
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

09-23-2018 Why my parents haven't contacted me if they still alive? (如果爸爸妈妈还活着,他们怎么还没和我联系啊?)

09-23-2018 Why my parents haven't contacted me if they still alive? (如果爸爸妈妈还活着,他们怎么还没和我联系啊?)

A lot would ask me why my parents don't come to Boston to unite with me if they both still alive. I assume one big possibility is the financial situation. I have been pennies that is truly no cash at all until I called law's help since 2015. I am still in the situation that taking an air flight will make me ponder. (很多人可能都会问我,如果我父母还活着,为什么他们不来波士顿找我。我估计最大的可能就是他们的经济状况。我2015年前就一直是一分钱现金都没有知道报警后才逐渐好转。我现在也还是没有坐飞机去外地的经济能力。)

Another possible reason is unrecognizable. Photos I published on this web blog are both unrecognizable to my parents if they both still alive. If they met me in person, I am possibly recognizable to them because my appearance resembles my mother when she was in her 50s. My body figure is unrecognizable. I assume they are possibly the same, recognizable to the family when in person.(另一个可能的原因就是因为癌症治疗期间,长相变得认不出来了。我在这个博客上发表的两张照片我父母就不会敢相认。如果他们还在,在街上遇见我就有可能认得出来,我现在的样子很像我妈妈50多岁的时候。我的身形还是完全认不出来。我估计他们也是差不多,但家里人见了面能认得出来。)

The third possible reason is why they are in this shabby situation if the daughter should have made a lot of money from the radio program worldwide broadcasting. Well, the daughter has been in a same shabby situation because “1) so many people deserve to take the daughter's intellectual income to live a much better life", 2) a lot confused families have been concerned if my living expenses payments are actually from their family wealth, so that law people have to withhold the intellectual income discovered and payments cleared from confusions (two out of four already) till the daughter is clarified to be safe to have the free access to the money.第三个原因可能就是他们难以理解为什么自己女儿的广播剧全世界热播挣了好多钱,他们怎么过的这么惨?因为 1) 有太多人“就是应该拿我的钱过一份应得的好日子”,2)还有很多人很担心我的生活费用给付是不是从他们家的财产里付出来的,所以一些已明确是我的智慧产权的收入以及一些已经澄清困扰的生活费用给付(4个中的两个已经澄清)都是在被警方保护着直到女儿我可以安全拿钱为止,女儿我现在经济上也是一样的惨兮兮。)

The fourth possibility is the doubts from the father why the daughter insists on to have such huge inheriting instead of being truthful, being truthful is still a never shabby inheriting at all. It is because the daughter has been truthful. This huge handsomeness the daughter was told was the reason the daughter needed to count fingers to calculate which generation grandfather could possibly have blessed the daughter this handsomely when the daughter was asked about which grandfather had blessed the daughter on July 1st of 2004. I was told two Trusts that one of which I still don't know blessed by which grandfather but fought high-pitched fiercely for one of its investment's ownership on Boston's radio 96.9FM, grandfather Fang, Zhiren's Hong Kong trust was the result of my inquiry because of our family story of the intended HongKong pickle factory. I have announced 4 grandfathers had blessed me but I only know which one for two, both my announcement and their mysterious anonymous are not jokes.(第四个可能的原因就是做父亲的奇怪为什么女儿坚持要把所继承的财产夸大,方智仁爷爷给我这个孙女儿的信托怎么不体面了,怎么丢人了?女儿没夸大,女儿说的是实话。就是因为规模好大,2004年的7月1日,当有人问做女儿的,究竟是哪个爷爷给的钱,做女儿的就只好扳着个手指头数数猜猜看有可能是那一代的爷爷给的钱。在继承那天,我是被告知了两笔信托(当时以为是公司),方智仁爷爷的那笔信托是我因为家里有爷爷曾经有运设备到香港想办个酱园厂的故事而特意询问的。我被告知的那两笔信托中的一个我至今不知是哪个爷爷给我的,就是那个我在波士顿96.9FM上吵的很凶的那个。我这个博客上所宣布的4个爷爷给我设立的信托中,有两个爷爷我还不知是那一代的,我的宣布和两个爷爷的神秘都不是吹牛的。)

If I have this much blessing already, why the younger generation grandfathers still blessing me handsomely? I have been the extra-son that nobody heard of for each of this blessing-story generation that blessed with a non-heir-son's size. It was so obvious in my great-grandmother's generation that all my great-grandfather's children were from her but she did not mind at all when there was one extra-child who was blessed with a Trust.(我都已经有好些爷爷给我钱了,为什么后面的爷爷还给我钱?我一直都是哪个多出来的一个不知哪儿冒出来的非继承人儿子。在分家产时也顺便给我设一个信托也就是给我送个礼物的意思。这在我曾祖母那一代就特别明显,我曾祖父所有的孩子都是我曾祖母生的,等到分家产时,还是又多出了一个非继承人儿子的信托,而我曾祖母还一点都没在意还一点都不生气这不知从哪儿冒出来的一个孩子分到了理应是她孩子们的财产。她其实很清楚,这多出来的一个也是她的孩子--- 她的曾孙女我。)

My grandfather put the majority of his wealth into that Trust in Hong Kong because the beneficiary girl (me) would be born as his heir-granddaughter so that he entrusted the heir's share together with the family traditional blessing in that Trust. I am the heir of my grandfather's line of this generation. (我爷爷方智仁是把他绝大部份的财产都给放在了他在香港替我设立的信托里,是因为受益人我是他孙女也是他的继承人,他给我设的这个信托既是他给我的礼物也是他给我作为继承人的继承人份额。我是方智仁这一支这一代的继承人。)

I am proud of my historical family, and I am blessed I came from a loving happy marriage. I already told everyone my family has been messy-looking since ancient times which gets messier and messier in the teleconferences in 2004, now I know it was since the Southern Tang dynasty which was about a thousand years ago, my Southern Tang Emperor grandfathers were famous in our hometown Nanjing area for their street-vendor appearances if not wearing their crowns.(我很为我的家世而骄傲,我很幸运我是出生在有爱的婚姻里。我在2004年就已经向全世界广而告之我们一家就是看着是瘪瘪遢遢的,现在我可是知道这瘪遢是从一千年前南唐时期就已经是这样了。我南唐皇帝的爷爷们在我的家乡南京是有名的不带王冠在街上晃悠的时候看着就像是街上的混混。)

I thought I already prepared the entire world about my family's messy appearance since 2004, why would I have any problem with my parents when I am the same messy? Definitely not being proud of being messy, I am a girl and I know for sure a complete change-over only takes a phone call to a good shopping specialist once I receive my living-expenses providing. (我还以为我都已经在2004年就给全世界就此打了个预防针,我哪里还会在乎我父母及我自己这瘪遢样子?这说法绝不是在为瘪遢骄傲,我是个女孩子,我很清楚一旦我的生活费用给付拿到,想要改头换面也就只需要打个电话给个好一点的购物专家就可以了。)

09-21-2018 The maiden names and a granddaughter's comments (娘家姓氏及一个孙女的评语)

----Sept 23rd, 2018