
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, September 24, 2018

09-24-2018 今天早上播出了中国出入境管理局永久禁止方敏入境 (Forbidden to enter China announced this morning on the radio program)

09-24-2018 今天早上播出了中国出入境管理局永久禁止方敏入境 (Forbidden to enter China announced this morning on the radio program)

I heard this morning's broadcasting about the announcement from the Chinese Bureau of Exit and Entry Administration, the announcement is to forbid me to enter China permanently. I did receive a phone call from NYC consulate about a forged passport caught by Chinese law enforcement earlier this year. I have reported to the U.S. law people that I never heard of the involved personnel and I never participated by providing my personal information. I am not certain if this morning's broadcasting is because of this but it does not bother me a lot.

From outsiders, my situation is if I have money, it is from the Chinese government who organized all these malicious attacks me as a person. If I have no money, I have no friends, nor associated personnel, nor associated any sort of organization, nor any sort of contacts to be a reason for me to go to China, not even as a tourist. All-inclusively in an almost complete list that has announced loudly on the radio program to have no association with me, in the past, at present, and in the future.

From myself, All these conducted malicious shit-throwing on the media are organized by this administration of Chinese government, American Albert Gore and Rockefellers,  I have already contacted U.S. law enforcement about all these illegal activities in radio program producing.

The United States is a lawful country so that I just need to complain to the laws if American Albert Gore or if Rockefellers have conducted malicious sexual harassment or even hate crime against me, both are federal crimes. So, I will be protected by laws if I have been the victim of the sexual harassment or the hate crime that possibly conducted by the American Albert Gore or the Rockefellers. The U.S. government has sworn to keep the U.S. a lawful country.

About China, if it is indeed this administration of the Chinese government who conducted all these crimes as Extortion, threatening, blackmail and name harm against me, it is not a negative announcement at all to forbid me to enter China, as long as I won't be safe from being a victim defined by the Chinese criminal laws but possibly victimized by the Chinese government, this is from my personal safety point of views.

In the United States, to spread maliciousness, negativeness or even hate emotions on public media is beyond the right of freedom of speech.
Reason: Not every single U.S citizen can freely walk into a public media radio broadcasting company to express the personal opinion on a public radio broadcasting media so that it is not the right of freedom granted by the U.S. Constitution that supposes to be a same equal right to all U.S. citizens. I personally think freely publish the personal opinion on a not free-accessible-to-all public media is not in the scope of freedom of speech as the right from the U.S. Constitution.

09-21-2018 The maiden names and a granddaughter's comments (娘家姓氏及一个孙女的评语)
