
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

09-15-2018 If my mother has been well & Why Chinese are so angry with me(如果我妈妈一直都生活的挺好的 & 为何华人很讨厌我)

09-15-2018 If my mother has been well (如果我妈妈一直都生活的挺好的)

I agree she just needs to take good care of herself; 我同意她就只要照顾好她自己就可以了,
I agree she just needs to find my father to take good care of my father;我同意她就只要找到我爸爸照顾好我爸爸就可以了;

I wish her to be happy as she has been for the years to come; 我希望她就这样快快乐乐的直到永远,
I wish her to be healthier and healthier in the years to come; 我希望她在未来的日子里健健康康的直到永远;

I say, Papa and Mama:
your permanent financial independence from pension-providing are ensured already;


Mama, enjoy your affluence as you wish and forever;妈妈,请按你心愿好好享受你所满意的富足生活,会永远如此,
Papa, enjoy your independence with Mama before I reach out to dictate you both. 爸爸,在我对你们指手画脚之前,请和妈妈一起好好享受你们的这份独立生活。

----Sept 15th, 2018

About this morning's broadcasting of why a lot of Chinese are so angry with me. (有关今天早上所播出的为何华人很讨厌我)

1: Chinese dislike radio broadcasting of those fake romances, (1:华人不喜欢广播上的假恋爱故事)
My saying: I have complained to laws about possible sexual harassment.(我已经向法律投诉是否这是性骚扰。)

2: Chinese dislike I say I have achievements.(2: 华人不喜欢我说我有成就)
My saying: I have complained to the laws about if broadcasting those blackmails to denial my achievement is to take over my intellectual income. (我已经向法律投诉广播所播出一些内容是否是在造谣诽谤对我的成就加以否定以掠夺我的智慧产权收入。)

3: Chinese dislike I say I am wealthy. (3: 华人不喜欢我说我很有钱)
My saying: My Trust-inheriting is a real true statement. I have complained to the laws about all the negative impacts on my life that are caused by this money's lawful ownership confusion. (我的信托继承是真实的事实,我已经向法律投诉所有这些针对财产的法律所有权的困扰对我生活所造成的负面影响。)

----Sept 15th, 2018