
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

09-27-2018 于家故事还有多少?(How many more stories related to Yu's family)

09-27-2018 于家故事还有多少?(How many more stories related to Yu's family)


Abstract: There was a famous deceased who Miss Yu died in 1970 in Shanghai, her famous Trust was set up by her father Mr.Yu in Hong Komg. Her Trust was a complete different Trust with mine (amount, setttler, etc), and there is no association between me and deceased Miss Yu, I don't know why her relatives need to fight about my Trust.


(I heard my mother still alive and received retirement arrangement which was paid by the first year's providing Trust, I heard my father still alive as well but did not receive anything, similar to my situation. Mine was paid by the current still confusing one (the third year's), I don't know which one paid for my father's, he still need to wait a bit more. All paid on July 1st of 2004 but kept undistributed to us because of confusion.)

老爸爸,如果看到本博客,和我联系或者和妈妈联系,我有点现金可以支援支援你。要是你找到了妈妈,我就不用为你们两人的生活担心了。不用担心妈妈的私生活,妈妈不傻。据说有人坚持说妈妈已经又有了一个小孩,好几岁了,是不是我的亲生妈妈呀?我的亲生妈妈可是已经76岁了。那孩儿是不是她的猫孩儿狗孩儿啊?广播剧制作单位经常用电脑模拟修改真人声音也已经不是秘密。(Papa, please contact me or mama if you read this blog, I can send you some cash. If you can find out where mama is, I would feel much more comfortable about you both. Don't worry about mama's private life, she is never a stupid. The announced child may just be her cat child or dog child. It is not a secret already that radio producing often mimic voices.)

听说那几集广播剧的其中一个制作人就是那个“北京前女友”的女儿或者是其长子,据说其长子是丁姓私人助理的,据说爸爸你可是在晚餐饭桌上亲耳听到过丁姓私人助理就是当着他自己老婆的面以上海话“老二”称谓向方智仁介绍北京那女的。 据说方智仁(或丁姓私人助理自己)也在北京那女的第一个孩子出生后是用电汇送了100元人民币的礼钱。(I heard one of the producer is the Beijing ex-girlfriend's child, I heard her first born is from the private assistant Ding, I heard you heard by your own ears how she was introduced to grandpa by the private assistant in front of his wife. I heard grandpa or private assistant himself had sent her a ¥100 gift for her first child-birth.)

爸爸,估计广播剧如此制作是不希望你和妈妈联系,不是为了闹吃醋而是为了抢夺财产,理由据说是毛阿妹当年(1958年)答应过丁姓助理要和方智仁要求把方智仁想给你的那一份钱归丁姓私人助理。老爸爸,你的退休金安排是我方敏给的,香港的那个信托是方智仁自1948年设立伊始就指定我为唯一受益人的,方智仁也从未更改他是为了我在香港设立了该信托的意愿。我已经就你和妈妈的遭遇在美国报警。(I guess the radio program's producing such saying is to prevent you to reunite with mama in order to get my wealth. The reason I heard is grandma had agreed to ask grandpa give your share of inheritable to private assistant Ding. Papa, your retirement arrangement was paid by my money, I am the granddaughter grandpa specified as the sole beneficiary of the Trust he set up in Hong Kong in 1948. I have contacted laws in U.S. ever since I heard your "death".)

4: It was said that my grandfather gave my father's entire inheritable(about ¥20,000) to the private assistant in 1965 was to pay my father's debt of my grandmother's pregnancy-fee. It was well-known my father was raised by my great-grandmother ever since he was born. Other than that one year between my father left the Army and attained college, he never shared one roof with my grandmother.
----published on September 18th, 2018 )


很多华人都很好奇,British Convoy 究竟是什么机构?就是英国政府驻外机构的意思,据说就是英国驻美国领事馆在1776年美国独立以前的名称。当时那句话也就是在说“100%全权拥有英国驻美国领事馆”,就是一个英国在美国的移民吵架超级乐时一句笑话而已。
