
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

06-20-2017 好像是有人在向中科院诈财(Who is racketeering?)

我的回应:不知中科院需要做此公开声明的原因是什么。就我所知,中科院总院是在北京,而我父亲是曾在南京工作, 于1993年就已在南京退休。我本人就方敏自己在美国的发明费用支付支票被人转存领取已以我方敏自己的美国公民身份就方敏自己的智慧产权向美国联邦调查局写信及麻州检察长办公室写信向麻州报警。请参阅本人6月14日博文(英语)

关于我方敏是否有可能有发明费的逻辑基础, 请参阅6月16日博文(英语):

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese Science Academy (Headquarter) Communism Party Chairman who announced I have no claim in Chinese Science Academy.
My response: I have no idea why he need to make such announcement. Sound like they have been racketeered by. Chinese Academy headquartered in Beijing, my father had worked for its Nanjing branch till he retired 1993. I myself had called law enforcement's help regarding what I heard about my invention fees and other intellectual income. Please see

If I possibly have an realistic log to have any invention fees, please check

---June 20th, 2017; 2017年6月20日。

听说2016年5月至7月时, 中科院总院当时已退休的前党委书记在广播剧上发声说如果我不是婊子,哪会有这么多人痛骂我是婊子?
Heard between May to July of 2016, radio program featured an episode stated if I am not whore, why so many people shit me so.
My response: This is the reason I speak up on this blog and keep calling law enforcement's help. I accused this is public racketeering effort.
British Royals and British government know for sure I have not been to Britain; People's Republic of China government know for sure I have no contact at all with their huge Premier since 1991. Those patched stories impressed audience of me for who I never was is the reason I am keep calling law enforcement's help.
I am a female heir from a long history polygamist family is the reason I feel comfortable about being a traditional polygamist myself having a male's privilege. )
----2017年6月20日。June 20th, 2017

我的回应:听说2004年7月日会议周小川行长有参加。他应该很清楚当时所有人都知道我是只读了一本《宏观经济学》,也都很惊奇就一本书知识我就能对很多经济问题有自己的看法。请参阅 http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/05/05-08-2017-4.html
(Translation: Heard Former Chinese federal Bank CEO saying I am not an Economist in May to July 2016 time.
My response: I heard he was in July 1st of 2004 meeting that everyone there knew I was one book knowledge and were all very surprised that I could have this and that reasonable thoughts about economy with this one and only book's knowledge. ----June 20th, 2017)

我的回应:我的脑控癌治疗是我方敏自己的基金(继承)支付, 目前已支付的治疗费用总额已近9亿美元。从来都是我按爷爷们遗嘱所继承的美国基金公司的支票账户付费。我方敏从未使用中国军费也不知中国军费任何开支。(至于这基金那基金是不是我的钱, 请参阅:
中文翻译: http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-11-2017.html)
(Translation: Heard radio program implied that there was over ¥100 Million RMB spent on my glass house cancer treatment.
My response:  My glass house cancer treatment has been paid by my own inheritances, total amount paid is close or a bit over $900 Million already. The treatment has been paid entire time by American Funds that I inherited according to my own grandfathers' written wills. These funds all have been in US (including cloning America time) for several hundred years. About confusion of whose money, please check http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-03-2017-not-joke-but-reaon.html
----June 20th, 2017)

我的回应:我在2015年就公开说所谓七亿元人民币其实是中国广播剧参与播放单位应付给广播剧制作单位的费用,产生误会是因为支票没写抬头且交付支票的中方广播公司工作人员又开了个玩笑引发。我2016年在波士顿96.9 FM也表达了同样说法。我的爷爷们给我的已经很丰厚了。我自己在广播剧里做做女主人公也挣了40亿美金了, 听说那部立体电影Avatar也是差不多我挣了有40亿美金呢。
(Translation: Heard this morning Jiangsu Province governor emphasized in the radio program that no such ¥700 Millions had ever given to me.
My response: I already said publicly that this ¥700 Million was the producing fee that Chinese broadcasting radio stations owed to American radio program producing company. The ”confusion“ was caused by no-titled check and an inappropriate joke made by the employee of Chinese broadcasting radio stations who sent the check. This was the same story I said on 96.6 FM in 2016. The blessings I got from my own biological grandfathers are very handsome.  I myself made about $4 Billion in the radio program, and I heard 3-D movie Avatar made another $4 Billion I call my own making.
----June 20th, 2017)