
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 23, 2017

06-23-2017 Country Opportunist?? (国家投机分子??)

我的回应: (我曾向纽约中领馆打电话实名投诉,也曾向纽约中领馆发过实名电传。)我重复今天早上我说的“纽约的中国领事馆有我方敏的有效联络地址,有效电邮及老电话号码可有效向我方敏传达中华人民共和国国家主席签发的有关我方敏的任何《中国国家主席令》。”我会在收到相关电邮或信件后在此博客公布内容。
(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured there will be an administration order from Chinese Chairman addressed to me.
My response:(I had called Chinese Consulate in New York to complain in my real name, and I had faxed a letter to the same consulate with my contact information.) I repeat what I said in the morning:"Chinese Consulate New York has my valid contact information to send me or forward me any administrative order regarding me signed by Chairman of People's Republic of China.: I will publish it or them once I receive.----June 23rd, 2017)

(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese government claimed me a "Country Opportunist"
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning "China has to specify which countries government powers have been traded by my illegal criminal activities." (Country Opportunist in P.R China means illegal criminal trading of government powers.)

(Heard Country Opportunist claim was sparked by some conversation happened in July 1st of 2004's meeting.)
My explanation:The group participated in July 1st of 2004 meeting chatted of this are all religious person who believe in luck. The whole conversation about campaign was all about chance of winning from purely lucky factor. In Europe or in US, government power is not permitted to involve in campaign, other wise will be thoroughly investigated and illegal results will be announced.
----June 23rd, 2017)

My inheritances are all lawfully real and lawfully true. My own underwear as a US citizen should never be China's national matter. ----June 23rd, 2017
我方敏继承财产全部都是合法真实确切, 我方敏作为美国公民的私人内裤从来不应该是中国的国家事务。(2017年6月23日)

Heard A lot of people took 2004's meetings as professional seminars cause a lot of anger why I was the one talking knowing I was not an professional.
My response: Those were never professional seminars. It was start off like a gathering and drifted like meetings. Those were never meant professional seminars the same way those were never government officials "cabinet meetings". I was a client who want to have children with some medical help, an investor who want to have a musical, etc. But I was never an DNA expert or a musician. Professional seminar participants deserve to have official invitations from organizers, not a simple phone call, especially won't be a mid-night phone call. (It was mid night in China). I took all these real angers as all real compliments truly honestly expressed.
----June 23rd, 2017


Heard Chinese, like other communities, has huge problem about my big numbered income。
My response: I will do my explanation the best I could. Just a basic logic here: No one will give me free money. The company only has certain amount to reward, contributed deserve to be rewarded and no contributed would self assume a bit less deserved,  IRS won't tolerate tax "saving" through incorrect rate and my accountants are responsible enough to ensure appropriate investor tax for my investment making.
(Income tax rate about 30%, investor tax rate 15%, intellectual property tax rate 10%).
My attorneys are the group sharing the same "what the hell" undervalued un-comfortableness. I am working with them now on why this number and how I deserved it.
----June 23rd, 2017

我的回应: 我会尽量就我的智慧产权收入作我的解释。在此只简略逻辑一下:没有人会送钱给我的。公司就只有这么多可以给;有贡献者都应奖励,且没有任何做出贡献者会认为自己不值得奖励;税务局不会允许报低税率省税,我这些负责任的会计师们会确保我的投资是用适当的投资利得税。(收入税30%左右,投资利得税15%,智慧产权税10%)