
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

09-29-2018 All are rumors, but I have to let people hear to check out if impacted (都是些传言,但我应该说出来让大家查查有没有受到过影响)

09-29-2018 All are rumors, but I have to let people hear to check out if impacted (都是些传言,但我应该说出来让大家查查有没有受到过影响)

The People's Republic of China has existing in-prints laws for the Chinese government to explain to all those confused what is lawful ownership of any confused money, China has public safety department to track down those intentionally to challenge laws, and China has armed police in troops to protect Chinese people from extremes. I just can't understand, being an American citizen who "doesn't eat a piece of crops when living and bears no cost to you at death", why my freedom to state I am rich can become a disturbing factor to China's national security? All the money I stated to own has been entrusted outside China before 1949 the ruling of the current People's Republic of China.

1: I heard this morning's actress wife whose husband featured in this morning's story of "need to 30% profit need from companies in British, France, etc." is a British married since 2007. The Chinese wife is another Amercian's wife since 2006. I never met both husbands nor both wives either. (今天早上提到的“必须从法国英国的公司里拿三成利润的”那个人的妻子是个英国女演员,2007年就结婚了的。另一个中国人也是和她的美国人丈夫在2006年就已经结婚了。我从未见过这两个当丈夫的(美国人),也从未见过这两个人各自的妻子。)

2: One of the producers of this morning's broadcasting is. by rumor, the eldest child from "the Beijing ex-girlfriend's story." The updates on that story are that she was the girlfriend to my grandfather's private assistant who possibly mothers this eldest child from the private assistant Ding(丁). This private assistant Ding was rumored biologically fathered by a Mr. Yu who was in 5 cousins with the famous Beijing actor Yu, Shizhi(于是之). This private assistant Ding's biological family was rumored the group who have despised my grandmother so much to have been so reach-out to despise me in order to "disqualify" me to be the beneficiary of my own birth grandfathers' Trusts. I have contacted U.S. laws regarding all these hate-arousing efforts from the Chinese community. According to laws, I am the sole beneficiary of my own Trusts after my 2004's inheriting and entrusting.(今天早上提到的那个制作人是“北京前女友故事”的长子。最新消息是这个北京前女友其实是丁姓私人助理的一份情并一起育有这个长子。丁姓私人助理据传是有一位于先生的血脉传承,这个于先生和北京人艺的名演员于是之是五福以内的亲戚。据说这个丁姓私人助理及其血缘亲人们对我奶奶是厌恶至极,所以如此伸长了脖子对我表达如此不耻厌恶就为了让普天下的世人都明白我“如此不配”继承我自己亲生爷爷们替我设立的信托。我是就华裔社区一直有人不停的煽动针对我方敏的仇恨向美国警方报警。根据法律,在2004年我继承信托有重新办理信托之后,我是自己替我自己所设立的信托的唯一受益人。)

It is rumored private assistant Ding's biological family has been saying this in quotes: "She does not deserve you, and I would give you her money if I can have the opportunity" to everybody that in romance rumor with me. And "throw-out her children if you already have some by mistake. Just take the money," is rumored said by private assistant Ding's biological relatives in the Chinese foreign department. (据传就是丁姓私人助理的血缘家庭在到处和人说我方敏不配这个男人不配那个男人,有机会就只要把方敏的钱弄走就得。至于到处那些表态说”如果某人不幸犯错已经有了方敏的孩子也就是扔出去就得的“据说是丁姓私人助理在中国外交部的一些于姓亲朋。)

It is rumored American Albert Gore's Chinese romance Miss Yu was a former Chinese diplomat who is in 7th cousins association with private Ding's biological family, in 5-cousins relative relationship to the famous Shanghai Miss Yu who,rumored, died miserably at age 31(unmarried & unwanted, with a wounded womb incapable to carry a child) in the 1970s because her father conditioned her to have a child before inheriting the Trust in Hong Kong that her father had set up for her solely in 1946 or so. (据说美国名人阿尔贝特·高尔的中国情名嫒于姓小姐是中国外交部的前任外交官,和丁姓私人助理是7等亲,和70年代时在上海去世的那个上海名嫒于小姐是五等亲。据说上海在1970-1979年代有个于小姐,因为其父亲于先生在1946年替她在香港设立了一个信托并规定其女儿上海于小姐必须有她自己的小孩之后才可以继承(据说就是现在总值50万或者5千万美金的那个香港于家信托)。据说这个上海于小姐31岁悲凉去世时既没结过婚也交不到男朋友,她的子宫也还因为受损根本就不可能怀孕生子。)

Rumored this was the same group who may have made my father's both younger sisters had troubled marriages in Shanghai local area in the same tone as you heard from this morning's broadcasting, and possibly did give out my grandfather's money at family inheriting time as declared "get their money and move on" similarly as you heard from this morning's broadcasting.(据说就是这同一拨人可能让我父亲的两个妹妹在上海当地的婚姻都是有点故事。原因可能就是你们今天早上听到的语气表达,据说还有可能真是把我爷爷的钱在分家产时按照”就是不会要你,拿了钱就过自己日子去了”的原则送人处理了。就是你们今天早上听到的这种态度。。丁姓私人助理自己拿的是我父亲的应分的那一份。

3: I heard so many angry voices from the People's Republic of China saying I am too much. So I am asking exactly which money, what amount, whose money, what law & law items, what incidence to make you state so? In English or in Chinese. China has the Chinese Constitution(中华人民共和国宪法), Trusting laws(中华人民共和国信托法), inheriting laws(中华人民共和国继承法), and criminal laws(中华人民共和国刑法) in prints for whoever can read to find references to answer my question regarding what law & law items has regulated so clearly on what matter for so many Chinese to yell at me "too much". (我听说中华人民共和国和有很多愤怒的声音说我太过份了,我想问一下,究竟是什么钱,多少钱,谁的钱以及哪条法律的那一条条款,以及究竟什么原因让你们就是够资格如此说三道四?中华人民共和国的现行的宪法,刑法,继承法以及信托法等都是有已经正式出版过的中文版和英文版,念过书识点字的都可以查阅以回答我所提出的上述问题也就是:“究竟平哪条法律那一条款让你们可以对我吆喝实在太离谱了”。

----Sept 29th. 2018