
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

09-11-2018 Who has been paying for my expenses?

09-11-2018 Who has been paying for my expenses?

From all the angry voices, it is obvious that the anger is from the confusion regarding the money ownership, it is definitely not any romance confusion.

*Reason: All of them are not from the three big U.S. rich names. The anger is about my very expensive invisible high-tech security and very expensive remote medical expenses. Plus, my daily living expenses such as housing and food, have been covered by the U.S. government's welfare system's Section 8 housing project and Food Stamps (SNAP), obviously never any rich man's any money (updated on 09-12-2018)*.

Very simple way to ease the anger: Money's ownership by LAW.


Please do not request to stop any payment of my expenses, without presenting any lawful evidence of the ownership of the amount of the payment;

Please do not take away any money payment of my expenses, without presenting any lawful evidence of the ownership of the amount of the payment;

Please do not harass or interrupt any paid-already service providers of mine, without presenting any lawful evidence of the ownership of the amount of the payment;

Please do not harass anyone for any money payment of my expenses, and

Please consult the paying company or your own attorneys regarding your confusion.

If there is anyone confused because of romance, please contact your own male or your attorney for your confusion. I will sue you or you both for sexual harassment if you insist on harassing me.

All my father-side grandparents died before I was born, and my parents were both well in 2004. So, it was not a family-inheriting but Trust-inheriting in 2004. 我父系的爷爷奶奶都是在我出生前就已经去世了,我父母2004年也活得很好, 所以我在2004年的继承不是分家产继承(家里刚刚死了人的继承,family inheriting), 而是信托继承。

I only inherited Trusts that I was specified as the sole beneficiary person by the deceased Settler's letter. 我所继承的信托都是由已去世的信托设定人的信托委托书制定我是唯一受益人。

So, if there is any confusion regarding Trust-inheriting from my father-side associated, please consult your attorney. I will report extortion to the law enforcement if you insist on harassing for "your share of the money" that I did not take and don't have. 所以,亲兄弟明算账,如果我父系一方的相关人士,有任何关于我2004信托继承的疑问,请向你们自己的律师咨询,如果你坚持向我索要我从未拥有也从未拿过的所谓“你的那份钱”,我会向警方举报你敲诈勒索。

----Sept 11th, 2018