Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Miss Li that frustrated about her confusion of who father her. (听说今天早上的广播提到一位李小姐关于谁是她父亲的困扰)
My response: If my father ever dated her mother and had sexual experience, it is more appropriate to let my father respond why he chose my mother. The truth is my father never had anything close to friendship with her mother, not to mention romantically.
Heard her mother graduated from Nanjing University same astrophysics major as my father but not same year. They never dated in college. There were only few hundred or 1000 astrophysicist in China then, my father's colleague either his classmates or same college alumni. They all knew this is a true statement because they knew my father's romance history.
My father was assigned to Nanjing Purple Mountain Observatory, her parents both work for Beijing Observatory. The distance between her family and my family were 23 hours train time. At the time when she was conceived, China workdays schedule was 6 days a week and one day off on Sunday. My father was not on business trip around time she was conceived. And there was no airline offer any "real"commercial flight, meaning? Special permission needed to buy a ticket.
The confusion was caused by a fight over a one-piece dress my father got me when I was 6-7 years old. There was a professional seminar that year in Beijing in 1974 or 1975, Chinese Science Academy Headquarter organized some special offering like this very pretty one-piece girl's dress. It was around ¥7 while my father and his college's monthly income was ¥53.(My mother was ¥8). Heard Beijing Observatory gave all its employee one free piece each person. The fight broke when her parents took a piece from the booth saw my father approaching to buy one.
The fight confused everyone presented because her mother was so angry that why my father only spend money on me not her daughter; my father was so angry that it was his salary of his own to buy for me. The trick done the confusion was I referred as Min Fang, she was referred as her mother's daughter in this whole fight. Entire time her biological father who is also her mother's husband was standing right next to her mother. Everybody around got the impression that two girls sounds like sharing the same father. Actually my father's argument entire time implied "This is my own salary I am buying for my daughter, why I have to spend on your daughter?' About this incidence, I , like my father, puzzled why her mother feel so angry and so eligible to yell at my father? This incidence pissed off my father for over 30 years.
(争执内容是她的母亲很气愤我父亲只肯花钱给我买衣服,却不肯给漂亮得多的她买衣服;我父亲很气愤说他是用他自己的工资替他女儿买衣服怎么不可以。争执困扰了很多在现场的人。引发误会的原因是我在争执中是被双方称为“方敏”,她在争执中被双方称为“她母亲的女儿”,她母亲的丈夫(她自己的血缘父亲)整个争执过程都在她母亲旁边站着。 这称谓让所有在场的人都误会这两个女孩共有一个父亲。其实我父亲在争执中的论点就是在说“我是用我自己的工资(不是公款)替我女儿买衣服,我为什么要替你女儿买衣服?” 就这事件,我和我父亲同样的困扰就是她母亲哪来的这愤怒又哪来的这资格冲着我父亲嘶吼?这争执把我父亲给气了30多年)
Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed her confusion that she seldom enjoy her biological father's benefit.(听说今天早上还提到她从小就没有享受到她父亲福利)
My response: Her "saving" of her biological father's benefit was given by her biological parents to her biological younger brother as suppose to. No outsider of her lawful biological family enjoyed her biological father's anything from her "saving". She cannot blame my father of her lost from her biological father's loving financial expressions. My father and I are not the responsible party to make up this kind loss of hers.
She is, by rumor, the reason I was not allowed to have access to the phone in January of 2004 meeting.(有传言她是我2004年一月会议不得接电话的原因)
My elaboration: Heard she was a colleague to Chinese Premier in Chinese Youth Party Beijing Headquarter, not sure if she was at 1989 colleges' phone conference that heard I have money abroad. Heard she is a in-law to a Chinese diplomat's in 2004's meeting. Heard everyone knew this in-law of hers believed she is the "real first born". Heard in January 2004 meeting she already requested via her in-law that anything regarding me need her approval as "real first born". This has pissed me off entire past 10 years time.
If she continues accusing my father and I, and if she continues her pursue of financial compensation or sharing my inheritances out of this confusion, I will sue her and her helping party for criminal activities.(如果她继续坚持就此困扰指责我和我父亲或要求财产继承权或经济补偿, 我会视为敲诈并要求对她及帮助她敲诈的人员提出刑事起诉。)
----June 22nd, 2017 (2017年6月22日)
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
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