
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 21, 2018

09-21-2018 The maiden names and a granddaughter's comments (娘家姓氏及一个孙女的评语)

09-21-2018 The maiden names and a granddaughter's comments (娘家姓氏及一个孙女的评语)

A lot of people must have asked why I don't defend myself on the radio, I heard the explanation given is I lost my voice because of glasshouse cancer which is a true statement. I have complained about a lot of harassments to keep me in this "heavily flu-alike accented unrecognizable voice".

And, who are those attorneys on the radio? A lot are indeed sent by the female who publicly thrown a lot of shits at me to prove she is the real sexuality. Now you can imagine why it sounds some defenses are there but always effectively put me in the situation that has been "an overall disadvantaged enough" status. Some would say, but there are great points sometimes as well, well, that is my confusion as well if the intention is to keep the family name a bit decent.

Alright, but where are my attorneys if I am wealthy enough and financially independent enough as I claimed? They are obviously around because I am not crushed to pieces yet even though my financial identity is very confusing to the government sector as well. So, I am the one growing more and more comfortably quiet to wait for the things to be sorted out.

Exactly, what is the problem between me and the big family name? The maiden names.

Most involved are from maiden names that historically associated with my "financial identity". They are the Missy from the confused families who are so pissed off about my $400Million yearly living expenses providing and more. As you heard, the education from this radio program is the family name is the protection even if you performed a bank robbery as long as you make it clear in front the objective is the Chinese woman Min Fang's money only. And it seems the family names have dedicated promoting themselves as the role models for conducting real robberies to prove "nothing could be wrong even if it is truly a bank robbery (or murder for money) as long as Min Fang is the target." So, as I announced on this blog, I send the family names to the U.S. law enforcement already because I am so confused by this so impressive motive. But I did not call U.S. law enforcement's help on why every pissed off maiden name has been announced the true sexuality to the one & only family name I ever met, because I am indeed "not interested in a leftover sexuality."

So, what kind of confusion can be so impressively strong? I am not the person aware of a lot as well except the confusion is all about one company that has the $10,000 dollars per month story.

These maiden names anger has been:
They are the true owners of the paying company.

My anger has been:
I did not pick up any payment-checks in person from the paying company. All those payments were according to instructions from the paying companies' lawfully registered investor-owners. All by my entrusting groups' arrangement.

The result:
I have been shitted all over worldwide, and intended service providers have been harassed If dare to give out the payment money or provide any paid already service.

My hypothesis question:
Is the paying company the same company they truly own?
Evidential question: Why not confronting the paying company they truly own?

The action I have taken:
1: I asked U.S. laws protection on possible severe harassments and more.
2: I ask all confused families to do me a big favor to direct all their confusion to the paying company instead of me nor intended service providers.

By the way, why there is such an impressive expectation for me to pay to be disgusted as the never wanted who deserved to bow to the true sexuality?

From the radio program, all that audience could hear is how this or that female is the real butts truly enjoyable. I am such unwanted disgusted is the enough reason to demand me to pay handsomely to be shitted all over and to be expected to bow to the true butts. Well, rumored it was from the private assistant's family this was how my grandmother was requested by the private assistant's wife in exchange for my grandmother to be acknowledged as the private assistant's woman.

I have to say my grandmother was truly not pretty at all and truly fat enough after four children. Ever since marriage, she was the one under enormous pressure to be replaced instead of being wanted even by outsiders for most of her prime years, or more accurately, the entire marriage years. After all these years under my grandfather's "charitable touches out of the duty as the husband betrothed-before-birth" to share four children between them, she must have been desperate enough and proud enough when my grandfather finally made her the housewife with the family savings account.

These are truly a granddaughter's comments from the story I heard that she actually accepted my grandfather's private assistant who she was so despised as "smelly stunk". I am definitely not after her in every bit and my grandfather had paid it ¥20,000 RMB very clear in 1965. (这还真是我作为孙女听说我奶奶在医院面对付钱才被承认的要求痛骂私人助理是个“肮脏恶心的垃圾货”之后对我奶奶所谓浪漫故事的真是评语。我还真是一丁点都不像她。我爷爷是在1965年支付了两万元人民币。

*My grandmother died in 1958 or so. She was betrothed to my grandfather before both were born. My grandfather was a famous playboy refused to divorce his ugly wife for his love to his firstborn ( my father ).

4: It was said that my grandfather gave my father's entire inheritable(about ¥20,000) to the private assistant in 1965 was to pay my father's debt of my grandmother's pregnancy-fee. It was well-known my father was raised by my great-grandmother ever since he was born. Other than that one year between my father left the Army and attained college, he never shared one roof with my grandmother.
----published on September 18th, 2018 )

The Explanation to the Chinese community why I am the sole beneficiary? (对华裔社区所好奇的:为什么我是唯一的受益人?)
The answer: Inheriting according to the will (wills). (答案:是按遗嘱继承)


----Sept 21st, 2018, updated on Sept 23rd, 2018