
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

06-28-2017 No Chinese citizen can yell at my personal matter 没有中国公民可比划我私人事

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Chinese woman choose to be with a Chinese guy only means a loser herself and my personal life is a living proof of that.(中文附后)
My response: Entire time I am saying this Chinese government organized performance is a whore business advertisement.

If Chinese woman choose to be with Chinese guy is only because she is not a loser, is it should be understood by audience that Chinese guys are losers only according to P. R Chinese citizens?

If I do not choose to be with any Chinese guy only means a prove of this, is that imply I have to have a Chinese guy for fxxx only purpose? Is this further imply a Chinese guy is a pig only fxxx-able?

With my analyze above, with another a Chinese female citizen supported by Chinese government officials insist on "have to have a child with a rich stranger" story that radio program also featured, I got the conclusion this is whore ring business organized activities.

----June 28th, 2017.

Why I screamed why this radio program try to impress audience that United States is a colony to People's Republic of China?
My explanation: As a citizen of United States, as a citizen who is ruled by US laws including Constitution, why my US lawful money can be announced on this radio program as denied by Chinese government officials? Why my personal life can be announced by whoever as long as Chinese government officials stand by them?

Evidence: 1:The fund often confused as O'Connor family wealth. This fund is my lawful money according to British laws and US laws, why my lawful ownership constantly insulted by Chinese government officials on this radio program?

2: Yesterday, my representative attorney announced I have inheritance entrusted 2100 years ago represented by him and his announcement was insulted 2 minutes later by a Chinese government stating "she has no money" on the same episode of the same radio program. Is this to say US attorneys announcement according to US laws means nothing at all as long as insults being supported by Chinese government officials?

3: US marriage conducts are freedom granted by US constitution. Why my personal life constantly insulted by Tina O'Connor's "truly felt" as a US Foreign Department employee as long as she got Chinese government officials supports? I decided to sue her to everything she did in US government employee's name.

My statement: There is no Chinese citizen can yell managing my personal matter including my private romance and my private wealth.

----June 28th, 2017








What else to freak you out? 吓死人的婚姻登记


证明: 1: 常被混淆为O'Connor家财产的那个基金。按照英国和美国的法律,基金就是我方敏财产,为什么我的合法拥有基金事实却经常被中国政府官员通过这个广播剧加以挑衅?

2: 昨天, 我的代表律师宣布我有一笔2100年前的信托由他代理,他的声明2分钟以后就被中国政府官员在同一集广播剧里以“她根本就没钱”进行挑衅。这是不是在说只要有中国政府官员支持挑衅,美国律师根据美国法律发表的声明就只是胡说八道而已?

3:美国的婚姻相关法律体现美国宪法所赋予的自由。为什么我私人生活经常被Tina O'Connor 的一句句“我真的这么认为”来挑衅就只因为她是美国外交部雇员且受到中国政府官员的支持?我已经决定就她以美国政府雇员身份所做的(侵犯我私人合法权益)一切诉诸法律。

