
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

06-21-2017 To Succeed Is Never Easy (II)

06-21-2017 To Succeed Is Never Easy (II) 成功从来不容易(翻译附后)

I heard a lot of people feel uncomfortable of the size of my own making. Why their hard working only worth this much and how come I can make money so easily.
My response: It is misunderstanding. It was never this easy. I was a early mature and very bright kid since teenage time, but my performance had been so-so entire time till 2004. I am the person enjoy reading anything I could find and absorb everything printed ever since I learned to read. It was BioGate project independent research experience make the "everything all comes together" happened. I finished BioGate window logon replacement project from requirement printed on a piece of paper in 2000 to a fully functioned software in 2003. I independently researched all modules of this window logon replacement project other than Bio-authentication module. The meetings were in 2004. (Published on June 16th, 2017)

Let me explain my self more. Scientists may already understand what I mean by independent research experience I finished in 2003 was the reason "realization of every little piece finally comes together"  in 2004. I would assume a lot of people know the feeling of last piece of puzzle makes everything comes together. That is what I mean to succeed is never easy and that is what happened to me in 2004.

Talking about financial returns of hard working experience. To Science Academy society, scientists there may prefer rewarded by Nobel Prize and with with financial returns. To writers would be fame and on the top of best sellers' list.

I am in the group like hedge fund managers who not really have a reach to honors like Nobel Prize but good and settled with achievements in financial returns.

To succeed is not easy, to put in some much effort and watch other people succeed, especially at the spot that assumed got the point, is...

When I first got here US in 1996, I soon heard male sexual function improvement supplement is a huge market possible. Being a pharmacologist I did aware of some researches done in this field and I was very interested to know if I can get into this business. I did not actually have any chance to look into this but it was always in my mind as a good business opportunity if I can figure out how herbs or some compositions can be really effective to erect the male organ. I finally figured that out in June of 2004 and I was almost cried when I heard Viagra (blue) was already ready for market on July 1st of 2004. I knew that researcher PhD Professor got it without even finishing listen to his introduction.

I can totally imagine how so many devoted researchers felt that day when Viagra (blue) was announced.

----June 21st, 2017 


让我来多解释一点。 科学家们可能已经明白我说的”独立研发经历是我对所有读过的东西豁然开窍的原因“讲的是什么。我估计很多人也都明白什么是“最后一个谜题的破解解释了所有的疑问”。这就是我自己2004年的会议经历及我为什么说成功从来不容易的原因。



成功不容易,坐在那里眼睁睁看着别人成功,特别是别人的成功就在自己也已经找到诀窍的同一领域课题, 真的是。。。


