
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, September 17, 2018

09-17-2018 The Ownership Confusion and the Infamous Private Assistant

09-17-2018 The Ownership Confusion and the Infamous Private Assistant 

If I see my mother alive on Boston's streets, what will be the scene? I guess she will be the crying one, I would be the hugging one. We have been like this since I was several years old. If that is my father, it would be we are both crying ones.

There are some questions if my parents need to pay income taxes if they still alive and have received the "retirement plan" payment. They don't need to. It is the same if one support one's parents or child on a monthly basis while living separately, it is still one's taxed-income that used to support the family. It is a retirement plan that I bought to support their living expenses which are paid by my Trusts. The payment is a portion of my income that is after investor-tax already. 

I Also heard about this morning's broadcasting of the argument about R Fund. I have no idea what the argument is about. My inheriting is Trust-Inheriting which means I inherited some Trusts. The Trust is similar to a 401K retirement plan in a lot of ways. It is a monthly deposit from an employed to a 401K plan in order to have good future monthly income, my Trust is a onetime deposit done by my grandfather so that I can have handsome yearly income; The retired wish good monthly payment can be received from the 401K plan but don't really know how it can be achieved or what might have happened during the investment, I am the same. I have great entrusting & business groups to take care of investments, I am good without knowing details. It is true I have announced some investments related to 4 Trusts I inherited because I need to complain about the rumors I heard which is I am provided via them, but how come I have not received any money to cover my living expenses yet.

This is precisely the reason why I am asking every confused family to keep an eye on their younger ones. All these providing via those paying companies are done through my entrusting groups' arrangements in order to provide for my living expenses, I am currently living on welfare because of some confusions from the business investment I have no idea of. I am asking these confused families to do me a favor to direct all your confusion about the lawful ownership of paying companies to your attorneys or to the paying companies. Please tell your younger generation don't take my money unless they have the lawful evidence to prove the payment amount is not from my entrusted-money.

About the private assistant family, this is the family I never heard of even I spent five years in their home-city Shanghai, I need to save my food expenses from my ¥50 monthly living expense while they could have about $8000 per month (in U.S. dollar, the exchange rate was $1 > ¥6 ) was possibly the reason I was never introduced. I never heard of this private assistant's family before my mother's wedding gift story is a True statement. I never had anything to do with this private assistant family is a Trust statement as well.

All I heard about this private assistant have been the following:

1: He started to work for my grandfather as a private assistant after my father joined the Chinese Army in 1949. His family name was different from his birth father's,

2: He started to join my grandparents' family breakfast & dinner daily in a year or so and how, one by one, he brought in his wife and his children daily until my grandfather passed away in 1965.

3: In 1965, He insisted on being a member in family-inheriting which was my father's share. My father has been famous for did not get a penny at all from my rich grandfather.

4: In 1966, He sent my mother's wedding gift from my grandfather's friends to Nanjing city which was taken later, which was every piece, by his girlfriend from my mother's maiden sister's house. It is rumored that is a mother of one of his illegitimate children.

5: In 1967, he detained my $10,000 living-expense providing which had been paid by a Ford's holding investor since July 31st of 1967 till October of 1996. This was the period of the entire time since I was born until I left China came to the United States. The amount this private assistant detained was $9000 in U.S. dollar per month between 1967 to mid-70s, and $8000 in U.S. dollar per month from mid-70s till October of 1996.

6: In March to September of 2018, I heard his children and his relatives have been fighting for their "deservedness to own at least some shares" of the $10,000 story's paying company which has been Ford's Holding investor-company.

7: Today, September 17th of 2018, I heard his children are fighting currently to have the "deserved ownership power" over a Rockefeller Holding's investor-company.

8: Plus, how despised this private assistant's family has been towards my grandmother,  my father and I.

----September 17, 2018