
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

06-18-2017 Science Academy Kids

When I was applying my current school, the interview question was "How confident am I do online remote study?"
I answered: I had worked for R&D (research and development) for four to five years when I was a computer programmer.
Once I had done independent research as working experience, I learned that the best way to start a new project is to follow the instruction or requirement. The person, normally a professor or experienced manager, already input from this person's best knowledge what need to look into, as requirement and as draft, to start a new research.
Now I do my papers very easily: I do "exactly" what professor requested. Meaning? If I do not come up better idea of my own, I follow each step as professor advised. Once started, everything is just researching for the questions developed during the process.
----June 18th, 2017

Heard somebody doubted I was affluent in college when my family having such simple living quarter.
My response:  Well, that maybe from the group not familiar with Science Academy or Colleges faculty families. In China, 1980 time college graduates salary income for my parents age was about ¥150. My mother was high school graduated accountant paid as 50. So I got my share of family income 50 for my college time. Not exaggerating at all. Some kids came from both college graduates parents family got 100 as monthly providing in college.
--June 18th, 2017

This is the good part of being a Science Academy kid, parents got good housing and benefit, nobody got concern of pension of job security. That was the reason my family was OK even I was in college when my mother lost her job in 1980 that left her no chance to have pension for the rest of her life. I wished all my heart that my mother can still be alive. She married into my rich family and being a mother of the heir but she was not provided for as she deserved. Being the one she spoiled, I just wish she could have a chance to enjoy what I can provide for her from my own y making. She was never my burden.
----June 18th, 2017

Heard some saying that being a mother, I do not devote as a mother should be.
My response: My current situation is not my own wish. I may not be the nursing type mother as others assume but I am being a responsible mother. I grew up as a Science Academy kid that used to develop my own interests when my parents busy on their own matters. I assume I am already so much better on this front than those who brought up by both researcher parents.
----June 18th, 2017

In Science Academy society, kids like me who are not interested in doing pure "theoretical" research but like to do practical engineering stuff are already considered "loser kid" or "failure kid"; if being a business person prefer earnings as I am so proud of,  I assume am the one everybody say that "she do make some money."
----June 18th, 2017