
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

09-19-2018 My living-enough mother and Trust-Inheriting

09-19-2018 My living-enough mother and Trust-Inheriting

If alive, my mother should be over 76 years old and my father would be over 86 years old, why I need to scream about my mother's sexuality? That is for the leftover portion from the $400Million per year medical expense. So, I make my announcement here: All the accumulated leftover from the $400Million per year medical expenses of my both parents should be transferred back to my name.
----Min Fang 09/19/2018

Without this $400Million per year medical expenses arrangement, my mother's sexuality advantage in legal immigration status and retirement arrangement would be only attractive to "shabby looking man" or the truly homeless, this is indeed true from my own personal experiences. This is because every man else would be wanted by a so much better female that even touching or talking would arouse serious jealous reaction (from my real-life experience), but money hand-over would be tolerable and expected (from rumor-stories style education I have received).

So, I say to my obviously living-enough mother: Don't worry about your sexuality, whoever has an eye for you normally would be persuaded away before a Mister can have an opportunity to see you close enough or before you have ever heard of the Mister. This comforting message is from my own real rich experiences.

Also, the confusion between family-inheriting and Trust-inheriting. The questions are:
1: How can I choose Trust-Inheriting when I have relatives.
I did not choose. It was chosen by the deceased, never by the living. Inheriting is the process of the wealth's ownership change. Family-inheriting means the ownership immediate change from the deceased to the living upon death, by will or no will from the deceased.

Trust-Inheriting means the deceased had intentionally transferred the ownership to the intermedium party to look after the wealth before ownership to be transferred to the intended beneficiary by the will (the Settler's letter). The Trust-inheriting normally happen years after the death.

2: Why I did not inform relatives.
I did forget my inheriting in 2004 so I did not inform anyone. Also, I have no contact information to contact nor inheriting related information in 2015. So I informed everyone on this blog since 2017.

3: Why my brother's wife is not my in-law.
My brother stays in his marriage as his free will even though I heard it is public already that she mothers another man's child. I doubted if this freedom of marriage was the excuse that caused my parents' death-certificates ousted from my parents' own apartment. I am not willing to risk my own living nor my own life as long as I have this doubts. And I already wrote letters to the related places to announce myself have nothing to do with my brother's marriage and his in-laws. So, my brother's wife is not my in-law is factually effective.

4: What will happen if my brother's wife is invited to insult me as you heard on the radio wherever I need to present by those so publicly well-known enemies of mine?
As you heard on the radio, she has been obviously strongly supported by her child's birth father to insult his wife publicly. She may also have been supported by the similar party from the Rockefeller name for possibly similar reasons to insult their own.

I have nothing to do with all parties above and I don't care, but I have "entitled" my brother's wife an "outer public-bathroom" from her mating-pregnancy rumor, and I don't like to be insulted as you have heard on the radio as well for whatever true reasons.

So, I would understand the invitation to her is the public eviction message to me from the host for a lady-inappropriate reason if I am a visitor to a non-public-mating related event.

If the event is hosted in my own place, I would have to ask the inviting patron to publicly expose the personal private area to be convincible of the true needs for the invitation to the entitled "outer public-bathroom" to a non-public-mating related event to be evicted for mating with her.at some other places.

----September 19th, 2018