
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

09-09-2018 The Story of a Property in Shanghai

09-09-2018 The Story of a Property in Shanghai

It is indeed very funny to hear the yell: "this is already a lawsuit if the husband insists on demanding that money back."

The story is started with a rumor: There is a property owned by me, which is actually owned by the American "Pejoves" Fund company in Shanghai, so, a lot of Shanghai's females who had some sexual intercourse experiences with He, Guoqiang (贺国强)deserved to take it over and actually occupied it to make the company-owned property such a Vagina-closet to serve those who are all obviously not active in-use but for private storage purpose.

My reaction: High pitched voice screaming "Why they occupy my property? Why my house is a Vagina storage? I need to burn this property".

The property's story: So, there went a Hispanic actress lady set the fire on a Shanghai property, I was very happy but she was not. She got a lawsuit in Shanghai because someone tried to pay her to buy that property she never owned, and this morning as you heard, her husband was demanded to pay for the damage to that property.

The confusion: 
  1. The damage to the property has been the expense already on the American "Pejoves" fund company who never asked her newly-wed husband to pay.
  2. The demander is from a French family who are confused about the ownership of the property, also a very good friend to the husband and knows his dating history.
  3. I never had any association with the husband, never even met.
----Sept 9th, 2018

A note:
A lot of people, who include myself, have been concerned about what will be the relationship between me and my biological children if I can't be with them?

Well, I have asked laws help on possible intentional hate-education from those who want or have wanted their father, and I am possibly in the situation of being intentionally abducted a-like by those people as well, but if with all the help I have called, they have still being educated to hate me, I have to say I am a polygamist-male through and through and I am not willing to let myself be around by anyone who hates me. So, I decided it very simply as a biological mother: They are either my children who return my love caring as my own children, or they are never my anyone.

Min Fang