. citizen since June of 2015. All my inherited were entrusted before the People's Republic of China was born in 1949.

It is not People's Republic of China's saying or confrontation of anything regarding my inheritances.

It is not People's Republic of China's current administration's saying or confrontation of anything regarding my inheritances.

O'Connors never own that fund, it is not O'Connors' to say, and it is not O"Connors' to validate, and it is not O'Connors' to confront regarding anything about that fund.
This is the same to all my inheritances.

O'Connors' never own that fund, their family wealth confusion is not the reason to demand any paying checks or providing from that fund, and no one should use O'Connors' family wealth confusion to demand any paying checks or providing through O'Connors' family wealth confusion. This is the same to all my inheritances.

----Nov. 16th, 2017

Heard the saying why I have problems with Chinese Chairman Xi's announced family plan.
My response: I do not care a bit how he is going to have his family.

I am not willing to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with. I refused to be threatened to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with, and I refused to be shit all over because I refused to provide for his family or whoever he wants to share his life with.

*Rumored, according to Chinese Chairman Xi's announced family plan on the radio program, Chinese Premier's wife (Cheng, Hong 程虹) who is also the mother of Chinese Chairman Xi's only child (an adult son) is the person that Chinese Chairman Xi intends to share his life with.

*Both Chinese Chairman Xi and Chinese Premier have very high income and privileges in the People's Republic of China, both are¥100,000/month.

* Rumored the same female they both devoted to love also have been devotedly loved by several other Chinese senior government officials who also have very high incomes and privileges in the People's Republic of China. Rumored it is verified she has mothered 4 adult children from them, one each. Rumored this administration is the administration that "should be blessed by her fertility capability". Rumored she has two more adult children have not been verified fathered by whom yet.

*Rumored 程虹(Cheng, Hong) was graduated from a foreign language college (University) and had been a faculty of the same college (University).

----Nov. 16th, 2017

Heard the confrontation of Scientists from Chinese Science Academy.
My response: That has been my screams towards Chinese diplomats who are graduated from foreign language colleges (universities) or a foreign language majored in some colleges (universities). Those Chinese diplomats have insisted on to judge the level of my Computer Science knowledge by their foreign language knowledge.

This morning, as you heard on the radio, these Scientists from Chinese Science Academy who majored in Astrophysics (天体物理) or Geophysics (地球物理). This is my father's major and Chinese Science Academy had been the place my father had worked for over 30 years till he retired.

I assume the points from China, as you heard this morning, is to say that these people know for sure my father never had any professional achievements at all to express that this is how this administration of Chinese government know that it is impossible I can have any achievements in Computer Science just being his daughter.

I assumed my father is not feeling great at this hour. Heard he is also a U.S. citizen now. Heard this is not the first time. My father was enrolled in surveying and mapping school of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (原中国人民解放军测绘学校, currently named PLA Academy of Surveying and Mapping. 中国人民解放军测绘学院when he was enlisted in 1950. I heard somebody from this current Academy made a similar comment last year in the same radio program. 

My father got his bachelor's degree in Astrophysics major from Nanjing University(南京大学数天系) where he enrolled after he was no longer enlisted. 

I do not know how huge they are without any borrowing some intellectual properties efforts.

* Rumored they are the people knew if I have an adult child by birth. I say U.S. law enforcement can do a verification check on U.S. satellite's records to see if it is possible I could hide 10-months-pregnancy when I was a college student lived in an 8-person dorm or when I was having a full-time job.

* Rumored they are the people knew if my father has a pre-marriage daughter who is mothered by one of them. I say U.S. law enforcement can do a verification check on U.S. satellite's records to see if it was possible a female could be seeded without any physical contacts in People's Republic of China before 1967. I was born in 1967.

----Nov. 16th, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

11-15-2017 I own my claimed wealth lawfully is Validated (“我和中国政府的矛盾”附后)

11-15-2017 I own my claimed wealth lawfully is Validated (“我和中国政府的矛盾”附后)

Heard this morning's validation if my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 is legally valid.
My response: Big Thanks to the United States Supreme Court Judge who validated my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 is legally valid. Yes. Yes. Yes. Big Thanks.

----Nov. 15th, 2017

Heard the same U.S. Supreme Court Judge said he is not the person to say if I can own it all.
My response: Yes, of course. I own it all is by my grandfathers' wills.

----Nov. 15th, 2017

Heard the saying to vote to spend my money.
My response: That is from imaginable frustration. By U.S. laws, my wealth is my private wealth which is not eligible for this "vote to spend".

----Nov. 15th, 2017

Heard the saying of concerns if applicable investor taxes can be appropriately paid.
My response: Please inform IRS about why you are concerned. I informed law enforcement about my concerns how my investor taxes are paid.

----Nov. 15th, 2017

Heard the saying of concerns regarding if my providing checks can be lawfully valid to be cashed.
My response: Those checks are paid lawfully per those funds' known legal owner's request or known legal owner's lawful representative's requests. Regarding if I can be the beneficiaries of those paying checks,  please inform the law enforcement about all your concerns instead of any accounting departments that receiving these checks. Those paying checks are all lawfully signed valid checks.

You will be sued if you insist on harassing any accounting departments to block me to be provided for by those lawfully signed and legally valid paying checks. 

You will be sued for criminal activities if you insist on harassing any accounting departments to block my financial providing from those lawfully signed and legally valid paying checks because of your sexual activities or because your sexual intentions have nothing to do with me.

----Nov. 15th, 2017

The difference between Validating, Ruling and Voting.
My response: Validating is to verify some information according to the laws.
The ruling is to give a Judge's decision on the case the Judge is handling.
Voting is to make a decision on a matter as a group.

This morning, as you heard on the radio, the information about if my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 is valid has been validated by a Supreme Court Judge according to U.S. laws to be legally valid.

My inheriting on June 30th of 2004 was never a case in any U.S. court.

My inheriting on June 30th of 2004 was never a U.S. Supreme Court case as you heard on the radio.

----Nov. 15th, 2017

Heard saying why according U.S.laws when I was a People's Republic of China's citizen in 2004.
My response: I heard the explanation has given as my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 happened on U.S. soil.

I have been a U.S. resident since October of 1996. On June 30th of 2004, I inherited my wealth in a law office in Connecticut, United States.

I became a U.S. citizen since June of 2015.

----Nov. 15th, 2017









我是美国公民,任何美国政府官员参与安排及协调让中华人民共和国的解放军军人对我开枪开炮,都是违反美国法律的谋杀行为,如果Tina O'Connor或她的亲友以美国官员身份参与,都是企图谋财害命的行为。


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

11-14-2017 All About DNA test

11-14-2017 All About DNA test

Heard this morning's talk about DNA test result resemblance of 97%, 99% and etc.
My response: DNA resemblance is like following, same if do a mother side DNA test.

Father and son (daughter) > 99%
Siblings from same both parents  > 98%
Half Siblings >97%

Father's siblings (from same both parents) and son(daughter) > 97%
Father's half-siblings and son(daughter) > 96%

Grandfather and grandson (granddaughter) > 98%
Grandfather's siblings (from same both parents) and grandson(granddaughter) > 96%
Grandfather's half-siblings and grandson(granddaughter) > 95%

First cousin > 96%
Second cousin > 95%
Third cousin > 94%

Heard this morning said the girl of the published video in 2012 is DNA test resemblance > 99% with me. That is my biological daughter who resembles my appearance. I am after my ancient grandfather and ancient beauty grandmother in appearance, I do not really resemble my parents or my younger brother in appearance, and I do not resemble any of my cousins in appearance.

----Nov 14th, 2017

Heard the girl lives with a "British Nanny" is DNA test resemblance > 97% with me. This is a puzzle.
My response: Heard the girl lives with a "British Nanny" is DNA test > 99% resemble of her birth mother.

Heard her birth mother is, at least, a couple of years younger than me (born in 1967), my grandfather past away in 1965 who certainly was not the person fathered her birth mother.

Heard her birth mother's DNA test result shows,  that her birth mother is not my half-sibling or first cousin. This means her birth mother is not my father's or my father's siblings' child.

Her DNA test result is a puzzle. Her rumored resemblance to me is not nature resemblance.

----Nov 14th, 2017

How a child only carry 10% Chinese Gene can be mothered by a Chinese through DNA test verification?
My response: DNA test uses DNA Gene codes located in some certain regions on DNA twist to do the DNA test comparison. This is for parents’ DNA comparison, and for regional Gene comparison.

There are some customary parents’ comparison testing regions, but not necessarily the only comparable regions.

The customary parents' comparison DNA test regions are, just like Chinese Gene regions, regions that very characteristic enough to do the meaningful comparison. Those regions are not necessarily the only available regions can do the meaningful comparison, but these customary regions are universal comparable regions to almost all DNA test. Other regions that also comparable are case by case located on DNA twists individually.

A child mothered by a 100% Chinese can have only 10% Chinese gene may because of nature DNA fission in characteristic Chinese Gene comparable regions on DNA twists, or because of some DNA testing related reason. The DNA test puzzled 97% resemblance that mentioned above may also out of similar reasons.

----Nov 14th, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

11-13-2017 New Treatment Technology to Completely Cure Cancer --Proudly being the first person suggested How to Completely Cure Cancers

11-13-2017 New Treatment Technology to Completely Cure Cancer --Proudly being the first person suggested How to Completely Cure Cancers

Heard this morning's talk about new Cancer Treatment.
My response: This is the technology that uses laser power to 100% completely Cure Cancer, not some 5 years survival rate that needs to be collected through this treatment program promotion, but the rate of Complete Cured Cancers.

As broadcast by the radio program this morning, Eligibility for a cancer patient to participate depends on an oncologist's diagnose, no matter what the stage is but what the type of cancer is, and special Abbreviation of the treatment technology.

I had published this special Abbreviation on my school Blackboard this semester and last semester, with the surgery rate that is so impressively affordable (not covered by insurance). I am currently enrolled in an MBA program offered by a west coast University.

No matter what current cancer stage is or locations are, be original or spread, the patient can be cured 100% completely.

----Nov. 13th, 2017

The difference between new treatment technology and chemo.
My Response: Following are the reasons a special Abbreviation code is needed to enroll in this treatment.

----Nov. 13th, 2017

The difference between an Oncologist, a cancer researcher, a bio-medical engineer and me.
My response:
An Oncologist is a medical doctor (diagnose), a surgical doctor (scalpel surgery or this new technology surgery), or a radiant doctor (chemo or this new technology surgery) who can diagnose if a patient has cancer and what type of cancer, can remove cancer from patient through scalpel surgery or chemosurgery or this new technology surgery, and can help cancer patient to recover.

A Cancer Researcher is a researcher specialized on how to target cancer infected cells accurately to be used by Hemodialysis ( Adsorbing Carbon rod blood filtering technology).

A biomedical engineer is an engineer to design and to develop those medical diagnostic or treatment equipment and devices, such as artificial internal organs, replacements for body parts, and those machines for diagnosing medical problems or for providing medical treatments.

I am the person having a Master degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor degree in Pharmacology major that came with education on Basic Medical System.

I contributed to this new Cancer treatment technology by I am being the first person suggested using Hemodialysis ( Adsorbing Carbon rod blood filtering technology) for several times to prevent spreading. It is my from Basic Medical System knowledge.

I also contributed to this new Cancer treatment technology on how to improve research-oriented laser treatment technology (instruments and devices ) to clinic-usage treatment technology. It is from my Computer Science knowledge.

----Nov. 13th, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

11-12-2017 A Scheme? -- Root cause of "Pay for whoever's sexual activities"

11-12-2017 A Scheme? -- Root cause of "Pay for whoever's sexual activities"

Heard this morning's broadcasting about "no association with.."
My response: I did accuse them of something.

I accused them why they arranged to make me pay for someone's sexual activities that they said it was to settle a remarried family. This has been everybody's frustration, at least this has been what I feel like, why I have been refusing to provide for whoever's marriage-related sexual activities, and it has been my serious complains why I need to pay for whoever's sexual activities for almost 3 years.

Heard that their arrangements were the starters of this "pay for whoever's marriage-related sexual activities"  as you heard on the radio this morning, at least one of which was out of the judgment prompted by the phone call they received from the "NYC Duane Reade pharmacist Lizzette" as you heard on the radio in the morning.

----Nov 12th, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

11-11-2017 Controversial intentionally caused by Sexual Harassment from The Big Names' Associated

Heard this morning's a woman's claim that she is sharing a man.
My response: That is not a man can be associated with me for that female to make such a claim on my radio program.

I am financially much wealthier, that is no comparison wealthier, than the male or the male's family that is claimed, I have much glory family name and family history to share with my children,  I have no such need to be associated with any female's shared penis. This is a disgusting illusion to fancy a male can be shared just because he is unwanted.

My children have no obligation or responsibility to be associated with the male that was claimed a shared one, whoever the male is. I refuse to let this female or the male she claimed to have any association with my children.

----Nov. 11th, 2017

Heard this morning's some O'Connors efforts of confusing who do or do not share.
My response: Do not know if those O'Connors are decent O'Connor named.

Because of all these efforts to confuse who deserve to own a penis, or who deserves to be the better production of the penis. Plus the efforts of writing "legal documentation" to own my biological children for demanding money and providing purpose, I say:

Nowadays, O'Connor name only means shit, disgusting and"Who the FUCK they think they are".

Not sure if this morning's effort is to ensure I can get stuck in these lies after all these insults, or it is the effort to decent O'Connor's name a bit, at least, not a sick, pathetic psycho's synonym.

*Luckily, I am a pharmacologist can do a DNA test by my own hands.

----Nov. 11th, 2017