
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

06-29-2017 If the ruling announcement is not to imply a lawsuit already

Heard at this minute (7:29AM) a group of people are proudly parading on NYC street.
My comment: They are may grouped by
1: A female Hispanic Jessica who carries a child. She, by rumor, was locked into his bedroom with Tina O'Connor securing the door to FXXX to have this child to parade. My kids were told they are not good enough, if that Jessica could be conceived,  by Tina O'Connor right outside that locked door. I tipped FBI after I heard rumor. That is around the day I posted on my web blog stating that I have to take my children from him if this is the true rumor. By the rumor, since that day my my girl has been all agitated. Tina O'Connor hates my children like so and if he is willing to be Tina O'Connor's friend to let this happened to my children are good reasons enough that I file for restrain order to forbid him to visit my children forever. Anyone from his side family who helped this pimped sexual intercourse activities are among those who I sue for all these criminal activities.

Heard this Jessica is not good enough to mother other more prominent name's child is the reason she can be a Ford's mother. Heard the name Jessica is a precious name, not sure if that is still a true statement after I tipped FBI, in entertainment industry because who has this name as birth name deserve to mother prominent names.

2: This Jessica is surrounded by attorneys last named Stephens. They are Tina O'Connor's husband cousins. Some of Tina O'Connor's husband Rick Stephens' third cousins are the attorneys who filed lawsuit which was ruled " no mine own children" as announced this morning. I did not authorize these attorneys to represent me at all and I even did not hear there was a lawsuit filed on my behave already. These attorney Stephens are not even eligible to represent me to file anything regarding my children by huge interest conflicts they impose would be the reason I challenge "if the ruling is based on valid lawsuit".

Tina O'Connor, maybe real named Helen O'Connor as she herself announced on the radio program, has a dating service company by rumor. Not sure if this is how she got into professional whore business like she presented on this radio program. Heard she is currently the only non-radio professional participated on radio program producing.

----June 29th, 2017