
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

06-27-2017 Olympic Game -- My Ancient Grandmother?(奥运会--我奶奶?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured if I am real and my family history. (中文附后)
I guess: I am the person know "not much" but have full imaginations of my ancient family with history . So let me speculate here as the authentic heir.

2100 years ago, that is Han dynasty in China. I stated my long history family started from East Han Dynasty (25 AD) which was started by a child from Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) that referred as West Han dynasty because its capital-ed in west of nowadays' Shanxi province of China. The starter of West Han Dynasty Liu, Bang was the first grandfather of mine who had his famous palms recorded in history book, his two palms had three  horizontal lines matched exactly just the same way mine and my father's palms over 2000 years later. I speculate my grandfathers since him in West Han dynasty were his firstborns like my grandfather, my father and me. But somehow the firstborns were no longer his palms line in the late West Han dynasty was the reason my grandfather Liu, Lu (25 AD) started East Han dynasty and set the family inheritance rule as "Matching Palms Inheritance Rule". Heard what was announced this morning, I am so happy I got something valuable from a grandfather in this historic transition period time.
----June 27th, 2017

Heard this morning's rebroadcasting of 2008 Olympic Games Opening's announcement in Beijing, China " This is the Original source of Olympic Games...".
I speculate:  I have a grandmother who was the one and only Empress in Chinese history. She claimed she was the heir of Zhou Dynasty (1027 -211 BC) when she was "Mother of the Emperor" in Tong Dynasty (618-907 AD). I have been puzzled like "how?", She had nephews carried her maiden family name recorded in history books of Tang dynasty, why she was the heir?  But I know nothing about if those nephews were from her brothers' or from her cousins and which cousin, etc. Anyway, her one-and-only child who was my another Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather devotedly supported her who made his Emporium called hers of WuZhou(武周) dynasty (690 - 705 AD).

About Zhou dynasty (1027 - 211 BC) that my Empress grandmother claimed she was an heir of. I was not good in history class when I was in school, Zhou dynasty is very "unfamiliar" to me. I had checked online about this grandmother of mine, I read on the internet that her grandfather in Zhou dynasty maybe Wen Emperor (周文王)who maybe the heir son of Zhou dynasty's starter Wu Emperor (周武王). By the way, I have two grandfathers in Han Dynasty are titled Wu Emperor(汉武帝) and GuangWu Emperor (光武帝). Another interesting thing about Zhou dynasty is Emperors of Zhou dynasty are called "Son of Heaven"(天子). This "Son of Heaven" (天子)is the nickname later to refer Emperors in China.

A very interesting in my family that had been broadcast-ed on the radio program was me and my father's "sound sleep". It was recorded in history book that my Empress grandmother also famous for that and she liked to say those naps were her meetings with her grandfather Wen Emperor (周文王 )(”梦周公“)。 It is a famous Chinese phrase later to describe sound sleeps. Now you know how dedicated me and my father have been in these meetings with our grandfather Wen Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

So I haven't figure out how to speculate the relationship between myself and "Original source of Olympic Games" yet, so I will continue to speculate when I figure this out.

----June 27, 2017

Chinese history Chart (2017) Retrieved from


2100年前的中国是汉朝时期。我所过我家历史是从东汉时期 (25 AD) 开始。东汉是由汉朝皇帝的一个孩子建立的,早期的汉朝因为首都建在现今的陕西省西端常被称为西汉时期。西汉的开国皇帝刘邦是第一个独特掌纹被记入历史书籍的我的爷爷,他双掌的三条横纹完全吻合, 我父亲和我双掌的三条横纹的完全吻合就和2000多年前的爷爷刘邦一模一样。我猜啊,西汉开始时候的头胎儿子都有刘邦的掌纹,像我爷爷,我父亲和我都是头胎兼有掌纹;到后期可能有掌纹的不再是长子了,所以我爷爷刘璐干脆就建了个东汉(挪到现陕西省东边建了个首都),并且明确规定从他开始家里继承规则是“掌纹继承”。今天早上讲的估计就是这段“掌纹和长子”争执时期的一个爷爷特意留了点东西给我,我真是很开兴。

我猜猜:我有个中国历史上唯一的女皇帝奶奶武则天。她做为公元618-907 时候唐朝的太后宣称自己是公元前1027-211年时期的周朝的继承人(或类似)。我就一直很奇怪"哪有可能啊?”。她有她娘家的武姓侄子们就在唐朝的历史书上记载着呐,怎么会她是继承人啊? 但我不清楚这几个武姓的侄子们是她娘家亲兄弟的,或是她娘家堂兄弟还是几等亲的亲戚的。我就知道,她唯一的孩子也就是我的另一个唐朝皇帝爷爷是全力支持他的母亲自封女皇帝把他自己的帝国被称为是他母亲的武周帝国(公元690-705)。





中国历史年份表 (2017) 摘录于网址: