
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, June 12, 2017

06-12-2017 Is a General Attorney expected an actress?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "if Min Fang has income, why not paying income tax?" with the answer from MA General Attorney "She is not  the person I am protecting"
My Response: I paid my income tax and is put under a Jessica's name.
I heard General Attorney of MA is protecting a woman who wants to kick my kids and me out of Charles Ford's life per David Petraeus' request. My income tax can not put under my name is for this SO GREAT reason to devoid me . If Charles Ford never had anything to do with me, like David Petraeus himself, why I can not have my own money is the only reason they can have a life well provided and I never requested? Why I am not allowed to be provided by my own money knowing they are in anywhere but not Boston where I reside? There is a State Senator O'Connor in MA.

I voice my questions here after I send FBI letters.
I: I tip the MA general office about radio company $4 Billion my major featured person fee income since 2005. I heard some of this $4 Billion has been transferred to some accounting firms. Does not matter how accounting firm try to invest this much money, Income tax has to be paid. So I assume Income tax must have been paid and wrote an email to Attorney General Office of MA. That is the income accumulated since 2005. Today I heard it is under a Jessica's name and she registered as MA resident since last year. (** Heard it was done by an accountant Mr. Knowlton).

II: After David Petraeus publicly announced on the radio he had nothing to do with me and he father Jessica's children and call her father father-in-law, why it is his business keep sending letters everywhere including to government officials to state I have no romantic relationship with another person? why it is his business? He is not writing letters about if he knew I have any inheritances as I stated him as eyewitness on my letter, he is writing letters to state about my romances, why he need to do this? His Jessica has been illegally spending my $4 Billion, that radio company put aside , since 2013 because, by rumor, that is suppose her allowance. How could possibly an rich investor's woman can have personal allowance saved in a business company?  Why I am a threat as MA resident to a NYC resident Charles Ford ? And I can't even allowed to be provided by my own money because of this illusion? And helped by A General Attorney? Do I hear wrongful rumors?

----June 12th, 2017

I send this blog article with June 3rd post "Not a Joke" to email address ago@state.ma.us
I noted in the letter I can not hear the broadcasting on my own clock radio is not from my willingness. (I did turn on my clock radio and car radio in the past  to channel 106.7FM from 5AM to 7AM, I do not hear the program and I was never informed what has been the channel.)
----June 12th, 2017