
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

09-21-2018 Trust-Inheriting and Trust-Investing (信托继承和信托投资)

09-21-2018 Trust-Inheriting and Trust-Investing (信托继承和信托投资)

今天听懂了一些2004年7月1日参与会议者的那一份激和急“我坐在那里为什么没有继承到东西?” (Finally I understand why there are people so angry about how come sitting there as well on July 1st of 2004 but haven't inherited anything yet?)

他们不是在和我抢东西,他们以为那是一个集体继承仪式,所继承的不是他们家里老人留下的钱,而是他们自己过去交往过的社交朋友或者恋爱经历在那人自己去世时以继承的方式送给了他们什么礼物。虽然他们在2004年以前从未想过,但如果这个朋友有送礼物,他们怎么就是不可以或者就是不准拿这份礼物。(They are not trying to get what is mine. They thought it was a group inheriting that day, the inheritable was not from their family-seniors but from their own deceased social friends or romances as a gift. Even though they never expected such gifting before 2004, but why they are not allowed to inherit if there is such a gift and where are their inheritable now? )

我本人是在2004年6月30日继承了我的父系爷爷们替我所办理的信托,是按照遗嘱继承的。我当时虽然是在一个大的电话会议上,但不在同一个电话线上(類似一线, 二线这种), 而是另外一个电话会议。所以虽然当时有中国代表在场(在大的电话会议上),但没有人知道我是否继承。我本人没有听说2004年7月1日时候有人是否继承。我确实不清楚. (I inherited some Trusts set up for me by my father-side grandfathers, it was according to each of my grandfather's will. Even though I was in a big teleconference but I was on a different line (such as line1. line 2, etc) with my grandfathers' entrusting groups so that nobody knew if I did inherit anything even though there were representatives from Chinese government presented in the big teleconference at the same time. I did not hear if there was such inheriting that day so I really don't know. )

Regarding this morning's some companies' ownership argument which is if the companies are investments of a Trust (Trusts) I inherited, I am not the person knows what might be the confusion. I am the acknowledged beneficiary person of the Trust (Trusts), but I am absolutely oblivious about its business entity's investing. Please direct all your confusion to the company. (至于今天早上有关公司所有权的争议, 即一些公司是否是由我所继承的一些信托所投资的, 我本人确实不清楚所争议的是什么. 我本人是法律所认可的这些信托的唯一受益人, 但我本人对于这些信托的投资运作完全不清楚. 请向引发争议的公司提出所有的困惑疑問.)

** 妈妈:要是你还在,以你自身经历 就不用太担心爸爸, 我听说他只有基本生活费,但有吃有住。我给的退休金还没有收到。我也在找爸爸的消息。听说爸爸也是因自身经历一直在找你的消息, 我也因为自身经历担心你和爸爸的生活, 已经向警方求助。




----Sept 20th, 2018