
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

09-04-2018 What to respect when the public channel's continuing promotion is "A sarbage woman is not good to be a proud public toilet"?

09-04-2018 What to respect when the public channel's continuing promotion is "A sarbage woman is not good to be a proud public toilet"?

Happy celebration of the clarification that I never took over anyone's wealth by flirting remotely.

I heard my claim of the following four American Fund companies have survived weekends. Other than the four well-known confused families you have heard of,  other than their lawfully registered owner-investor company, no one else can claim their ownership but I am privileged to claim the four Trusts I inherited in the year of 2004 have been these companies upstream-investors.

This has been my frustration facing the anger of "you can't own anyone's wealth by saying so" and the panic of "Whose money you spend? Where did you get the money?" Exactly right, how could any well-managed wealth possibly have no-known lawful owner? How could I  possibly spend whoever's money without contacting anybody to get the money physically into my hands or my wallet?

It has been so ridiculous to say that I could spend whoever's $4-6 Billion U.S. dollars on July 1st of 2004 by just saying "I want so" in a small law firm in Stamford of Connecticut. The truthful facts actually have been:

  • I can only lawfully spend my own lawful money by just saying "I want to". I spent only my own lawful money on July 1st of 2004.
  • I can only effectively spend money only when I say "I want to" to my own entrusting groups. I spent only my own lawful money on July 1st of 2004.

To avoid confusion if what I have claimed is inherited money or flirting-taking-over-fees, this is to clarify all four American Fund companies, each has $200Billion-size in 2004, which I have claimed on my web blog that,
  1. Each of these four $200Billion-size(2004) American Fund companies have never carried Rockefeller families Holding, nor Ford families Holding, nor Walton families holding as its official name nor its nickname
  2. Each of these four $200Billion-size(2004) American Fund companies have never been considered officially or customarily as part of the Rockefeller Families Holding, nor Fold Families Holding, nor Walton Families Holding.
----published on Sept 2nd, 2018

----Sept 4th, 2018

Whom else should be respected when the public channel's continuing education is "A sarbage (garbage) woman is not good to be a proud public toilet"?

I don't know what the confusions are but I am not bad shaped for this morning's broadcasting of the continuing education which is themed of "the garbage woman has no value as public bathroom toilet seat", what I have learned of so far is that some people seem just don't know what else can possibly be the reason to look up to whom else when these people are not in-use body-positioned. What else these Amercan real riches and the almighty Chinese government are trying to educate the united nation on a public channel?

I myself have been brought up totally different value so I don't promote this "woman is a toilet" even I myself is an American rich as well who is also a traditional polygamist but a female having a male's privilege expected in my marriage. I don't know if this "proud to be the toilet valuable" educational theme is my wrongful impression but I expect myself won't be so shabby in the town of traditional college education of traditional concept of culture.

My current headache is not the ambition to occupy a high-level executive position, but how to fund my next English literature education if I am ready for it before I receive my allowance.

----Sept 4th, 2018