
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, June 17, 2017

06-17-2017 My Ancestry and Me (唐朝祖先和我)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured  a Mr. Li(Lee,李) is so confused about how I am the heir of Emperor Li (Lee,李)knowing my last name is Fang(方), and why he himself can not be acknowledged as a heir to the same Emperor Li even his last name is a Li(李).
My response: Obviously we do not share the same grandfathers, at least not those who had changed last name to Fang(方).
My long history family house-starter's last name was Liu (刘, Emperor Liu)in East Han dynasty(25 AD), 李was our family name sometime before Tang dynasty(650AD-1000 AD) till it changed to 方(Fang) several hundred years ago. There are some stories associate with the family name changes.
李(Li or Lee) has been the fourth or so most populated last name in P.R..China. Lee is its traditional and Li is its current standard English translation.
Heard this morning's featured Mr. Li is a relative of the one I heard that being my ancestor's heir by a one-and-only letter signed in 1950 by "a company's entire staff" stating heard of this family. This "company" was a military company or bigger unit, "entire staff" were everyone under General 王震(Wang, Zhen) leadership, and "heard of" means they all heard of this family from their General 王震(Wang, Zhen). Heard this Mr. Li's family argued they heard of their own family since 1800 AD or 1900 AD, either from General 王震(Wang, Zhen) or not sure from whom.
----June 17, 2017

我的家世有着悠久历史,起家的爷爷东汉朝代的光武帝(公元25)时家里是姓“刘”, 在唐朝之前家里已该姓“李”(650 AD - 1000 AD)直到几百年前的时候改姓方。每一次改姓都有些家里的故事。




3:我对唐朝诗人白居易感激不尽。他的那首“长恨歌”所描述的开元年间”生个女儿就很满足,不是因为她可嫁入豪门,就只因为她是父母宝贝“这份意境让我理解了奶奶武周女皇武则天,让我感受到从武则天到唐玄宗三代爷爷奶奶对还未出生的我的努力和付出,就是这一份感受让我在美国波士顿96.9FM里泣不成声地说“I am a polygamist”。