
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

09-26-2018 The anger towards the possibility that my mother is still alive 我妈妈要是还活着妨碍谁了,哪来这么大的愤怒啊?

09-26-2018 The anger towards the possibility that my mother is still alive (我妈妈要是还活着妨碍谁了,哪来这么大的愤怒啊?)

The entire time I have complained this radio program is produced in order to bilk for money, please correct me on if this producing is to clarify confusions or intended to confuse the audience?

Example, who is my mother, if my mother is still alive, why my mother possibly still alive can anger so many people who never had anything to do with her entire life? All I could hear is who deserve to own her retirement arrangement and her medical expense leftovers (or the $400Million wholesome "if deceased already").

This arrangement I made for my parents is the reason I am holding the hope they may still alive even though I have an angry question regarding why it is necessary for them to be as such. I already called laws to help regarding my parents possible situation since 2015, I really have no such need nor such desire to beg some radio program producers' charity to know my parents' news, but I do appreciate any truthful reporting of my parents' whereabouts can truly ease my concern about them, as well as any respect to their privacy for preventing harassment purpose.这份退休金计划安排是我对我父母是否还活着抱有希望的原因,虽然我很气愤为什么他们需要被如此安排。2015年以后我就已经就我父母的处境而报警了,所以我不是仰赖广播剧制作人员的慈善之举才能知道我父母消息,但我很感谢对于他们生活行踪的所有如实报道让我放心他们许多,我也很感激对于他们隐私的尊重以及对于他们安全地保护。

The explanation I can give regarding the anger reflected in this morning's broadcasting:
  • 1: Regarding the retirement arrangement: I made such an arrangement for my birth mother exclusively and paid entirely by a Trust I inherited. This arrangement's related service fees were paid at the same time. It was decided on July 1st of 2004 already that any leftover in the $400Million medical expenses yearly prepayment will be taking back to the paying account. 退休金计划是我为我母亲她自己所作的安排,·100%由我所继承的一个信托已经支付了的,相关的手续费用也是同时一并支付了的。2004年7月1日那天就已经决定了医疗费用里剩余的部分会退回给付款账户。
  • 1-1: I have no idea why and how some other people can receive what money, nor from where.我完全不清楚其他人都是会从哪里拿些什么钱。
  • 2: A Trust can only be inherited by a will defined by the settler has been the major difference between a Trust-inheriting and family-inheritance. 信托是必须按遗嘱继承的,这是信托继承和一般继承的重要区别。
  • 2-1: I was never raised by my younger brother, and I never owe his wife a man's genitals I never had on my biological body. My younger brother's own willingness to have his marriage such way is none of my matter, but I have to make my statement that I do not owe my younger brother a penny nor his wife a man's genitals no matter how much I inherited, and I do not owe a penny to his wife's possible out-of-marriage child's possible birthfather's marriage family nor any of their marriages associated relatives.我不是由我的弟弟养大的,我也不欠他的妻子一条我自己身上从来没有长过的阳具。我弟弟自己愿意他自己的婚姻就是现在这种状态,这是和我完全无关的事情。但是我必须做出我自己的如下声明:不管我继承了多少钱,我都没有欠我的弟弟一分钱,我也没有欠了他的妻子一条阳具,我更没有亏欠了他的妻子可能是婚外所出小孩的可能孩子亲爹以及他们婚姻所涉及的亲朋。
  • 3: The paying American company is fully solely owned and lawfully registered by a British company which has been verified by the confusing family together with their explanations for their confusion in this same radio program's broadcasting earlier, please direct any confusion regarding this to this paying American company.
  • 3-1:  It has been explained by the paying American company that this paying together with the paying amount to cover my both parents' retirement arrangements and medical expenses are all lawfully instructed by this paying American company's lawfully registered owner-company. The ownership confusion regarding this particular American paying company's this particular payment is ridiculous enough to be a reason to insult my birth mother.

----Sept 26th, 2018



我是在2004年6月30日继承那天被告知我所继承的信托中的两个是和这两家的财富规模差不多。如果结婚,就是同等规模的联姻 (same size match if considering marriage)。就是现在已经澄清了的合法的两笔生活费用给付(第一年,第二年)的付款信托。

听说:福家是因为每月一万美金自1997年1月起-2004年左右都是以我的名字(Min Fang)由支付公司所投资的的福家公司的总账支票账户所支付,虽然我本人没有收到,但福家的认为这是我和某某的相识被家里长辈认可的标志而比;洛家的是因为娘家姓氏和我的生活费用给付的支付公司有关联,对我的生活费用给付标准很气愤所以才比。两家都是普遍在比飙,不是一个两个特定人士。



----Sept 26th, 2018