
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

09-16-2018 如果自己家里有曾经在国外办理过信托之类的故事,应该如何查询(How to inquire if you have a family story of entrusting)

09-16-2018 如果自己家里有曾经在国外办理过信托之类的故事,应该如何查询。(How to inquire if you have a family story of entrusting)

就我知道的,信托是有专门的法律登记处的,但零零总总到处都是,所以最好是通过当地警方查询。举例:如果家里的故事是家里的老人是在香港办理的信托,这个信托里的钱如果是在香港进行投资的话,应该会有在香港的工商登记,但信托登记本身却有可能是在香港,大英帝国的英国本土,加拿大,澳大利亚等等的各个城市以及各个州郡政府,所以通过英国警方查询比较现实。(From what I learned so far, there is also a government registry for Trust all over the places. Example, If your family story is a Trust set up in Hong Kong, there would be a commercial registry if the money has been investing in Hong Kong,  but the Trust registry itself can be in Hong Kong, cities or counties in the UK, Canada or Australia, etc.) It is obviously more practical to inquiry through the government's law system.

我自己的查询是通过写信给美国的FBI,我的信托管理人没有问题,因为我所求助的其实是为什么在我2004继承之后没有按时收到生活费用给付,但生活费用给付钱款其实已经按时按决定汇出,所以不是信托管理人的问题,至于究竟什么原因造成, 除了我前几天博文所谈到的钱财的法律拥有权困扰之外还有什么原因,也还在处理当中。如果有意向警方写信求助的,我估计警方的调查就是如此进行,牵涉法律的问题警方按照法律进行处理,其他民事管理问题就是通知信托管理人处理(比如通知受益人继承信托,等等)。我是2015年1月开始向FBI写信谈我的信托继承经历并尽可能地提供我所知道的线索。(I started my own inquiry since January of 2015 by writing letters to FBI referenced with everything I remembered about my inheriting experience. My entrusting-groups are good because my exact inquiry was why I have not received the expected living-providing after my 2004 inheriting. Currently, what I heard is all the living-providing has been provided by the Trusts on-time and as decided on July 1st of 2004. So, my inquiry has nothing to do with my entrusting groups, but it seems what might be the reasons, other than investing-ownership confusion, that caused the delay of my receipt of the money is still under investigation. I assume this is how the investigation is conducted if one send such inquiry to laws: Investigators take care of those matters that are beyond civil disputes but leave everything else to the entrusting-group (such matter as it would be the entrusting-group to inform the inquirer to inherit. etc.).

我和华裔社区及中国政府的矛盾就在于自2004年起,他们就全跑到工商登记那里”查证“2004年的会议内容,然后对着信托所投资的企业嚎叫不停。如果对于我是否应该是唯一受益人持异议,也应通过警方查询,而不是他们自己凭着资讯公开的工商登记资料在没有任何法律依据的情况下要求必须以投资人身份拥有并管理信托所投资的企业。就我所听说的,更大的问题是,当地警方进行查询的结果已经向他们解释,按照法律以及信托设立人的遗嘱,他们确实不是信托的受益人,他们的反应似乎是咬牙切齿“就是不信”,我听到的是一片“就是没法理解,就是 必须解决”。(My issue with Chinese communities abroad and the Chinese government is: Since 2004, they all went to the commercial registry to validate what they heard from 2004's meetings and yell at Trusts-investments ever since. If the dispute is if I am the sole beneficiary, the inquiry should be conducted through law enforcement instead of checking the public records of the commercial registry and insisted on to own and to manage the investment company as an investor but without any legal validating documents of their ownerships nor any valid authorization. According to what I heard, the bigger issue is: After the local law enforcement has answered their inquiry and has told them they are not the beneficiary person according to the Trust's Settler's will and local Trust & Inheriting laws, it seems their reactions were only grudging teeth and refusal to acknowledge, all I heard are all about "it is hard to understand that inheriting can be like this, this dispute has to be resolved." )

有什么需要他们理解的?有什么必须要解决的?作为钱财的主人,信托设立人爷爷当年没打算把钱给他们,信托唯一受益人的我如今也没打算把钱给他们,就凭着法律,就凭财产所有权的法律归属就已经很明确了,哪里还需要向他们特别解释?凭什么必须要我拿钱出来必须解决他们的要求?(Who and what needs their understanding? What needs to be resolved? Being the lawful owner of the money, my grandfather was the Seller of the Trust who had no intention to give them that money, I am the beneficiary person who has no intention to give them that money. This is very clear already by law and by lawful ownership, why I owe them a special explanation? Why I have to give out my money as they demanded to resolve their own dispute?)

他们那支的家里老人作为设立人的儿子在设立人爷爷去世的当年就有分到过家产,他们自己当时也还没生出来,设立人爷爷哪里会需要他们理解?我本人根本不认识他们也没听说过他们,我哪里会需要他们理解?凭什么就是需要我给个解释,解释什么?他们拿不到他们想要的钱,就是坚决没法理解还事不罢休,这不是敲诈勒索是什么?结果是中国政府出面撑腰助阵的漫天痛骂,“凭什么就你有钱?” 就这,我和中国政府能没矛盾吗?(Being a son to the Settler, their branch's senior had the family inheriting at the year when the Settler passed away, and themselves were not born yet, why would the Settler need their understanding? I never even heard of their existence, why I need their understanding? Why I have to give them an explanation? what I need to explain to them? And the attitude is all won't stop till I resolve this dispute by backing off from claiming sole beneficiary and give them the money. Is this an effort of extortion or what? And as you heard, all these shits of anger flying all-over by the strong support from the Chinese government. "How dare you say it is all your money?" Now you can imagine how huge the issue has been.)

他们当中,很多人和我还没血缘关系,他们就是抱怨对钱的法律上的归属弄不清,究竟是那笔钱他们弄不清?什么原因弄不清?钱财的拥有权是有明确法律所严格规范的,为什么不上民事法庭打诉讼官司,或要求刑事调查?( A lot of them don't even have any blood association with me. They are just so confused about who owns the money. Exactly, what money? for what reason? Money's ownership is strictly regulated by laws, why not files a civil lawsuit or request a criminal investigation?)

按照各国法律,所有从事商业经营的机构及个人必须进行工商登记。所有办理过工商注册登记的合法公司的利润都是按照当地法律必须交给其在工商注册上有效登记的合法投资人的。在中国也是如此。就没有任何一家合法有效注册的公司是没有法律上的合法拥有者的。(According to laws of most of the countries, all commercial activities need to be registered lawfully through the commercial registry. All lawfully registered organizations have each's lawfully registered investor-owner. This is the same in China as well. There is no such lawfully registered organization that does not have a lawful registered investor-owner. )

这些人一口一声说那些公司包括那些公司的利润所得就根本没有任何投资人在合法拥有着,也就是说那些公司的员工全是痴呆,一年到头上班就只拿工资奖金, 他们作为一个就只是想要钱的外国人而已,就可以对着公司员工吆喝必须必须拿钱来,公司员工就必须必须把利润所得给他们,还不给就是不行,因为公司员工就是必须解决他们这个”就是不明白就是不理解“的问题?这还就只是因为他们是中国公民而已,这世上有个中国政府还有个中国外交部而已?他们这些人还很奇怪为什么会有几十个国家都是由各个政府在大声强调都是有法律有政府的国家?美国英国法国西班牙当时都已经大声强调不光都有政府,还都有军队啦。(Their saying is all those companies don't even have a lawful owner to take in profits or to own the companies' assets. So it is equally saying those who work for those companies are all so stupid to work full time all year-round to take in only salaries & bonus. And them, being complete foreigners who just want some money, of course, should yell at those stupid people to demand some money, and to expect the demand to be fulfilled as a mandatory order, because it is those stupid people's obligation to resolve the dispute of "hard to understand why it can't be so". And, it seems this is all because they came from China, and China has a government equipped with a Foreign department. So, as you heard, the U.S. the U.K, France and Spain, all have to use high-pitched voices to emphasize each have a government as well and each equipped with the military.)

还有,我是在2004年美国东部时间的6月30日继承,不是2004年的7月1日,我本人对于2004年7月1日当天是否有人继承财产也完全不清楚。如果有人在2004年7月1日参加了电讯会议认为是在继承钱财,请向其他人士查询。2004年的6月30日及7月1日的会议类似于政府机关或者公司的大会议室办公,你办你的,我版我的,参加会议的来访人都是由各自的接待人员处理各自的问题的,清清楚楚。如果你在那天的会议上应该有财产可以继承,那天的会议上就会有知道你所继承的的应该是些什么财产的接待人员。(Also, my inheriting was on June 30th of 2004 (U.S. Eastern time), not July 1st of 2004. I did not hear if there is anyone inheriting on July 1st of 2004 as well, please inquire someone if there is any question regarding a possible July 1st of 2004 inheriting. The June 30th and July 1st meetings were similar to the one-hall office that each visitor had own recipient to take care each's matter. If you were there to inherit, somebody there should know what your inheritable were.)

我本人不是在2004年的7月1日继承的(美国时间),也没听说过那天是否有人在会议上继承财产,所以请不要因为你们自己的钱财继承困扰对我本人及向我提供服务的机构实施骚扰。如果对我方敏有钱感到困扰,请向美国警方提供线索法律依据为何我有钱会让你困扰。(My own inheriting was not on July 1st of 2004 and I did not hear any inheriting rumor from that day, so please do not harass me nor my service providers if you have your own inheriting-confusion about July 1st of 2004. If why I have money is what confuse you, please tip the U.S. law enforcement about reasons)
