Heard this morning's broadcasting ends with a senior's voice stating he has his own children. Heard that was Tina O'Connor's father.
My response: I have no complain of my own biological children's excellent origins. I inherited my own biological grandfather's wealth according to this grandfather's own will. The wealth cause O'Connors' families' confusion was willed & entrusted by my own biological grandfather who passed away about 600-800 years ago. My name in this grandfather's will, like in all my grandfathers' will, is the nickname "female (heir) palms".
----June 16th, 2017
Heard the question why I can't let some mother have money since I have some money.
My response: I choose to and I deserve to live for my own biological children. It is every deserve to have money mothers' questions that make it worldwide known case I myself is currently in poverty and understood as 'deserve' to die in poverty because of all these deserve-ness from everyone who want some money.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard confusion that never imaginable that I can make such big amount money easily in a just several hours.
My response: It is misunderstanding. It was never this easy. I was a early mature and very bright kid since teenage time, but my performance had been so-so entire time till 2004. I am the person enjoy reading anything I could find and absorb everything printed ever since I learned to read. It was BioGate project independent research experience make the "everything all comes together" happened. I finished BioGate window logon replacement project from requirement printed on a piece of paper in 2000 to a fully functioned software in 2003. I independently researched all modules of this window logon replacement project other than Bio-authentication module. The meetings were in 2004.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard if there are some invention fee kind income, why not a single penny taxed?
My response: What I heard is, so far, not a single check in my name has been deposited/taxed in my name. Most of these deposits can not be cashed but few have been cashed since 2010. I myself do not even know the amount or checks origins (majority of them were from 2004 meetings). I tipped law enforcement as much as I could. 2004 meetings were all electronic conferences and all have been recorded.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting in Chinese was Chinese government's frustration why they are involved.
I would say: I heard the reason is there are some "smart" people educating Chinese government that 1.3 Billion Chinese citizen can have roughly $5000 each if they can let worldwide staff of my inheritances work for them. They already made the "hello" phone call and they truly deserve to be fully supported by Chinese government to announce this ownership change made by this hello phone call.
听说了早上的中文争议, 我听说的争议原因是有人在”教育“中国政府如果能把我的财产全部抢到手,中国十三亿公民每人可分5000美金。也就是世界人民做工(我的基金工作人员), 中国人民只管拿钱。他们都已经打过"hello"电话了,中国政府必须支持并且协助宣布一通”hello“电话已经足够让基金换主人了。
----June 16th, 2017
Heard saying in and from Chinese community of my money at most "$3 Million" or "$300 Million".
My response: The $3 Million was the number said by a China town psychic reader in 1997 or 1998 when I was a student/restaurant cashier. The $300 Million number was said by myself in 2000 when I was a computer programmer in Janus Associates. The $300 Million, according to my saying, would be my own making; $3 Million, according to the Chinese palm reader, would be some inheritance. Both are not any real numbers from any serious conversation with any realistic ground, both numbers are far below the real numbers. 听说华人社区有传我的钱最多就“三百万美金”或“三亿美金”。“三百万美金是1997-1998年我还在打餐馆念书时纽约一个看手相的先生说的, ”三亿美金“是我在Janus Associates做电脑程序员是说的。按我的说法,“三亿美金”是我自己能挣的;按看相先生的说法,“三百万美金”是家里先人留给我的。这两个数字都不是什么实际事实数据,涉及的谈说也不是什么正式会谈,我继承的和我自己挣的实际事实数字都比这两个闲聊中的数字大很多。
----June 16th, 2017
我的回应:这只能说我方敏不是个愿意被虐待的人, 我方敏从来不是容易被人影响的人。在中国是有个说法叫”打是亲,骂是爱“,但这打骂如果没有任何善意并且很过分的情况下再愿意被人往死里打往死里骂在中国的说法就已经是”这根本就是花痴精神病“。在心理学上”被虐待狂“(喜欢被人打骂)是一种病态心理。
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
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