
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

09-06-2018 Being the Missy from generationally famous playboys' family in Shanghai(老上海赫赫有名的花花公子世家的当家大小姐)

09-06-2018 Being the Missy from generationally famous playboys' family in Shanghai(老上海赫赫有名的花花公子世家的当家大小姐)

I heard there has been saying, since the revelation of my grandfather's famous playful side, that I am paying my grandfathers' debt for him being the famous playboy in the 1930s-1948 Shanghai before he set up the Trust for me, my great-grandfather in 1910s-1930s Shanghai, my great-great-grandfather in Shanghai, etc.  My father left Shanghai when he was 18 to join the Army and re-allocated to Nanjing where I was born.(我听说自从我爷爷是个有名的花花公子的真相披露以后,就听说1有这种“感觉这次是在让孙女还爷爷欠的风流债”的说法。我爷爷是从1930起直到1948年他替我设了信托之间一直都在玩花花,我曾祖父是1910-1930上海有名的花花公子,还有我曽曾祖父也是在上海玩花花。我父亲是1949年18岁离开上海当兵,然后被分配在南京也就是我出生的地方工作。)

Well, if assume each generation at age 50 to have the heir-son born, I should have over 50 rich-experienced playboy grandfathers-angels looking after me in heaven, considering my family has been over 2500 years rich polygamist family even though I don't know how may exceptionals like my father who knows nothing about playing.(我还算幸运啦,想想我们家可是有着2500年历史的一夫多妻的富裕家庭,如果算50岁才生下下一代继承人,我就有至少超过50代的玩花花经验及其丰富的爷爷们在天上当神仙看护着我。不过我不知道我爷爷里有多少代是像我父亲一样对玩花花一窍不通的。)

Why I say this? I am interested in who is demanding the price from me? This demanding is obviously from Shanghai, not the Zhejiang province where my family had resided before moved Shanghai.(我为什么这么说,我很想知道是谁在向我开这个价码?这个开价的努力很明显是和上海有关,而不是我家搬去上海之前的浙江省。)

----Sept 6th, 2018