
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 14, 2018

09-14-2018 The Cousins (五福内的亲戚)

09-14-2018 The Cousins (五福内的亲戚)

Among all my cousins from my grandfather, cousin Zhang is the eldest grandchild of my grandfather from my father's eldest younger sister. He has been who we have been looking up to since we were in elementary school and he is the most handsome one. He has been blessed with everything that is good from his both parents, which makes me so envious because I am the joined-dissatisfactions of my both parents. We grew up in different cities and I was a what-happened beauty to him when I started college in Shanghai, but we stayed aloof during my entire college years in Shanghai. 在我爷爷所有的孙子女中,我父亲的大妹妹所育的张家表兄是我爷爷最大的孙子。从小学起,他就是我们这些一等亲的小家伙们都应该学习的榜样,他也是我们当中长得最英俊的一个。他实在是太幸运了,他是他父母双亲所有优点的完美结合;我实在是太嫉妒了,我是我父母双亲所有自认缺点的综合体。我们从小就在不不同的城市长大,我到上海上大学的时候,我是他“哪有可能”的难以置信美女。整个大学五年期间,虽然都在上海,但我们之间完全没有任何联络。

Now, his blessed all-goodness has been such a wonderful joint with a real-beauty wife and a lovely child, while I am still struggling with the worldwide public doubts of "do you ever have a loving romance at all?" So, I will follow his advise of "don't say a lot", and I will "leave him alone" to his wonderful marriage. 这么多年之后,他的一切美好又添了一个很美好的“共同体”---- 一个确实很美丽的妻子和一个可爱的孩子, 而我,却是在面对着全世界对我"是否曾有任何男人爱过“的公众舆论质疑。所以,我会听从他”不要多言“的建议,我也会“别烦他”,让他可以安静的在他自己的美丽婚姻中流连。

Inside five cousins that traditionally called relatives, I am the only girl among my first cousins*, the only girl among my same family name second cousins, and possibly also the only girl among my same family name third cousins because I heard this morning's girl-cousins are my same family-name fourth cousins.  在传统的五等亲里面,我是一等亲里唯一的女孩,二等堂亲里唯一的女孩,从今天早上所播出的那几个女孩是四等堂亲这点来推测,我估计我也是三等堂亲里唯一的女孩,

They are obviously angry at our shared grandfathers because they don't feel being the spoiled girls as their loving parents have let them feel. Well, the youngest generation grandfather we share was the first-generation big donor of the Chinese college education in Republic of China time and died as a citizen of the Republic of China around the year of 1910, which was before their fathers were born if their fathers are much younger than 100 years old. So, I can imagine our shared grandfathers would just say this to them: "Hey, why are you so jealous? My child has been spoiling you ever since you were born, why you say he is not the representative of my love?" 今天早上这几个女孩很明显是极其的愤怒,对我们共同的爷爷们没像他们自己父母那样宠爱她们很是气愤。可是,我们最年轻的一代共同的爷爷,就是中国大学教育的第一代大捐款人的那个爷爷,是在1910年左右就去世了,如果这几个女孩的父亲还没到100岁的年纪,那1910年可是这几个女孩的父亲还没出生的年份。所以,我想象我们共同的爷爷们会对这几个女孩说:“嗨,你干嘛这么嫉妒啊?我们的孩子可是从你一出生就那么宠你爱你,你为什么说他不是在代我们表达对你的爱?”

But, how come I can be so lucky to be spoiled directly from my grandfathers? That is not only because I am their girl-grandchild but also because I am the rare species of a girl who carries their birthmark. I am the nicknamed their ”palms(birthmark) girl" who they had been expecting since the realization of "It has been all boys for so long already" which was about 2500 years long at the year when I was born. All these Trust-gifts to me are the recognition of "welcome a girl join this all-boys team". That is all. 可是,那我为什么这么幸运可以被我的爷爷们直接宠着?这不只是因为我是他们的孙女,更因为我是很罕见的一个长着他们共同的胎记的孙女。自从我爷爷们意识到“怎么这么多年来有胎记的都是男孩”之后,我爷爷们就是用“掌纹(胎记)孙女”来称谓我这个他们一直都在期待着的孙女,在我出生的那年,”这么多年来“指的是2500年来。所有我收到的这些信托礼物,都是在表达认可”欢迎加入这个全部男孩的团队“。就这些了。

*I had a girl first cousin died at several years old age.我曾有过一个一等亲的表妹,她在几岁时夭折了。

----Sept 14th, 2018